The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter One)


  The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter One)


The Wizards, for the most part, forgot the vision.

The one by the Head Seer about ‘our indecision.’

Indecision about how to handle the invasion.

The one from outer space. It was too late then.

For, one night, weird space ships appeared.

They started beaming up kids. How weird.

A blue light drew the kids up into the ship.

Wizards tried to work spells to stop this trip.

It was to no avail, except Wizard’s Fire.

The most skilled Wizards used the fire.

Sent to where the blue beam came from.

They were hoping to fry the scum.

This caused one ship to rock and falter.

It was heading down, like an overturned alter.

It was thought to crash somewhere over a cliff.

Wizards zapped there and surrounded the ship.

Nothing moved. They couldn’t get inside.

No matter how much the Wizard’s strived.

Then, it was found where the blue light came from,

a way to get inside, which was burnt to a crumb.

Weird bodies, short, with big heads and eyes.

Burnt to a crisp. There were none left alive.

Wizard’s Fire was effective, but limited in use.

It would only work if it got inside & cooked their goose.

The other ships left the scene,

with the missing kids, taken for whatever means.

The Wizards were in a hell of a stir.

Questions were flying, that’s for sure.

One of Anika’s sons sent the deadly Wizard’s Fire.

Siran said it was a lucky shot. He was no liar.

Who are these critters? We haven’t a clue”

Do they use magic?” “Don’t be a fool”

This ship seems to be some type of machine”

I think all this is beyond our means”

It is like something that has come from the future”

I doubt that is from where they come. Do you sir?”

Who can say? And, what do we do? We need a plan”

A meeting was called to figure out what they can.

Several ideas were passed around.

We need to get one on the ground”

With the critters still alive so we can question them”

Our universal translator amulet should comprehend”

Now, that is worth a try, but how”

We have to be able to bring a ship down, somehow”

Could one of us be beamed aboard”

Then we could maybe address the hoard”

They have only taken kids so far”

I am sure that is so they can learn who we are”

As the Wizards tried to come up with a plan.

The ‘Others’ returned to their mother ship to plan.

What happens next, we will have to wait and see.

For I haven’t a single clue right now, you see.-

——————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)



The Wizards Worst Nightmare (Preface)

  The Wizards Worst Nightmare (Preface) 

Things hadn’t been better on Vantera.

All the Wizards are here,—- ya!!

They had settled down to a happy life.

No more wars, no more strife.

The training continued, as a matter of routine.

They were a democracy. There was no queen.

Then, the head seer had a vision.

It would cause some division.

He saw an indescribable sight.

An invasion taking place in the night.

It came from outer space.

How could such a thing take place?

This vision caused quite a stir.

Many of the Wizards were not sure.

Others said the seer’s visions were true.

To be ready required much to do.

Time passed and nothing happened.

Maybe this vision would pass then.

Then, one night, all hell broke loose.

An invading force cooked their goose.

Exactly what transpired is yet to be told.

It is a story for only the bold.

It pushed the Wizards to the max.

It took all their power to survive the attack.

But, the worst wasn’t over yet.

On this you can place a bet.

—————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)



Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Epilog)

      Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Epilog)

The time of magic on earth was done.

No Warlocks or Wizards, even for fun.

Wizards still ruled on Vantera only.

They thought peace would last. Baloney.

For soon, a new threat would come their way.

One from very, very far away.

It won’t be black magic. Nothing like it.

Still very evil though. Not a good fit.

It will be attacking Vantera before long.

Wizards will soon be singing a new song.

They will have to stop it before it reaches earth.

There will be no time for games and mirth.

Neither ‘The Shadow’, Kronos, nor any other

Warlock will have influence. The Wizards shudder.

The coming battle will be all up to them.

They lose and earth will be at its end.

But, that is another story yet to happen.

The Shadow’s’ reign is over, at last then.

———————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)


Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter Six)


     The Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter six)


Once Anika and Sirle  returned to The Keep,

they  called all the animated overseers to meet.

They thanked them for 800+ years service.

They could now depart and not be nervous.

The magic was dispelled and they were gone.

One more job to do before long.

Anika led Sirle down to the basement.

Then to the secret room encasement.

The room where Anathea’s coffin was

She opened the coffin and laid the wand box inside.

I have brought you a final gift. One I cannot hide.”

Give us time to get far from here.”

“Then, open this wand box. Is that clear?”

It is Kronos wand and it holds his will.”

This will all not be over until—–“

Anika heard Anathea’s voice in her head.

Thank you. No greater gift, though I am dead.’

Kronos will finally get what he deserves.’

Hurry now, I need say no more words.’

Anika and Sirle rushed out of The Keep.

They zapped to the edge of the woods to seek.

Seek what was about to occur.

Suddenly, a tremendous explosion did occur.

A mushroom cloud rose high into the air.

Material was raining down everywhere.

Anika and Sirle were knocked off their feet.

Later they went to look. Total defeat.

A mighty crater in the ground was left to see.

 No more Keep, no grounds, not even a tree.

When the explosion did occur,

In hell, Kronos spirit knew for sure.

Totally insane, his will now spent.

His spirit was beat. All hope relent.

Anathea?,” Anika asked, with little hope.

I am here, at least my will, in your wand.’

Anathea sent me here just before her death.’

Her spirit stayed with her remains and wept.’

Unfinished business, still had to be met.’

This was accomplished in the explosion.’

Her spirit went to heaven, She was chosen.’

I am fine in this wand. I live in Ambrosia.’

I come when you call,—- as I told ya.’

Sirle heard it all through telecommunication.

What about ‘The Shadow’?,” with hesitation.

That is another matter entirely,” Anika said.

The Lumicates said bury it in the sand instead”

They started flying off at top speed.

After several hours flight, Anika felt the need.

She landed and picked a spot.

Sand all around and it was hot.

This is where I will bury the lamp.”

Saudi Arabia Is the place today. Their camp.

The Lumicates  said to bury it here.”

Many eons from now, another will find it, I fear.”

They said his name would be Aladdin.”

“But, that’s another story. Be glad then.”

Let’s zap back to Vantera once it’s buried”

They did this and their feelings varied.

Sirle felt ‘The Shadow’ should have been destroyed.

Anika felt The Lumicates wanted it deployed

in this manner. They had their reasons.

It will become apparent in due season.

There was a tremendous party going on.

Wizards were doing tricks with their wands.

They all knew this was the end of their evil foes.

They were happy. Let the goodness flow.

So ends the reign of ‘The Shadow’, at least for now.

Any future happenings will be others dowel.

The Shadow’ knew he was trapped in the lamp.

He put himself into suspended animation. A cramp.

He also knew whoever let him out?

He would be their slave. That’s what it is about.

At least until this person set him free.

Free, at last, to again become me.

————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2017)





Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter Five)

          Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter Five)

The Shadow’ started flying over the desert dunes.

He hoped the next gate would be coming up soon.

Suddenly, he slowed and went to the ground.

He couldn’t believe what he had found.

He had seen Anika and the two panthers walking along.

They went behind a dune and then they were gone.

The Shadow’ slowly crept up the side of the dune.

He knew he would spot Anika real soon.

He saw her and quickly zipped into the air.

He came down, like a cloud, covering her everywhere.

He moved aside and she lie on the sand  all tied up.

Ropes of magic covered her like a cocoon in flux.

Kronos yelled, ‘Anika, you have captured her!!’

I never ever thought this would happen for sure.’

The great Anika, captured by ‘The Shadow.’

For you, Anika, that’s more than half the battle.’

Oh, what I have in store for you, you fool.’

You will wish this was a dream and not true.’

Anika could hear Kronos insane laugh in her head.

I will make you wish you were dead.’

Yes, Kronos is dead and his spirit is in hell.’

He is now totally insane and will never tell.’

But, he inserted into his wand, while alive, his will.’

So, in a way, Kronos is with you still.’

We will bring you to your planet with us.’

This planet isn’t it. It is just dust.’

Once there, we will assume the rule.’

To save your life, the Wizards will obey. The fools.’

The Shadow’ are my hands, so to speak.’

Together, we will rule the very elite.’

At that moment, Anika mentally called the panthers.

As they approached, Kronos became scattered.

No, no, no. Get them away! Kill them! Kill them!’

The wand was jumping all over the place.

The Shadow’ couldn’t get it up to his face.

Behind ‘The Shadow,’ the sand began to move.

The Witch Doctor raised up out of the groove.

He had a oil lamp in his hands. He took off the lid.

The Shadow’ was sucked inside the lamp. He slid

right in and the lid was slapped back on.

Special metal that magic would not work on.

The spout was plugged, so he was trapped.

The wand fell to the sand with a smack.

Anika’s bonds instantly dissolved away.

The Witch Doctor handed her the lamp that day.

He then pulled out a wand shaped box.

Lid opened, he, magically, lifted the wand to the slot.

He closed the lid and magically sealed it on the spot.

This he gave to Anika also.

Zapping back to the village, they did go.

The panthers relaxed in the shade.

Anika knelt with the Lumicates and prayed.

She thanked them for their help.

Then, she zapped back to Vantera. Great, she felt.

She had lamp and wand box under her belt.

She told them all what had transpired.

I’ll take both to earth to be permanently retired.”

She was speaking of Kronos will and ‘The Shadow.’

She was happy it wasn’t much of a battle.

She asked Sirle to accompany her.

They zapped to The Keep, where it would occur.

What will happen on the earthly home front?

Read the next installment. It will be quite blunt.

——————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2017)





Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter Four)

       Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter Four)

The Lumicates were native to their planet.

800+ years since Wizards preplanned it.

The Lumicates were given long life.

Also, the ability to magically fight.

They could see way into the future.

That’s what made them great troopers.

Other magical abilities they had also.

Given long ago to keep everything just so.

They said a Warlock ‘like smoke’ was coming.

Along with ‘the will’ of another he was becoming.

Anika instantly understood what they meant by that.

The Shadow’ was coming, with Kronos wand back.

That is why they couldn’t find Kronos wand.

Obviously, ‘The Shadow’ and Kronos wand had bond.

The lumicates told Anika their plan.

She was shocked, but would go along, if she can.


Woods on one side, a sea on the other.

The Shadow’ said “Lets fly, before we run into another.”

We would be dead by now without Anika’s trail.”

That was the idea of this whole thing.’ Kronos wailed.

I will fly, as fast as I can to the next gate.”

it is way down the coast. Don’t get there late’

The Shadow’ took to the air, like a black mist.

He could maintain his shadowy form for this.

A ways along, skeletons, shaking their fists.

He didn’t want to know the meaning of this.

A giant porcupine shot quills at him.

They passed right through, his shadow too thin.

Other monstrosities were moving around.

He was afraid to set foot on the ground.

There, on the beach, is where the gate is.’

The Shadow’ flew down. He heard a hisss.

Giant ants were all around.

There was no place to land on the ground.

The Shadow’ opened the gate from the air.

Flew through fast, without a care.

It was instantly pitch black.

The Shadow’ almost hit with a smack.

He used magic to get some night vision.

What he saw scared the hell out of him.

Violet and scarlet creatures were everywhere.

Some of them were even in the air.

Through that cave or crack ahead.’

I’m not going in there. Are you out of your head!”

I will fly over the crag. Pick up the trail there instead.”

He took to the air. A couple flying things did too.

They tried to attack, but they went right through.

Kronos picked up the trail on the other side.

The gate was close so they could hide.

The Shadow’ zipped through into freezing cold.

God, this kind of crap made him feel old.

An ice planet. This place could get pretty cold.’

No shit Sherlock!,” ‘The Shadow’ said.

A phrase unfamiliar to Kronos head.

What does that mean?’ asked Kronos.

Never mind. We have to move, or we’ll be ghosts.”

The Shadow’ started flying again.

He was starting to ice up, due to the wind.

He saw a couple abominable snowmen.

They were bigger than hell, and no friend.

They flew across a large chasm.

That would end other bad men.

Finally, just in time, they found the gate.

They opened it and went through, before too late.

They were in a desert, as deserted as it could be.

They were now warm, but there was nothing to see.

What happens now will shock them too.

Are you excited? I am with you.

———————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2017)





Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter Three)

        Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter Three)

The Shadow’ moved in the direction of the next gate.

He wanted badly to get there before it was too late.

Then, up ahead, a creature, maybe made of electricity.

It threw a bolt of electricity in their direction explicitly.

The Shadow’ dived for cover just in time.

He looked around and a plan came to mind.

Reddish iron ore was seen in the bank.

He dug out a bunch by magic. It stank.

What are you doing?, Kronos asked.

I will show you. I will make it to last.”

Magically, he shaped an iron cage using iron bars.

He flew over the creature and dropped the bars.

The bars of the cage sunk deep into the ground.

The creature had not yet fired a round.

The creature fired off a lightning bolt.

The cage lit up. The lightening went down the slope.

The cage worked as a lightening rod.

The creature was trapped. Now, this wasn’t odd.

The Shadow’ slipped by and made it to the next gate.

He wanted to get through it before it was too late.

He opened the gate and quickly jumped through.

It was all he could think of to do.

A nice, warm sunny day, at the edge of some woods.

It looked peaceful. Would it last? He hoped it would.


Anika got a read on what planet they/it was now on.

She had a plan worked out before she was gone.

She took the two young panthers with her.

She zapped to the desert village where it would occur.

The Lumicates, pigmy desert dwellers were there.

They were always mesmerized by her long blonde hair.

She went to the chief and the Witch Doctor mounds.

Told them someone  or thing evil was around.

They would reach here before too long.

She wanted their help to stop them before they’re gone.

She had known before, when she was there.

The Lumicates knew a lot they didn’t share.

Now, she felt they could help her.

Exactly how, she wasn’t quite sure.

It was like they read her mind.

Their response was very kind.

They agreed to help and said what they would do.

Anika was shocked, and you will be to.

But, that is for yet another time.

Then, we will find out what they have in mind.

——————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2017)




Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter Two)

Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter Two)

At Kronos urging, ‘The Shadow’ stepped through.

Immediate darkness surrounded the two.

Also an incredible increase in his weight.

He wanted out before it was too late.

What sort of spell is this?’ Kronos said.

I feel like my thoughts are made of lead.’

Gravity has been doubled somehow.’

But how?, this seems impossible, even now.’

It’s not a spell. It could only be a different planet.”

This threw Kronos for a loop, ‘They planned it.’

I can still detect Anika——and also Anathea.’

Anathea?—-She must have designed it. Anathea.

I think I just heard a sound.”

It didn’t sound friendly. Where are we bound?”

Kronos directed the direction to follow.

The Shadow’ flowed along the hollow.

Up a steep and long hill.

Through trees, along a cliff, until—.

What the hell is that thing?”

A giant. He can smell you’re  bling.’

The giant was ripping up trees.

Tossing them aside like throwing peas.

Another gate is close. Activate it.’

The Shadow did and he dove through it.

As always, the gate slammed closed right after.

It was raining like hell where they were.

The Shadow’ was easier to see. Like a blur.

Lightning and thunder was all around.

But, he was normal weight, he found.

Has the rain blotted out their magical trail?”

No, I can still pick it up. I hope it doesn’t hail.


On Vantera, the Head Seer was agitated.

Someone, or something had gates activated.

They were on the second planet, coming this way.

He notified the Power Of 12 right away.

Anika was called. She thought  ‘Impossible.’

˜Kronos is in hell.—– This is colossal.”

Nothing had ever breached the gates, except for her.

Whatever it is, it must be stopped for sure.

At the meeting called, all were there.

“We must bring extra magic to bare.”

Anika thought ‘Here we go again.’

I can zap to any planet, since there I have been.”

I will zap just ahead of them/it and see.”

Then we will know exactly who it will be.”

Plans were laid, but what will happen?

Find out in Chapter 3. Better strap in.

————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)






Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter One)

      Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Chapter One) 

The Shadow’ had plans to be a great ruler.

After he displayed his power, this would occur.

But, the will of Kronos had other plans.

The Shadow’ would be his magical hands.

The Shadow’ didn’t want to return to the past.

But, unfortunately, Kronos will won out at last.

The Shadow’ returned to just after Kronos death.

He saw Kronos body taken by  demons, he would guess.

There were no longer any Wizards around.

He knew that they had to be found.

Their Keep must be around here somewhere.’

I have never looked for it anywhere.’

Now, we will,’ Kronos told ‘The Shadow.’

No Wizard would ever tattle.’

So, we will search where magic isn’t.’

‘A major lacking of magic isn’t efficient.’

It means something is hidden there .’

Likely their Keep. We will beware.’

They will have it guarded in every way.’

They knew this day was coming some day.’

Their search took over a month.

Finally, in some woods, ‘The Shadow’ gave a grunt.

He had located a lacking of magic.

Someone or something was being discreet.

It was the hidden Keep, invisible to all.

Soon, it appeared to ‘The Shadow’s’ call.

An ancient colossal mansion, protected by magic.

To destroy the place would be very tragic.

With Kronos help, ‘The Shadow’ found his way in.

His shadow like form helped him to win.

No magic or force was used.

Just his great stealth, without any clues.

He froze an animated overseer in his place.

Then he talked to him face to face.

The overseer could only see a shadowy form.

He was scared and forgot he was sworn.

Sworn to secrecy about all he knew.

A being created by magical power,

he was soon totally under their power.

Where did all the Wizards go?”

The overseer true fully didn’t know?

Where were they when last seen?”

In the main room. A gate opened in between.”

In between what and what?”

Again, he had no idea just what?

The Shadow’ went to the main room.

He detected a ‘gate’ lurking in the gloom.

He found the right spell to bring it  to bare.

Kronos  said ‘I can detect Anika through there.’

He encouraged ‘The Shadow’ to go in.

What would he find hiding within?

Keep stay tuned for chapter two.

There will be more excitement for you.

——————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2017)





Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Preface)


       Reign Of ‘The Shadow’ (Preface)

The Shadow’ was beside himself with joy.

He had the wand of Kronos and was coy.

He had all of Kronos knowledge and books.

It took guts, and he had what it took.

He wasn’t sure where he should start.

He took his time. He was very smart.

He decided to stun the magical world.

He devised a magicians act that thrilled.

He did tricks magicians said were impossible.

To learn how he did them would cost them though.

Because he actually used real magic.

Black magic, and his acts were fantastic.

He took the world by storm, then he was gone.

Parlor tricks, he  gave up before long.

He knew he was meant for much more.

So, off he went, out the door.

To the top of the tallest building in the city.

What he had planned wouldn’t be very pretty.

He cast a far reaching spell of mind control.

The entire city would come and go.

Doing exactly as he wished them to do.

They all were organic robitoids, the fools.

They followed his every whim.

Bringing whatever he wanted to him.

Quickly, outside the city, word spread.

What had gotten into their heads?

Obviously, it was some type of mind control.

Where did it come from? Where did it go?

Was it an alien source?

Was it produced by drugs or force?

No one seemed to know for sure.

People wanted things as they were.

Any who entered the city came under the spell.

Put a stop to this now!!,” the people yelled.

Even the government didn’t know what to do.

None thought it was magic. They were no fools.

The Shadow’ was enjoying their ignorance.

Now, it was time for some disfigurement.

Those who were sent in to be spies.

Went back out without any eyes.

It was as if they were never born with them.

In their place, it was blank, and looked grim.

The Shadow’ was having a ball.

No one knew what to make of it all.

Then, gradually, things began to change.

The change was causing him some pain.

The Shadow’ didn’t know what was happening.

After some panic, he found he was trapped between.

Between his  will and Kronos will in the wand.

With Kronos wand ‘The Shadow’ had a bond.

Through the wand Kronos was influencing him.

The Shadow’s’ will, he wanted to bend.

When ‘The Shadow’ knew, it was too late.

Whatever Kronos had planned was now his fate.

It was true, Kronos was dead and in hell.

But, his will was embedded in the wand. Do tell.

What lay ahead for ‘The Shadow’ now?

A nightmare. He had to survive somehow.

——————————————————-R.W. Johnson (2017)