Will A Little Dab Do Ya?


      Will A Little Dab Do Ya?

A little dab will do ya.

I heard this often as a teen.

You will look so cool! Yeah!

Need any more be keen?


Yes! A lot more can be said.

Hair gel doesn’t get it.

If you’re looking to be wed,

shape up, just a little bit.


It was big when I was young.

Slick down the hair & turn them on.

Big hype to get a honey bun.

But, in the end, they would be gone.


Some call it growing up.

Others  say experience is the best teacher.

I don’t mean to interrupt.

But, there is more than being a preacher.


To each his own when it comes to love.

You don’t find it, it finds you.

Unless you are talking about love from above,

there is usually a lot to go through.


There are disappointments and hurts.

There is ups and downs along the road of life.

Your happy times may come in spurts.

Or, you may cruise along with minimal strife.


Best choice is be true to yourself.

Treat others as you wish to be treated.

Be trustful. No hitting below the belt.

The Golden Rule will keep you from being deleted.


What goes around comes around.

Karma, or whatever, it will come back on you.

If your motives are on solid ground

what comes back will be good too.


A little dab may do ya when you’re young.

But, as you mature, much more is needed.

Before your love life has really begun,

build on the foundation that is the sweetest.

——————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)






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