Gone, But Not Forgotten


      Gone, But Not Forgotten

I thought the obituary surly lied.

How could Charlie have ever died?

I felt like crying, but tears wouldn’t come.

Way back, Charlie and I had so much fun.


Charlie was the kind of guy

who would take any dare, come do or die.

He did tons of crazy things.

Yet, he was never hurt. He earned his wings.


He had his way with the women too.

He scored with twice the girls as me & you.

He had a line that wouldn’t quit.

The women went for every bit of it.


He was the class clown in school.

He perfected the part of being the fool.

Charlie stood tall. A man among men.

A real hero, again and again.


We probably have all known a ‘Charlie.’

Somewhere back in our iniquity.

A guy with similar traits.

A guy who rarely made mistakes.


He married the most popular girl in school.

I wish she would have carried my books too.

He did his hitch in the Army.

Had an honorable discharge , then started farming.


He came to every school reunion.

The hearts of the girls he would soon win.

A guy like him always came out on top.

He would say: “Make the most of what you’ve got.”


He did that all his life, till that day

they found something that wouldn’t go away.

A deadly disease took him down.

What a way to put an end to the class clown.


He loved life to the fullest.

He’ll be remembered, I know it.

His oldest boy is just like him.

He might as well have been his twin.


As chance would have it, his name is Charlie too.

Of course, he is close to me and you.

Through him Charlie lives on.

Sometimes it’s almost like he was never gone.

—————————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)


Little Knight’s Girlfriend Has Dreams


      Little Knight’s Girlfriend Having Dreams

The little knight’s girlfriend wasn’t sleeping well.

She was having  nightmares now. She could tell.

The bed was a mess when she would awake.

She was drenched in sweat, make no mistake.

She thought back about one of the dreams.

She was dreaming on the little knight theme, it seems.

She was with the little knight’s former best friend.

She really didn’t want to be with him.

All she wanted was for the little knight to be assertive.

If he would win her back, it would be worth it.

She always wanted the little knight to be brave.

To fight for her, even to his grave.

She didn’t want him to be hurt or die.

She just wanted him to fight for her, or at least try.

Seems, he always was a little wimpy.

She wanted a man that was brave. It was meant to be.

Then, the little knight appeared.

He was so assertive, he projected fear.

He kicked his former best friend’s ass.

Then treated his girl with respect and class.

Till he inquired why she strayed from him.

The fear of the answer, she held within.

The little knight was becoming quite enraged.


She awoke then, and was really afraid.

Her and the little knight were together.

Yet, she feared he would leave & forget her.

Would she ever overcome this fear?

She knew the answer wasn’t clear.——————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)



Frustrated Love


      Frustrated Love

There you go again.

How can I ever win?

You get upset about the smallest things.

You don’t understand what it means.


Is it all men or is it just me?

You can’t seem to comprehend, see.

Anything I say you take the wrong way.

The same thing happens every day.


If I try to say a romantic thing,

You suspect I’m having a fling.

I say the words are meant for you.

You think I am treating you like a fool.


Sweet nothings won’t fly.

I won’t even give them a try.

You will fly into a rage.

Ask me if I’m engaged.

Nothing could ever apply to you.

You will not be made the fool.


I decided to write you a letter.

I couldn’t think of anything better.

When the time was right, I gave it to you.

You said “Who is this letter to?”


Your name was right at the top.

You thought that was an afterthought.

“Why would you write a letter to me?”

“You see me every day, don’t you see.”


I tried again to say what I felt.

You wouldn’t accept it, though I knelt.

Anything sweet could never be about you.

You demanded to know what I was up to.


Sweet nothings won’t fly.

I won’t even give them a try.

You will fly into a rage.

Ask me if I’m engaged.

Nothing could ever apply to you.

You will not be made a fool.


I asked you why I can’t say sweet

things about you? “I am not a cheat.”

“How come you never do then?”

I almost did a double back flip again.


“Something here just isn’t right.”

She said “Are you trying to start a fight?”

“No, I just want a normal girl.”

‘What? Don’t I give you a thrill?”


I was to dumbfounded to reply.

She said “You are the apple of my eye.”

“And you’re sweet as honey, Bunny.”

“Who is Bunny?”———Aarrrgh!!!—————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)








I’m Caught In A Trap

         I’m caught in a trap

I’ve never met anyone so opposite of me.

No matter what, you always disagree.

We met through mutual friends.

That’s how a thing like this begins.


Somehow, we end up being together.

If I say it’s canvas, you say it’s leather.

If I say it’s black, you don’t say it’s white.

You say ”It’s blue,  so don’t get uptight.”


I hope I don’t fall in love with you.

If so, I won’t know what to do?

They say opposites attract.

I am praying that’s not a fact.

If I fall in love with you

I can only end up being a fool.

How could anything be so cruel?

I just don’t know what to do.


I tried to arrange things to be safe.

That night came & things didn’t wait.

One person was sick with the flu.

So I ended up, again, with you.


No matter how I try we can’t stay apart.

It’s really starting to affect my heart.

It starts beating faster when I see you.

Due to inner stress, or something new?


I hope I don’t fall in love with you.

If so, I won’t know what to do?

They say opposites attract.

I am praying that’s not a fact.

If I fall in love with you

I can only end up being a fool.

How can anything be so cruel?

I just don’t know what to do.


I have to break the loop. This can’t go on.

I am in a tither from dusk till dawn.

We will never be lovers, please take the cue.

Quit acting like you haven’t the slightest clue.


Things got turned around & here we are again.

“We see you two together a lot” friends said with a grin.

“There may be something happening here.”

That’s it. I’m done. Give me another beer.

—————————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)






Someone Like You

   Someone like you.

Someone like you.

Perfect in every way.

Everything that you do.

Makes you better every day.


Someone like me.

Loves the darkness & the night.

Everything that I see

makes me stay out of the light.


Then came the day.

Our paths crossed briefly.

Why you weren’t repelled, I couldn’t say.

I was shocked, completely.


I stay to myself.

I only go out at night.

I have very little wealth.

Crowds make me uptight.


Someone like you.

Stands out in a crowd.

People stick like glue.

Being near you makes them proud.


I am average in every way.

There is nothing worth a second look.

People see me & have little to say.

Some even worry I may be a crook.


You made my day.

When you asked for my help.

O.k. was all I could say.

When you asked as you knelt.


I would carry your luggage well.

I could see it was heavy for you.

Just a couple of blocks to the hotel.

You would be so thankful if I do.


You offered to pay me.

I said no, it was an honor.

A real gentleman, I see.

My face was red as I floundered.


Are you blushing she smiled.

Sorry, I am usually called worse.

For heaven’s sake, why? Was she in denial?

I am shy & a loner, a real curse.


You seem really special to me.

What?? Why would you say that.

You seem kind, courteous, and free.

Free? You mean not like a rat in a trap?


She laughed at that. It was beautiful.

It sounded like rain dripping on  a rainbow.

Such a beautiful laugh I said without ridicule.

Why thank you, she smiled. Her voice remained low.


She asked my name & told me hers.

The angels must have named you.

Why is that? she referred.

A beautiful name to match your looks, as they do.


She turned red now, to my surprise.

Are you blushing I asked?

I guess I am . your compliments are not disguised.

How could they be?, you are a super catch.


She grabbed my arm then and held on tight.

We walked to the hotel talking in whispers.

She said she would like diner with me tonight.

I stammered yes & could hardly control my jitters.


Someone like you.

Has made a totally different me.

I am in heaven with all I do.

For she has set me free.


My life will never be the same.

She saw in me something I never knew was there.

Yet, she agreed to take my last name.

The rest is written in the stars somewhere.——–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)








The ‘American Dream’

      The ‘American Dream’

I am trapped inside an ‘American Dream’.

There is no end to this,— it seems.

Lead the good life the ‘American’ way.

A chicken in every pot. The freedom to pray.

It has all gone up in smoke.

Basically, a pipe dream. A real joke.

You can wish & pray & work till you’re blue.

There is no ‘free meal’ coming to you.

Only, if you are an illegal alien on welfare.

Then, there may be something there.

Provided to you by those who are working hard.

Still hoping their ‘American Dream’ isn’t marred.

Now, their Social Security is no longer a right.

It is a privilege, provided by a government of spite.

The ‘American Dream’ is dead and gone.

Where in the hell did we go wrong?

Was it no longer being a country ‘under God’?

Remember,—- He rules with an iron rod.

Maybe it was the new attitude of “let the rich pay for it.’

Wall Street marches to back their belief in this s—t.

If the world owes you a living, you must be a grasshopper.

The ant is the one who works hard , ain’t that a stopper.

If enough people miss the ‘American Dream’.

Maybe they will raise up as one and let off steam.

Let it be known they don’t like the way things are.

They should be taking the country back. Raising the bar.

Start proving that the ‘moral majority’ is NOT neither.

It is what most citizens will fight for without a breather.

Show that Democratic Yankee know how is not imperialism.

It is the way things should be, though it seems few will listen.

BRING BACK THE ‘AMERICAN DREAM’!!, is the marching song.

Hopefully, this country will be great again, before too long.

——————————————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




Imagination Rules


      Imagination Rules

A fictional life in a real world is a novel.

A real life in a fictional world is a gamer.

Fun with words can apply to either.

Let your imagination be neither.


Go anywhere or do anything.

Your imagination has no limits.

You can control your own destiny.

Your imagination is the key.


If you can’t imagine it on your own.

Let novels, games, or poetry help.

There is no limits in sight.

Your imagination is up to the fight.


There is little that you can’t do.

The limits are set by you.

Think of it and you are there.

You control power unbelievable.


The happiness that comes to you

is determined by all that you do.

Or, by all that you can imagine.

You control all that will be.


If not on your own, others can take you there.

Through stories, songs, & poetry, you’re anywhere.

Anywhere that the idea takes you to.

Accept it and enjoy the ride .———————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




Shelter From The Storm


       Shelter From The Storm

When I first met you, I was in shock.

Caught between a rock & a hard spot.

You looked like you’d been through the mill.

Like you’d subbed for horses & pulled the till.

Spent the last month under the lash.

You were down & out & about to crash.

How much abuse can one person take?

Were you put on an ant hill & tied to a stake?

You were beaten & kicked around a lot.

There is more dripping from your nose than snot.

You were ‘gun shy’ with good reason.

Some male did this to you without ceasing.

I have no idea how you ever got away.

I am sure he was enraged that day.

It couldn’t have been too long ago.

Your bruises have not yellowed so.

They are still black and blue.

I see the sadness & fear that radiates from you.

I am not here to hurt you in any way.

I detest the games he made you play.

He should be locked away for good.

I don’t care if he came from the hood.

Muslims don’t treat women this badly, it’s sad.

You’re alive,— for this,— you can be glad.

You have come to the right place.

This battered women’s shelter is safe.

We will protect you at all cost.

Get you settled so you won’t be lost.

Provide for you in every way.

Till you can move on from this horrible day.

All men are not the hurting kind.

Most would cherish you for all time.

They would make you feel loved.

Treat you with tender gloves.

Set you up on a pedestal tall.

Worship you like an angel on call.

Treat you like the very best.

Just trust, that day is coming yet.——————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)


Almost Late For A Date

      Almost Late For A Date

Like a sack of potatoes lying in the sun.

I am soaking up rays, just having fun.

I am building up my vitamin D.

Not a single fear of skin cancer, you see.


I awake with a start & look around.

All is dark. The sun has gone down.

What is that in the shadows I see?

Is my mind is playing tricks on me?


It looks like a ghost, but it’s not moving.

Then, it starts dancing,  really grooving.

It’s hopping and bopping and getting it on.

Now it’s doing the ‘robot’ on the lawn.


It starts to ‘moon walk’ as my eyes adjust.

Then I can see clearer. What the heck??

It is my girlfriend who is the groovy ghost.

She is, by far, the ghost with the most.


“Hey!!” “ What are you doing here?”

“You’re late for our date” she sneered.

“What?  What time is it? I fell asleep.”

“It is obvious you were counting sheep.”


“I thought you were a ghost. I was losing it.”

She said, “Oh, be real and use your wit”

“Let me shower, shit, shine, and shave.”

She said, “Hurry it up or we will be late.”


I spiffed up and in a bit, off we went.

We had plans. I will give you a hint.

It has a slot—- and it goes like hell.

Does “Slot Car Races”  ring a bell?


She had her car and I had mine.

Mine was faster. I beat her every time.

Yet, she still liked the excitement.

The race was on without any enticement.


She kicked butt on all the female racers.

Most guys only saw a trace of her.

I barely squeezed past on the last turn.

She said, ”That’s o.k. I have a lot to learn.”


A fun night for us overall.

I would call the night a draw.

We made an ice cream stop after that.

Then headed home in nothing flat.


“Why are you speeding?” she asked.

I said “Oops, my foot stuck on the gas.”

Once home, we cuddled for awhile.

Then, she said goodnight with a smile.


What a good day it turned out to be.

I think tomorrow I will see.

Start with a nap in the sun.

Then, later on, I will have more fun.—————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)







I’m Caught In A Trap


         I’m caught in a trap

I’ve never met anyone so opposite of me.

No matter what, you always disagree.

We met through mutual friends.

That’s how a thing like this begins.


Somehow, we end up being together.

If I say it’s canvas, you say it’s leather.

If I say it’s black, you don’t say it’s white.

You say ”It’s blue,  so don’t get uptight.”


I hope I don’t fall in love with you.

If so, I won’t know what to do?

They say opposites attract.

I am praying that’s not a fact.

If I fall in love with you

I can only end up being a fool.

How could anything be so cruel?

I just don’t know what to do.


I tried to arrange things to be safe.

That night came & things didn’t wait.

One person was sick with the flu.

So I ended up, again, with you.


No matter how I try we can’t stay apart.

It’s really starting to affect my heart.

It starts beating faster when I see you.

Due to inner stress, or something new?


I hope I don’t fall in love with you.

If so, I won’t know what to do?

They say opposites attract.

I am praying that’s not a fact.

If I fall in love with you

I can only end up being a fool.

How can anything be so cruel?

I just don’t know what to do.


I have to break the loop. This can’t go on.

I am in a tither from dusk till dawn.

We will never be lovers, please take the queue.

Quit acting like you haven’t the slightest clue.


Things got turned around & here we are again.

“We see you two together a lot” friends said with a grin.

“There may be something happening here.”

That’s it. I’m done. Give me another beer.———-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)