Too Tired

            Too Tired

I’m too tired to write a poem.

So I guess I will flip a coin.

Heads, I will try to knock one out.

Tails, I just kick back without a pout.

Well,—- here I am again.

You can guess what came up then.

Let’s see, something to write about.

I could say I am suffering with gout.

But, that would be a lie.

I’m just not that kind of guy.

I could write about the 50 year reunion.

Not mine, my wife’s recent conclusion.

It was fun but, it wasn’t mine.

I didn’t know many but, had a good time.

Maybe I could write about Mr. Jax.

An imaginary person with a battle axe.

That can get pretty gory though.

Wouldn’t want to ruin the show.

“What the hey?”, you’re thinking now.

My imagination runs wild somehow.

I don’t ‘think’ any of it on purpose.

Sometimes, I have to say “Curse it.”

If you’ve read many poems by me.

You’ll have no trouble trying to see.

To figure out  what is happening in my head.

Maybe that’s the wrong thing to say, instead.

I’ll just say “Hang on for the ride.”

“I’m spitting it out faster than the tide.”

I’m too tired to continue on with this.

I hope this one is a hit. Not a miss.————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)



Just ‘Babbling’ On

              Just ‘Babbling’ On

What the hey?

Have you heard the news?

Kids no longer wear button down shoes.

It’s o.k. to have long hair.

Be a guy or a girl. Be there or be square.

I didn’t know this but, it’s true.

Most people haven’t heard of “Little boy blue.”

Did you hear there is a new math?

Must be easier. A kid I know is daft.

To him 1 + 1 is three.

They pass him along anyway, don’t you see.

Someone said politics is dirty.

The mud slinging has gotten real nerdy.

Illegal aliens are everywhere.

Not talking space aliens, if you care.

Poetry is a way to express yourself.

it has to be this because I don’t have wealth.

What the heck am I trying to say?

I have no idea but, try anyway.

Kids today can’t live without their phone.

I tell them we didn’t have that. They just moan.

Facebook lets people look at you

and wonder who the hell you’re talking to?

I read a story once upon a time.

Yes, I can read. it’s not a crime.

It started out exactly like that.

A fairy tale, as a matter of fact.

Enough about that. How about sports?

Football, baseball, & games played on courts?

What? No interest there?

Well I’ll be——-No, I cannot swear.

After reading this piece of trash.

You are sure I am unabashed.

Not afraid to display my insanity.

It’s just the way it has to be——————–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)

The Lesson At The Banyon Tree

      The Lesson At The Banyan Tree

Where will we play today asked panda bear?

The orangutan shook out his underwear.

How about in the Banyan tree?

I guess that would be fun for me.

They set off through the forest.

They met a monkey that looked like a florist.

He had a big armload of flowers.

He was hiding like a coward.

Don’t be afraid said panda bear.

We’re not going to give you a scare.

We’re headed for the Banyan tree.

Would you like to come along and see?

The monkey tossed the flowers aside.

I will come and be your guide.

So off they went as happy as could be.

They were in search of the Banyan tree.

They came upon a babbling brook.

They got closer and took a look.

How will we get across this raging river?

Said the monkey with a quiver.

This is just a small babbling brook.

The orangutan said with a stern look.

Right up there we can jump across.

Come here monkey. I’ll give you a toss.

On they went deep into the forest.

It seemed to get darker along their course.

The monkey was getting a little frightened.

The grip of panda bear on his hand tightened.

Hey monkey, I thought you knew the way?

I did but, things look a lot different today.

On they went till they came to a gigantic tree.

It had lots of trunks, you see.

There it is yelled the monkey with glee.

I can’t wait to climb that tree.

As they got near they heard a deep voice.

What brings you to my tree of choice?

They all jumped and looked around.

There was no one to be found.

Look up here in the tree.

Now, do you see me?

It was a huge vulture sitting on a limb.

He looked like the devil was his next of kin.

We came to play in the Banyan tree.

Said panda bear as nice as could be.

Nobody plays in my tree without a gift.

The vulture was sounding a little miffed.

What kind of gift asked orangutan?

I usually like something dead.

They all looked at him with dread.

I was thinking more of love said panda bear.

Love? What is that? Something for my hair?

No, love like from the father above.

He made all nature and all we love.

He even made this Banyan tree.

He even made you and me.

I have never heard of this ‘father’.

They all told him of the creator God and His love for us.

The vulture was moved. Join me he said with no fuss.

Soon they were all playing in the Banyan tree.

Sharing brotherly love .There’s a lesson here for you & me.

Share your knowledge of the savior with all you meet.

You may end up with a Banyan tree treat.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)








Good News In Bad Times


          Good News In Bad Times

I was watching the news the other day.

I thought: ‘This is no way for people to play.’

This is all like it’s controlled by Satan.

All the killing & trouble is of his making.

He is, or was, the ‘prince’ of this place.

He has no plans that were laid in haste.

He hates man & is jealous of all of us.

He would like to kill every last one of us.

How can we be foolish enough to allow this?

Stupid enough to embrace Satan with a kiss?

The Holy Bible is our guide book to avoid this.

Many don’t believe the Bible. It’s hit & miss.

We are doomed if we don’t trust & follow God.

I’m not preaching ‘doomsday’, or anything odd.

Just quoting facts from the word of truth.

I am not trying to be uncouth.

I know it’s scary.  Even frightening at times.

But, the truth must be told. It’s not a crime.

Take the time to give God some thought.

Remember some things you may have forgot.

God is love. He is the way, the truth, & the light.

Strive to know Him with all your might.

Repent & pray for guidance from above.

He will give you all His love.

You will know that you are saved.

You can have relief & ride the waves.

Waves of trouble like has never been seen.

Through faith, you will live like a queen.

In the end God will bring you through.

Your reward will be He will always be with you.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)





Missing You

         Missing You

Many days have gone by.

I haven’t heard from you.

I haven’t told a lie.

What are you putting me through?

Give me a clue.

Drop me a line.

Send an E-Mail too.

Just take the time.

I’m not into this .

I am not with your vibes.

I miss your goodnight kiss.

I don’t like being taken for a ride.

I think back.

All was very good.

Was I blind ? I have eyes like a cat.

You always responded like you should.

There was no problems that I could see.

We were closer than Mork & Mindy.

It seemed that this is how it should be.

I say “Nanu, nanu to it all, Cindy.”

Could it be you’ve found another?

Could it be you are no longer alive?

I loved you more than I have any other.

You could come over. You know how to drive.

I will attempt to contact you.

I will use all the means I know.

No response means we are through.

Then I’ll know where I should go.————-R. W. Johnson—–(2014)










“Catch A Dream”

Catch A Dream”

I decided to come today.

I just may come again tomorrow.

I am here, come what may.

I am sure I won’t find any sorrow.


This is called “Catch A Dream.”

Where it can all come true.

Ever heard of such a thing? Me neither.—- I’m with you.


Step right in & have a seat.

Fill out this questionnaire.

Would you like something to eat?

Don’t worry about;— is it fair?


All our clients are treated the same.

Race, intelligence, or physical state.

All we require is just your name.

Your dreams are your own, mate.


I dream of the perfect love.

You make that dream come true.

Is this a scam  or from above?

How can such a thing be true?


We deal in the impossible here.

Our limits is your imagination.

Step right in. There’s nothing to fear.

Lie down while we fire up our station.


Put this helmet on your head.

We will know what you are dreaming.

Take a nap while lying on the bed.

Your dreams, we will be screening.


When that special dream appears,

that’s when we go to work.

We will make her reappear.

She will be here. It’s no quirk.


When you awaken you will see.

She will be here waiting for you.

You’ll wonder how this can possibly be.

It is real.  How? We can’t tell you.


We are called “Catch A Dream” for a reason.

When here all your dreams come true.

We are here in any season.

Anytime you need someone ‘special’ for you.


About then, my alarm clock went off.

This made me quite unhappy.

But, tonight, we will see, before I scoff.

Maybe I’ll “Catch A Dream” & be happy.—–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)







The Ultimate Magician

           The Ultimate Magician

Today was the day of his opening show.

He was a magician, don’t you know.

He had an act you wouldn’t believe.

This guy could really deceive.

His total act was all new tricks.

Never done by other ‘big hits’.

His fame spread far and wide.

Soon, he was playing Vegas, doing shows live.

His fame grew so big that it exploded.

Other magicians came, it was noted.

None could explain how he did his illusions.

It was done smooth, with no protrusions.

Then he upped the ante by doing the impossible.

Other magicians said “It just isn’t possible.”

They began to talk among themselves.

Could this man do ‘real’ magic, do tell?

They devised a plan to catch him off guard.

They would find out just how dumb they are.

Because, just as they sprung their trap,

he disappeared,—-how about that!!

He never reappeared again.

For him it was the end.

Magicians still talk about him today.

They keep thinking ‘maybe there’s a way’.

But, what price did the young man have to pay?

I’ll let you figure it out in your own way.

————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)





The Insanity Of Man

              The Insanity Of Man

The desolation was unbelievable.

To look at a city hit by a  nuclear bomb.

Anything left standing was inconceivable.

Total annihilation before the calm.

Anything of value was unretrievable.

A coating of gray covered it all.

Death in the ultimate sense.

One of the most horrible things I saw

were human bones tangled in a fence.

Nothing moved. The dust slightly stirred.

Tossed about by the dry endless wind.

Then I swore there was moaning I heard.

Cries of the dead from this unspeakable sin.

Time has passed but, almost no change here.

A scar on the earth, a reminder for man.

This is something to always fear.

Never do this again to the land.

How did it ever happen before?

How could one country think that way?

Did they run in when Satan opened the door?

There is no justification that they could say.

Man is a slow learner in the school of hard knocks.

History should teach him to change his ways.

Instead they try to bluff, bully,  and out fox

their so called ‘enemy’ in every way.

I don’t want to see the day when it happens again.

Next time on a world wide scale, I say.

That will  be the end of man’s peaceful pretend.

Man will be a figment of the imagination

to those who look upon the ruined earth.

They will wonder with fascination.

If a race does this what were they really worth?

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)



A Better High

               A Better High

I don’t use smack & I don’t use crack.

I don’t associate with those who do.

Hallucinogenics are  exactly that.

They are not the real you.

Alcohol can give you a buzz.

In the end it will be the end of you.

You’ll end up wanting it the way it was.

Marijuana can get you high.

You’ll lose all motivation .

You won’t even try.

Many things can get you high.

If that is what you’re looking for.

Higher than a kite can fly.

But, the crash is a real chore.

The old saying remains true.

What is that you may ask?

You can never run away from you.

It’s shocking when you remove the mask.

There is something much better.

You will stay high all the time.

It is the forgiveness and love of God.

I will take that high anytime..——————-R.W. Johnson—–(2014)


Fat Cat Nap

                Fat Cat Nap

Early one morning I awoke from sleep.

I had the urge to take a leek.

I dragged out of bed for a bathroom break.

I still was not fully awake.

I was still in a sleepy mood.

But, I felt like I needed some food.

I went to the kitchen to get a bite.

I found some cereal that I like.

The kitchen floor on my feet felt cool.

I still hadn’t put on socks or shoes.

As I sat at the table starting to eat,

I felt something against my feet.

It felt like whiskers, was my guess.

Probably Squally wanting food, no less.

Then I felt something cold and wet.

It was rubbing against my feet yet.

It was probably Squally so I looked down.

It wasn’t a fat cat that I found.

At my feet was a large rat.

I jumped & spilled cereal in my lap.

The rat was gone in nothing flat.

“Squally!!”, where is that fat cat?

I went looking to see where he was at.

He was in the living room asleep in a chair.

He didn’t even know the rat was there.

I let Squally smell my feet.

Hoping he would smell the rat & get to his feet.

He took a sniff of my foot.

Then gave me a dirty look.

Then turned over & went back to sleep.

He could care less about my feet.

Does this happen every time?

I am just playing a game in my mind.———-R. W. Johnson—–(2014)