A Lover’s Revenge
I am having a lousy night.
You are nowhere in sight.
These thoughts can make me mean.
I just might end up making a scene.
Lovers have come and lovers have gone.
Some left me crying, others, a song.
But, you were a knife in the back.
Smooth lies have left me a mat.
Something for you to wipe your feet on.
You knew just when to come on strong.
Then turn it off without a hint.
A betting man could make a mint.
Bet on you to triumph and me to lose.
I made front page, broken heart, news.
Quietly,—– I plot my revenge.
It won’t be pleasant in the end.
Ya can’t please everyone, so please yourself.
When I’m done, you’ll know how I felt.
It won’t be bloody and it won’t be nice.
But, it will be something to make you think twice.
You will hopefully change your ways.
I know for sure, you’ll have seen better days.
When I am threw with you,
you will be better off in a zoo.
You’ll look like a monkey and smell like one too.
You’ll be wondering what happened to you?
It will come as such a surprise,
There won’t even be time for tears in your eyes.
My night may feel like hell now.
But, yours will be worse somehow.
You will be a mere shadow of your former self.
You may even put yourself up on a shelf.
—————————————-R. W, Johnson—–(2015)