The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 2)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 2)

When the demon didn’t come back,
Kronos decided to get on track.
With his revenge, that is.
This time revenge would be his.
Anika’s granddaughter’s name was Thedra.
‘There is only one way I will see ya.’
He knew they had a connection with the church.
He would pull this off for what it is worth.
He sent a package to the Jeru church.
Labeled for Thedra, as he chuckled with mirth.
He knew they would contact her.
They knew exactly where the Wizards were.
Thedra got the message on Vantera.
She transported to the Jeru church.
Once there, she received the package first.
Then, she tore off the wrapping.
Excited to see what was in the wrapping.
The box said: Kronos’s last will & testament.
She was contemplating what it meant?
Kronos had become a fairy tale by then.
‘This must be a joke’ she grinned.
She opened the box with surprise.
Two bright beams of light hit her eyes.
Burning her eyes out, as she screamed.
It killed her then. A gruesome scene.
Kronos laughed loudly with mirth.
Revenge was his, for what it was worth.
By magic, he brought the box back to him.
No one had seen what had happened then.
The priest found her on the floor.
He just staggered away in horror.
He sent an emergency message to Vantera.
Relatives & others came in fear, ya.
Magic was weak in the world then.
What had happened was beyond them.
It was magic, but they hadn’t a clue.
They were at a loss as to what to do.
Kronos was feeling pretty good.
Then, a demon appeared. He knew it would.
“Did you enjoy your little revenge plot?”
“Yes, we knew. We expected the lot.”
“We knew revenge would eat at you.”
“So, we let you go on and carry thru.”
“Now, you can give us your total attention.”
“You will do all, or must I mention.”
“Panthers will rip you apart.”
So, you had better do your part.”
With that he waved his hand.
Two panthers appeared on command.
Kronos screamed and peed his pants.
“Send them away. I will obey” he pants.
The demon smiled, if you would call it that.
“Now, you can get on the real track.”
The demon laid out what Kronos would do.
“What? That might be impossible to do.”
“You have many reference books.”
Plus over 800 years of using the flux.
Magic is a constant, use depends on the user.”
We know you’re strong. You’re no fool here.”
“You can accomplish this, but it will take time.’
“All during that time, you will be mine.”
“I will know all that you will try to do.”
“Do not take me for a fool.”
“You’re very soul is ruled by us.”
“You will immediately start studying the flux.”
With that, the demon vanished again.
Kronos knew there was no way for him to win.
He went down into the extensive library.
He was overwhelmed, but didn’t tarry.
A lover of The Black Arts, he was ecstatic.
Maybe he could do the job, no matter how erratic.
Exactly what Kronos was working on is not known.
I don’t know because I wasn’t shown.
But, keep reading and more should be revealed.
This must happen for The Chronicles to be real.

——————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 1)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 1)

Kronos suddenly found himself sitting on his throne.
He looked around and found he was all alone.
He was confused and disoriented to be sure.
How in the world did all of this occur.
Then, without warning, a demon appeared.
“Are you thinking that all this is a little weird?”
“Well, After over 150+ years in hell,
you’re back in your castle in which you did dwell.”
“All you will be allowed to remember of hell
is being ripped apart, over and over, like a spell.”
“Do you have any idea how many times
panthers ripped you a new ass in 150+ years time?”
“It would have went on for eternity.”
“But, the Dark Lord has other plans now, you see.”
“He has chosen you, and many others,
to do his bidding, as is his druthers.”
“These others you may never meet.”
“At least for now; you’re alone. That’s sweet.”
“Fail to do exactly as we command.”
“You will be sent back to hell to panther land.”
Kronos was white and shaking with fright.
He fell to his knees without a fight.
“No, no,—no more panthers—please.”
“Get up off your knees.”
“This castle was destroyed in your memory.”
“But, it was restored and made bigger, as you can see.”
“It was also moved to the top of a plateau.”
“It was a museum displaying The Black Arts for show.”
“That was back when magic was strong.”
“Since then, magic has been long gone.”
“It is mystical lore now with few practitioners.”
“Those who dabble are mostly inquisitors.”
“All your salvageable books were stored here.”
“Along with many, many others. Is that clear?”
“We will add books to this library of knowledge.”
“For you, it will be like going to Black Arts Collage.”
“You will be working on spells of mass destruction.”
“Plus much, much more without disruption.”
“You are nearing 1,000 years old now.”
“You may be 2,000, or more, if the Dark Lord allows.”
“Just to carry on your assigned duties.”
“ You will do as required without gratuity.”
“Details for what is on a need to know basis.”
“Remember, you are not worthy to kiss his laces.”
“Don’t even think of getting revenge on Anika. Fact.”
“She has been dead for many years & won’t be coming back.”
At the sound of Anika’s name Kronos blood boiled.
But, if she died many years ago, his revenge was foiled.
“Don’t think you can do what you want.”
“You do only what we command and want.”
The demon suddenly disappeared.
He had given Kronos no real assignment, which was weird.
Kronos immediately tested his magical abilities.
He cast a few spells and determined his agility.
He found Anika had a granddaughter who was alive.
He will take revenge on her. His time has arrived.
Exactly what will he attempt to do?
That will soon be revealed to you.
Just as soon as it is revealed to me.
At that time we both shall see.

—————————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Preface)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Preface)

A whole month has come and gone.
Was I right or was I wrong?
Was the nightmare just a dream?
It was so very much more, it would seem.
I finally decided to find out more.
I had a séance to get to the very core.
We called up a very powerful demon.
Hoping this would give me some freedom.
“Who dares call me forth” it said.
The voice was very deep, penetrating my head.
“I am the creator of Kronos, who is in hell.”
“I had a nightmare and haven’t felt well.”
“Demons wanted me to bring Kronos back.”
“This is something for which I haven’t the knack.”
“We will send Kronos back to his castle.”
“That will be the least of our hassle.”
“He will be under our control while alive.”
“We have a work for him to do to thrive.”
“You will be inspired to tell the tale.”
“We must keep him on track and out of jail.”
“The Dark Lord picked him for this work.”
“Along with other humans.” was its retort.
“Humans throughout the ages, dead and alive.”
“Those with the right attitude we described.”
“They have a work too great to mention right now.”
“They will be slaves for the Dark Lord, as he will allow.”
“The inspiration to write it all down,
will be coming as it comes around.”
“Just be patient and prepared to write.”
“This is powerful, it will take all your might.”
With that, the demon disappeared.
I was shaken and thought it all really weird.
Demons using humans, both dead and alive.
For some nefarious scheme, yet to be contrived?
It had my interest, though I felt like a pawn.
Even so, I was glad that it was gone.

—————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Darkest Night Has Come

The Darkest Night Has Come

Another day has come and gone.
I am sitting here in the dawn.
The sky is brightening out the window.
But, there is no light in me to kindle.
Something happened the other day.
Something that didn’t quite go my way.
Now I have faded from dark to black.
I am not sure if I am coming back.
I took a trip to the demon world.
Not by choice, but in a whirl.
I was pulled down by no choice of my own.
While I struggled and could only moan.
It went from dark to the blackest black.
I had no idea where I was at.
“Is someone there?” I screamed real loud.
“My kingdom for a Duracell”, acting proud.
Glowing red eyes appeared to me.
A voice as deep as deep could be.
“You are responsible for Kronos!”, it said.
I thought I was going out of my head.
“You will write more about him.”
This has got to be a nightmare whim.
“This is real. You will obey!!”, it said.
I knew I was in way over my head.
“Kronos is dead and now in hell.”
“Oh,— we know that very well.”
“What can I do about that?.”
“You’re the author, just bring him back.”
Directed by demons to bring back Kronos?
Where this is leading, no one knows.
Was it all a dream,—- or was it real?
To bring Kronos back would be a real spiel.
So I sit here in the gloom.
Trying to come up with something soon.
This blackness must be lifted off of me.
Maybe then I will be able to see.
Could this all be a spell by Kronos?
Spelling his very creator,— almost?
It seems that this will never end.
So, you may be hearing of Kronos again.

———————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Little Knight Faces Civil Unrest

The Little Knight Faces Civil Unrest

The little knight was having a bad day.
The kingdom wasn’t the same old way.
There was talk of rebellion against the king.
Many people were going to the extreme.
The civil unrest was totally uncalled for.
The country was not even in a war.
The king was calling his knights together.
The little knight knew this wasn’t for the better.
He would give his life to defend the kingdom.
But, fight citizens?—– He might wing one.
It was his sworn duty to obey the king.
No matter what the results may bring.
He did not want to see the king dethroned.
But then, he didn’t want citizens stoned.
He was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
He hoped he wouldn’t have to use his mace.
Thousands of knights were there, he found.
The king said “shit”, and 10,000 iron pants hit the ground.
“Get those pants up and listen to me.”
“Our citizen’s are yelling they want to be free.”
“For some reason, they don’t want a monarchy.”
“They want to have a say in how things are done.”
“Many of them are no better than scum”
“Obviously, some changes need to be made.”
“Martial law is a good card to be played.”
The little knight didn’t know what to do.
He was against this and he was no fool.
The little knight has always come out on top.
But, he has never been put in this kind of a spot.
At risk of being arrested, he was about to speak up.

When he suddenly was awakened by his pup.
He was in bed with the TV playing.
The news was on and it was saying.
‘Civil unrest throughout the country.’
While showing pictures it went on to say plenty.
The little knight got up and turned it off.
He took a swig of hard liquor and coughed.
He had been dreaming about civil unrest.
Seems things were putting him to the test.
The little knight wasn’t sure what to do.
Except to vote. He knew for sure he had to.

—————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Author’s Dream, Or A Real Scene (Part 2)

Author’s Dream, Or A Real Scene? (Part 2)

The author was working on his latest book.
It was getting dark when the windows shook.
He heard: “I am back. The enemy is coming.”
He was back in Thanos’s castle,  & Thanos was running.
“Quick, I will erect your protective shield.”
“You don’t have to worry. It will not yield.”
He had me stand, looking out over the yard.
I felt surrounded by something hard.
I couldn’t see it, but I knew it was there.
I could feel the static in my hair.
Soon, wizards came into the courtyard.
They had wands and were chanting hard.
A red flash shot across the scene.
A shield glowed around the hit being.
The wizard fired back with a blue flash.
At the gate, the perpetrator jumped back.
A wooden beam split and fell over.
Rock fell on an evil wizard, the size of a bolder.
They had to drop their shields to fire.
If hit then, they became a live wire.
One wizard fired and was hit by a spell.
He immediately gave out a yell.
Then, he was clucking & scratching like a chicken.
The spell had apparently gave him a lickin.
The fight continued, spells flying back & forth.
Wizard’s fire flew, lighting up the court.
Then, the wizards, in sequence, created a scene.
The greatest fireworks I’d ever seen.
Evil wizards were screaming & running everywhere.
There was static electricity in the air.
It was so bright, I had to cover my eyes.
When I opened them, I was surprised.
I was back at my desk and fireworks were going off.
It was the 4th of July. Many fireworks were aloft.
I could easily see them out of my window.
The fairgrounds was a stone’s throw below.
Had I been asleep again? Was it a dream?
It seemed so real, the entire scene.
He would use the scene in his book.
Beyond that, he didn’t want a second look.

——————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Author’s Dream, Or A Real Scene

Author’s Dream, Or A Real Scene?

The author was deep into his fantasy writing.
Suddenly, there was a flash like lightening.
He looked around. A wizard was standing there.
He felt a shock that raised up his hair.
“Who are you? Where did you come from?”
“I am Thanos from a magical kingdom.”
“From your ancient past before known time.”
“Back when magic ruled and it was mine.”
“If you are writing about magic, get it right.”
“I’ve come to correct that. Don’t get uptight.”
With that he pointed his wand at the writer.
Zap!! Everything changed. It was night here.
“Where am I. What happened?” he asked.
“You’re in my time. You are way in the past.”
“I will show you why magic didn’t last.”
“I will show you how magic really works.”
“Also, how we live with all its quirks.”
“But, why? Why are you doing all this?”
He was scared. About to piss.
“I wanted you to know such a time was actual.”
“If writing about it, you can get things factual.”
“This is insane. I must be dreaming.”
“I will change your mind about that.” Scheming.
“Here there is a war going on now.”
“Between us and the evil wizards.”He scowled.
“I want to zap them and turn them to dust.”
“That would excite me like you would over lust.”
“They will torture kids and rape a goat.”
“I would like to turn them all to smoke.”
“How long has this war been going on?”
“Since the cradle of creation. It goes on and on.”
He whipped out a map and pointed to it.
“Their kingdom is here. They need a ship.”
“ Much water separates them and us.”
“They won’t fly that far. They have no guts.”
“Wizards can fly? I thought you used a dragon?”
“They exist in this time but, no one can ride them.”
“To fly long distances takes much magical energy.”
“It is far better to wait till they come near me.”
“My sources say an attack will happen tonight.”
“I brought you here so you can observe the fight.”
“What? Is it safe? I could be killed!!”
“You will be safe. So it is willed.”
“I won’t be fighting alone.”
“All wizards will fight to defend the throne.”
“Every spell that is known to us will be used.”
“The same with them. Watch as it ensues.”
“You will be protected by a powerful shield.”
“Do not worry. It will not yield.”
The writer could not believe what he was hearing.
He kept shaking his head but, things were not clearing.
‘This is total madness’ he thought to himself.
I am surprised I am not a fairy or an elf.
“Stay here a moment. I will be right back”
The wizard left and that was that.
He looked around and he was at his desk.
‘What the hell’ he thought. ‘What a mess.’
‘I must have fallen asleep?’ ‘But, it seemed so real.’
After that ‘dream’, he didn’t know how to feel.
It did give him some good ideas for a new story.
He could write about a wizard war, you see.
But, he actually didn’t ‘dream’ about the war.
Stay tuned. For this story, there may be more.

————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Egor’s Creation (Epilog)

Egor’s Creation (Epilog)

Kronos entered the clouds and it got cold.
A flash of light and he heard “BEHOLD!!”
Then, next he knew he was here.
He didn’t know where, that was clear.
He was cast into outer darkness by God.
He had no feeling. That was odd.
There was no up, there was no down.
There was nothing else around.
There was no cold, there was no hot.
Was he moving or in one spot?
There was no black. There was no light.
He could not see. He had no sight.
There was no sound, no feeling either.
He seemed to be floating in an ether.
He couldn’t move. Did he have a body?
He had never felt so oddly.
There was no direction, no sense of time.
There was only one thing, that was his mind.
Everything else ceased to exist.
Only his mind, and that was it.
Creation had not happened here.
So, he had nothing to fear.
Kronos the monster, the living ‘it.’
It ranted and raved and had a fit.
It wasn’t human. Not created by God.
Yet, it was alive. How very odd.
A living entity to go on for eternity.
Only it’s mind gave it surety.
It screamed, cursing Anika in it’s mind.
There was no sound, no passing of time.
Soon, it was totally insane.
Ranting, raving, and screaming Anika’s name.
It was not of God,— so here it would remain.

Egor didn’t fare well with his jump into the future.
He knew the danger, now made only too clear.
He was now hunchback and had a limp.
He looked much older, but he wouldn’t vent.
He knew he would be safe here from what he did.
There was nothing here he had to keep hid.

The Wizards were celebrating big time after victory.
For a while there the outcome was a little sticky.
Zeus was enjoying the company of the panthers.
He scratched them as they rubbed against him and purred.
Then, he told Anika God had had it with man.
Magic would soon disappear from the land.
Every generation after that was born without it.
Magic became legend and lore. That was it.
Except for magical creatures and places.
Lore to humans, few saw their faces.
Their world was forbidden mostly to man.
Very few got to visit that land.
But, one day, magic would return big time.
Sent by God to save all mankind.
Way in the future, the full force would be heading
to a place called Armageddon.

—————————————————–R.W. Johnson——(2018)

Egor’s Creation (Part 8)

Egor’s Creation (Part 8)

Kronos began destroying more things.
Killing anyone in his sight, it seems.
Asglow and Egor just shook their heads.
At this rate all would be dead.
Then, a number of Wizards did appear.
Evangelica was with them. She was near.
She called to Asglow. He looked at her.
Kronos thought something would occur.
He pointed his wand and yelled “Rigormorti.”
Evangelica fell dead before their eyes.
“You bastard!!” screamed Asglow. “That was my mother!!”
“Well, I didn’t think it was your brother.”
Kronos laughed and zapped away.
Asglow knew then that he would kill him one day.
Suddenly, lightning bolts started raining down.
They were coming from all around.
Asglow deflected them using positive and negative magic.
If he didn’t succeed, the results would be tragic.
More and more Wizards appeared all around.
All around Asglow bolts hit the ground.
Egor was behind Asglow guarding his back.
He was scared. About to have a heart attack.
Asglow was holding his own, but barely.
Egor knew that things were getting pretty hairy.
Kronos appeared behind some Wizards.
He used Warlock fire to cook their gizzards.
He zapped around all over the place.
Killing Wizards at a leisurely pace.
“Anika!!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Show yourself and bring all your guns.”
Asglow had his hands completely full.
So much so that it was taking it’s toll.
He couldn’t zap back in time to escape.
Just holding his own was all he could take.
Kronos zapped back and black magic flew.
He was disrupting the balance between the two.
Asglow was rapidly losing control.
Egor felt it and zapping back in time, he did go.
Kronos suddenly saw Anika appear.
He screamed and charged without any fear.
Anika zapped away and Kronos did follow.
It was too late. He had left a hollow.
Asglow lost control and his magic went to hell.
He was blown apart. Every single cell.
Anika zapped to the middle of the whirlwind.
It was horrendous. She thought she was done in.
Then Pegasus appeared nearby.
She jumped on his back and he did fly.
He took off with tremendous speed.
Up, up, and over the lip, he did succeed.
Kronos appeared immediately after.
He tried to follow, but Pegasus was faster.
The whirlwind got stronger.
First, it pulled him down and held him longer.
He couldn’t fly, or zap away.
Nothing was working for him that day.
Then the whirlwind began to suck him up.
He screamed “Anika, you stinking slut!!”
He was sucked up and into the clouds.
The whirlwind slammed closed, and it was loud.
In the meantime Egor went back.
He had fallen right into their trap.
They immediately wrapped him in a magical rope.
His powers were done. He couldn’t cope.
Later, he was brought before Anika.
She removed all his magical powers. Neat huh?
He pleaded that the castle not be destroyed.
“Send it far away. I will go with it “ he rejoiced.
Zeus said he could accomplish that.
The castle was sent away, as a matter of fact.
It went to what would later become Germany.
Egor was sent too. Now he was free.
He still had the amulet. It activated.
Taking him and the castle to what awaited.
The spell was set to kick in if he was sent.
So, way off to the future he went.
The castle would be bought by Dr Frankenstein.
Egor helped him with what he had in mind.
To create life, but in a different way.
But, that is a story for another day.
Before the castle was sent on it’s way,
all books were destroyed that very day.
But, what happened to Kronos many may say?
Read the epilog to see what it may say.

——————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Egor’s Creation (Part 7)

Egor’s Creation (Part 7)

When the Wizards heard what Kronos did.
The ruined town, the threatened kid.
They were ready to flip their lid.
Anika convinced them to wait on their bid.
“I need to talk to the person who provided the bolts.”
“I think he could help us all the most.”
She would seek help from Zeus himself.
Tell him all that happened herself.
To Mt. Olympus, Anika and family went.
They appeared there like they were sent.
Anika pleaded her case to Zeus.
“Without your help he will cook our goose.”
Zeus considered all of this for a while.
Then, his face broke out in a smile.
“I have a plan that just might work.”
“It is something that won’t be a quirk.”
“All my family here will have to help.”
“It won’t be lightening bolts to make him melt.”
“We have the power to make a whirlwind.”
“Together we can make it twirl him.”
“It will suck him up into the air.”
“God will deal with him from there.”
“He won’t be able to zap away or fly out of it.”
“The power will be new.He won’t know the trick.”
“But, the trick will be to get him to zap in.”
“Do you know a way we can do this and trap him?”
Anika said “I think I do know a way.”
“More than anything, Kronos wants to have me at bay.”
“He will follow me into the whirling inferno”
“How I will get out, I just don’t know?”
“I think I can handle that.” Zeus said with a smile.
They started making plans. It would take awhile.
In the meantime, Kronos was getting mad.
“I won’t cook a baby. Does that make you glad?”
“What did you have in mind then dear Dad?”
“Come, I will show you what came to mind.”
They zapped back to the ruined town line.
Kronos used magic to erect a large cross.
Then he covered it with sticky moss.
He produced a mannequin that looked like Anika.
It was nailed to the cross. It would freak ya.
Wizards who were sent to spy freaked out.
They yelled “What the hell is this about?”
Kronos killed all, but one Wizard then.
He said “Go tell the others this will happen to them..”
The Wizard zapped back to Vantera in a panic.
“Kronos has become a killing mechanic.”
He told them all that was seen and said.
They knew, above all, Kronos wanted Anika dead.
Anika and family zapped back to get the news.
“We have no more time to pick and choose.”
She told them about Zeus and his plan.
It was a gamble, but they would do what they can.
“The Lumicates told me to draw from the past.”
“I think I know what that means at last.”
“More than anything Kronos wants to kill me.”
“I will be the bait to set us free.”
All Wizards feared for her life.
This news just added to their overall strife.
But, what will happen will happen it seems.
It was one in a million. Maybe just a dream.

—————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)