The Little Knight Overcomes ‘Evil’
The little knight was dreaming again.
Once again, the ‘evil’ was after him.
The little knight would make a stand.
“I will defeat this ‘evil’,— if I can.”
The little knight had no idea what to do.
The ‘evil ‘was after him. This he knew.
What exactly was this ‘evil’ thing?
Something in his mind began to ring.
Maybe the ‘evil’ was really sin.
It was coming after him.
But, everyone has to deal with sin?
There was only one way that he could win.
He surrendered himself to Christ.
He trusted God with all his might.
Then, suddenly, the ‘evil’ was there.
It seemed to be around him everywhere.
He held up a Bible and a crucifix.
Said “In the name of Jesus be gone quick.”
The little knight awoke with a jerk.
He was shaking & sweat soaked his shirt.
He knew exactly what he must do.
He knelt & prayed like in a pew.
He asked forgiveness for his sins..
He accepted the Lord as his God within.
After that his ‘nightmares’ stopped.
The ‘evil’ was gone from his thoughts.
The little knight praised the Lord day & night.
He was precious in the Lord’s sight.
——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)