A Dream, Or Real?


      A Dream, Or Real?

I had a dream, or was it real?

Either a nightmare, or the real deal.

I saw the future. It was a mess.

Nothing was moving, as you might guess.

I saw a city. All grey and black.

Most buildings destroyed where they sat.

Was it a bomb? Maybe a tragic fire?

It was a horrible sight. I’m not a liar!

All forests were  burned to the ground.

There was nothing left around.

All fields and farms destroyed.

I was starting to get annoyed.

Who could have done this terrible thing?

Was  it something nature could bring?

Was there a war? It was so wide spread.

I could not even see any dead.

The sea looked like it was  boiling.

What is it that is uncoiling?

I looked at the mountains. They were bare.

It was like I was floating in the air.

Looking down on damnation.

Redemption was on vacation.

Everywhere I could think of, I went.

I saw nothing. What was this event?

The end of all we have known, for sure.

Did it happen because of the way we were?

Is this what’s left after Jesus second coming?

If so, there is no place you could be running.

When this happened there was nothing but death.

Be very, very glad it hasn’t happened yet.

Was it a dream, or will it end up being real?

I guess it depends on who’s at the wheel.

——————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




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