It is allergy time again.
There’s yuck dripping from your chin.
You cough, hack, and pee your pants.
Get choked up, like in a trance.
Your eyes will water and burn.
You look like you swallowed a worm.
Your nose will run. You’re not having fun.
The ground is parched from too much sun.
Things still bloom, sometimes in vain.
They would bloom more, if it would rain.
Pollens pollute the air.
Allergens are everywhere.
There is no place to run and hide.
You feel like you are half alive.
Is there nothing we can do?
Is there something to swallow or chew?
Over the counter meds are a joke.
They don’t help to lessen the smote.
You won’t be able to sleep at night.
All the coughing & hacking just ain’t right.
Mother nature is smacking you around.
Maybe, you should live underground.
They say you should take a sea cruise.
But, with sea sickness, you’ll still lose.
Try a dry climate, like desert living.
Remember, a sunburn is unforgiving.
Just hang in there and tough it out.
Sooner or later, you’ll be done with this bout.
Then, maybe, you can breathe again.
Until then, good sneeze there, my friend.
———————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)