The Battle Against The Gods

      The Battle Against The Gods

I could feel something happening near me.

Strange gods drinking from the Well Of Shadows.

I drew Tryfling, (my sword), bringing power to see.

I summoned the ‘rapture of vision’ with a rattle.


All around the Well of Shadows they were.

The strange gods in various manifestations

Bound with dark webs of talic force inferred.

They wanted the impulse clouds, it was indicated.


Impulse clouds in the Well Of Shadows drew them.

They thrived & grew strong from the clouds.

Their ability to manipulate time, space, & dimensions

increased when they could feed, if allowed.


I could not let this happen at any cost.

Only I had the ability to stop them.

We had fought before & I had lost.

But, I learned enough to now, maybe, win.


Strange gods like Death, Wisdom, Cruelty, Mercy,

Loyalty, Stupidity, Justice, Chaos, and War.

Others, who were unknown to me, I could see.

They all needed to be stopped to even the score.


I cut into the webs of talic with Tryfling.

I severed all the webs, leaving them unbound.

I felt nothing. Not even like crying.

The strange gods were alone, looking all around.


The strange gods were unbound now.

They took on their most terrifying aspects.

I sliced the head off the most powerful cow.

Death’s manifestation fell to the ground in ashes.


Dismayed, the rest  fled to different time/space loci.

The sky brightened. Peace came over the land.

I hope to never face them again.——Oh my!!.

Life goes on but, I fear, again they may need my hand.

——————————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)





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