Faith Till The Very End
There I was, sneaking through the woods.
Hiding out the best I could.
They seem to be everywhere.
Acting like they don’t have a care.
Yet, few true believers are left.
There is less every day, I’ll bet.
They have done all to snuff us out.
Were to blame, is what it’s about.
We must hide in the mountains and caves.
We are in prayer in every way every day.
The Lord provides our water and food.
Just like Elijah, despite his depressed mood.
We are all sealed in our minds.
We are waiting for that special time.
When we will see our Lord in the air.
People will witness it everywhere.
Just before killed off by his brightness.
We’ll be changed into His likeness.
Then, we will be heading to our real home.
Hi love reflected in our faces, shown.
But, for now, I hide and sneak around.
Hoping others, like me, can be found.
We can draw strength from one another.
Come together, my sisters and brothers.
Our Lord will be here soon, then we’ll say:
We have been waiting for this very day.
————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)