A Nanobot World

A Nanobot World

Something new is coming down the line.
Nanobots that can control your mind.
Once they are put inside of you,
there will be nothing that you can do.
No matter what you do or where you go.
Someone else will be running your show.
The injection method is rather easy.
Let’s say a flu shot. Easy peasy.
Maybe an antibiotic shot when you are ill.
You will get better, but lose your will.
Control words will be built in.
When heard, you will be at their whim.
What a way to build a new society.
This would, supposedly, relieve all anxiety.
All are programmed to live in peace.
You do as told without any relief.
A society of organic robitoids.
All dangers you will be told to avoid.
This will lead to a paradise only dreamed of.
But, it won’t be one sent from heaven above.
It will fail for obvious reasons.
No one is a man of all seasons.
Total power only corrupts.
Those in control will bring on disrupts.
Society will be wiped out again.
Ruined before it can even begin.
It is man’s destiny to mess it up.
The sin factor will make it corrupt.
There is only one way to a perfect earth.
Through the Creator, for what it’s worth.

———————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Digital Socialism

Digital Socialism

I don’t know how it came to be.
It just sort of snuck up on me.
This new way of doing business.
This Social Credit they insist.
A digital dictatorship for sure.
It just came on like a blur.
They control all I say and do.
I’m sure it’s also true for you.
If you mind your P’s and Q’s.
You’ll be o.k. in your shoes.
But, slip up just one little bit.
Then, you’ll be in deep shit.
Grow prosperous and feel free.
But, play by their rules, you see.
Have you read the book 1984?
Is it knocking at our door?
Open your eyes & look around.
Can’t you see what’s coming down?.
Yes, in this digital, A I age we are in.
It could happen anywhere. Let it begin.

————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)