The Difference Between Love And Lust


The Difference Between Love And Lust

Lay down beside me.

Make my life complete.

I want to ‘touch’ you.

From your head to your feet.

Physical contact in that ‘special’ way.

The kind that makes you shiver all over.

I am not just here to play.

I want to express my love.

I want to find your erogenous zones.

With every touch I want to say I love you.

I love it when it makes you moan.

I want to not only satisfy you.

I want to brink you to a climax.

I want you to moan and scream.

I want to make such an impact

you will never forget how much I love you.

I want you to know it is not just sex.

It is an expression of my all in every way.

My desire to please you completely.

To let you know I always want you to stay.

It will be special. Only for you and I to share.

I want to take you to the stars.

I want you to experience a super nova.

Something that is only ours.

Seal my love for you in a way you’ll never forget.

We will sail off into a blinding sun.

There to be made over and over.

To finally return home to have more fun.

As we wind it down to return to this world.

We will have bonded in a way that lasts.

We will always know how the other feels.

Whenever one of us comes in gasps.

We will know it is so much more than fun.

——————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)



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