Confessions Of A Gun Slinger
A big dark cloud is coming down.
I can’t see what is around.
I feel this may be the end of me.
Finally,—– I will be free.
I’ve been running most of my adult life.
Just because I had a few gun fights.
I feel my time is just about up.
Soon, I may take a bullet in the gut.
I won’t let them take me alive.
My bullets will fly like bees from a hive.
Sooner or later they will gun me down.
There is no way out that I have found.
I have only killed in self defense.
In a gun fight you can’t be on the fence.
They drew on me so I gunned them down.
There was not always someone else around.
I gained the reputation of a killer.
None of which ever did occur.
I am guilty before I am tried.
I would never make it to jail alive.
Justice for me is when they kill me dead.
They just want to put a bullet in my head.
If given a choice I would never shoot again.
I would hang up my guns and never sin.
But, my choice has been taken away.
I will either die today or live another day.
Sooner or later, I know what it will be.
Deader than a doornail, but I will be free.
Mothers, tell your sons.
Don’t do what I have done.
The end doesn’t justify the means.
Being the best is not what it seems.
—————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)