Addict Makes A Recovery

Addict Makes A Recovery

Once I was a druggie, down and out.
I loved to get high, without a doubt.
Be it pills, booze, crack, or grass.
I would go at it till I fell on my ass.

Then one day, when I was really low,
I sat wondering; ‘where does this go?’
If I kept on like this I would be gone.
I had a feeling it wouldn’t take long.

I decided to change my ways.
I looked old, flabby, & pretty frayed.
I got online & read a lot.
Much of it was just a crock.

You are what you eat.
Eat veggies, fruit, nuts, & meat.
Do everything in moderation.
Even exercise, to my elation.

Keep away from everything I did before.
Now that really opened up a new door.
Do prayer & meditation.
Before bed or when you awaken.

Drink pure water. Much more than usual.
Yet, don’t overdo it. It’s a good move though.
I had my list of what to do.
I would need some help from you.

It was real rough starting out.
Till I learned what it was about.
Till I flushed & detoxed my system,
I didn’t know what I was missing.

I ate organic fruits & veggies.
No more processed food. Not even spaghetti.
After a couple months I had it down.
People were amazed when they came around.

I lost weight & looked super healthy.
My body looked like I was wealthy.
My muscles had definition.
I looked like I was on a mission.

A six pack was starting to show.
I had tons of energy, you know.
Girls were beginning to look my way.
It was a ton of work, but worth every day.

Addicts, let this be a lesson for you.
You can become just like this to.
Just set your mind & save your life.
You will have much less strain & strife.

——————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

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