Father’s Day
It is Father’s Day today.
This is a very special day.
Similar to what Mother’s Day was.
A day to thank father for what he does.
Most father’s are the family head.
Mothers will show you how to make a bed.
But, father’s will be your protector.
He is the bread winner, or a defector.
You’ve heard of ‘dead beat dads’?
Well, all dads are not.—– I’m glad.
A real dad will be there for you.
You can come to him when you need to.
He will be understanding & give support.
He will be loving without a snide retort.
He will be a role model for his son.
If you’re a daughter, you’re his only one.
He will treat all his children with pride.
All are the apple of his eye.
He will be loving, generous, and kind.
He will help you with what’s on your mind.
He will go out of his way for you.
He is always there when you need him to.
He will be supportive in every way.
Yet, he will set boundaries for your play.
A father has a special role to fill.
Easier, if you follow your Heavenly Father’s will.
Everyone in the family should look up to him.
He will lead them to a lifelong win.
Some father’s fall short of this goal.
But, if you were really in the know.
There were usually reasons for his short comings.
Though, he was probably good at some things.
Regardless of what type your father is.
This day is set aside to be his.
So show him all your love for him.
Doing so is not a sin.
If you are male, you may be a father too.
What is good for your father is good for you.
——————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)