The Mystery Continues
The little knight was on his usual patrol.
Then something touched his very soul.
He started heading into unknown woods.
Should he go on? He didn’t know if he could.
This was way off his usual area to check.
He was nervous, but what the heck.
His job was to protect the realm
He kept things safe when at the helm.
The woods grew very dark & dense.
He never saw a single fence.
Then, up ahead, he saw the tower.
Nothing around but brambles & bowers.
It was a cold, dark, eerie place.
He felt a cold sweat on his face.
The tower was very high.
The top reached way up into the sky.
He searched all around for a door.
When he could almost search no more
he found what may be a way in.
Very fine lines on the outer trim.
Shaped like a small narrow door.
It extended down to the floor.
He used his blade to pry in a crack.
He heard a creak & he jumped back.
This narrow door swung in.
Thank God the little knight was thin.
He slipped into the doorway at last.
On the wall hung a torch held fast.
He lit the torch & went up the hall.
It was narrow space & not very tall.
It went round & round at a gradual slope.
Funny this place didn’t have a moat.
Only briers & brambles he cut through.
Why it was here, he hadn’t a clue.
He kept going on for a very long time.
It was becoming quite a climb.
The little knight felt that something was wrong.
How much longer could this climb go on?
Then he came to a thick oak door.
It had thick metal hinges, and more.
Light was shining under the door.
It was so bright it made his eyes sore.
The little knight could feel waves of evil.
It was flowing out like slippery eels.
The knight braced himself to rush in.
He awoke with a start.
He could hear the pounding of his heart.
His first such dream in years.
His wife was beside him almost in tears.
He had scared her with his trashing around.
She wanted to know where they were bound?
If he dreamed it usually meant trouble.
She didn’t want to burst his bubble.
But, what else could she think?
The little knight got water from the sink.
The little knight always did his part.
He fought evil from the start.
But, this dream was different, it seemed.
Neither of them knew what it could mean?
——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)