Playboy Finds His True Love


      Playboy Finds His True Love

It was a tough decision but, it had to be made.

Life was more than just getting laid.

A radical change in life style is coming on.

I have found someone for who I have grown fond.

I have always been a free spirit type of person.

Never tied down to one. Was it a curse then?

All of a sudden I want to change my style.

I desire to stay with just one for awhile.

She is different, without really trying to be.

Somehow, she has gotten through to me.

In chains of love, she had wrapped up my heart.

Now, I can’t stand the time that we are apart.

I want her with me all of the time.

I want to make her permanently mine.

I have to watch my every move.

I don’t want her to have to choose.

I want her to always know that I am the one.

The one who can always make her life fun.

Dedication and faithfulness is new to me.

But, doing so, I really feel free.

It is something I feel like I want to do.

I always want to be true blue.

This is a totally new way of life.

I am positive I want her for my wife.

I never knew things could be so good.

Just as long as it is always understood.

This is a commitment I am trying to make.

I know everything that is at stake.

But, if you love me like I love you,

then neither of us will ever be a fool.

I see things getting so good,

it is indescribable, even if I could.

I will feel like I am genuinely blessed.

If and when you will just say yes!!

——————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)







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