The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 13)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 13)

Kronos & Asglow were working on phase III.
Without the enthusiasm there used to be.
They had been at it for several months.
They had little to show, except for grunts.
Then, out of nowhere, someone popped in.
This wasn’t a demon,—- he had a grin.
“Hello Kronos. Long time no see.”
“What the hell? Are you shitting me?”
“Yup, it is I, ‘The Shadow.’, back again.”
“Where the hell have you been?”
“Trapped for hundreds of years in a lamp”
“The Lumicates trapped me in the lamp”
“That was when they trapped your spirit too.”
“I thought that was the end of you.”
“Last time I saw you alive, panthers turned you to jelly.”
“Back when the panthers ripped out your belly.”
“DON’T MENTION THAT!!” Kronos screamed.
“I was killed during that bloody scene.”
“Yet, here you are, alive again?”
“Start at the beginning. That’s where to begin.”
Kronos told him all he knew of since his death.
“How did you escape that lamp?”
“Aladdin released me when he found the lamp.”
“I served him for years as a genie.”
“Finally, he granted me my freedom, you see.”
“I came to your ruined castle to search for books.”
“Nothing was there. But, I did look.”
“I probably picked up on Asglow’s trace.”
“I followed it & now you see my face.”
“Since he is your son, it was similar to your trace.”
“Now, what the hell are you two doing in this place?”
They told him about the demons with some fear.
They told him exactly why they were here.
They told him what they are working on & why.
Told him about Vantera burning up in the sky.
They didn’t know what the demons had planned.
But, they were worried about how they would stand.
“I think I may know what it is about” ‘The Shadow’ said.
“Now, don’t let it go to your head.”
“I will have to return to my time to gather proof.”
“I will only be gone a few seconds.” With that, poof.
“The Shadow was gone. In a few seconds, he was back.
He was holding a book that was black front & back.
“This is a Holy Bible. The history of demons & angels.”
“Written after this time, but made plain though.”
He read them the part about war in heaven.
The part about the angels being cast out of heaven.
Sent to earth for attempting to usurp God.
Here they became demons, hating man & God.
Then, he read the part about Armageddon.
The war at the end of time. Good VS evil. All dreading.
“This is what I think they are preparing for.”
“It will be history’s greatest war.”
“Do they plan to destroy all God’s creation?”
“I couldn’t hazard a guess. I am only a laymen.”
Kronos & Asglow knew none of this.
They thought demons came from an abyss.
Truth is, they hadn’t thought about it at all.
It was shocking news about their fall.
“I have never liked demons much.”
“But, they brought me back. A nice touch.”
The news almost brought them to their knees.
It was much bigger than they could conceive.
They were small insects in a much bigger picture.
There went Kronos’s plans for getting richer.
They were at a total loss as to what to do then.
Caught between a rock & a hard place with no whim.
I’ve been told this wraps up volume one.
There is a volume two. There’s more to come.
Lots of questions left unanswered.
Without answers, it will spread like a cancer.
So long now to all of you.
Be sure to watch for volume two.

————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Cronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 12)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 12)

They were working almost every night & day.
Something big was coming their way.
A few years later, they were almost done.
They had no idea it would be such fun.
Especially for Kronos, who was new to white magic.
Without Asglow’s guidance, it would have been tragic.
Finally the big day arrived.
They wanted to try out all they strived.
Then, they remembered what the demon had said.
Just the thought of it gave them dread.
Like being paged, a demon popped in.
“Why aren’t you two working? voicing his whim.
“Because we are done with phase II”
“What? Is this the truth coming from you?”
“It is. Here, check it out for yourself.”
They gave him a scroll. He scanned the wealth.
“I can’t believe you finished so quickly”
“We are quite efficient, though some of it was iffy.”
“do we have the o.k. to test it?”
“NO!! Definitely not. It would be too dangerous.”
“You can now proceed on to phase III”
“WHAT?? Are you puling our leg?”
“Demons have no humor. We only make you beg.”
“But, but—How can there be a phase III?”
“Well, let me explain it to thee.”
The demon explained what was expected next.
“We thought the first two phases were nuts.”
“Now you may have blown our trust.”
“This could totally destroy all of creation.”
The demon said “Point made and taken.”
“This could take a millennium or more.”
“Are you suicidal? When done, you will be no more.”
“That is what phase IV is for.”
“Phase IV?? What the hell are you demons planning?”
“A need to know basis. Stop being demanding.”
“What do we finally get out of all this?”
“Possibly the right to live. The Dark Lord will decide this.”
“Get to work. That is an order.”
With that, the demon was no more.
“What the hell are we doing here?” Asglow said.
“It seems, with demons, we are in bed.”
“Yes, we are, but to what end?”
“To find out, I don’t want to wait till then.”
“Do demons have that powerful of enemies?”
“Only God & the heavenly angels. They are many.”
“You don’t think they are planning war on them, do you?”
“I don’t think even demons would be such a fool.”
“Phase I could ignite the very magical flux.”
“Phase II would double that power, or as much.”
“Add phase III & the entire universe is in danger.”
“There was phase IV mentioned. It would be stranger.”
“I am starting to get worried. How about you?”
“Yes, this is not something to look forward to.”
We will leave them in this mental stew.
Where it leads? If I only knew.
When more news comes around.
I will be busy writing it down.
———————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 11)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 11)

Years flew by as the two of them worked.
Searching every book & scroll, a quirk.
One day Asglow looked in a mirror.
He was shocked at how he appeared.
“I have aged, but you have not.”
He was glued to the spot.
“I solved that over 900 years ago.”
“A spell keeps me young. It is so.”
“Could you work that spell on me?”
“Certainly, it slipped my mind, you see.”
Kronos did what he needed to do.
Asglow looked & felt younger too.
He said “Thanks, I needed that.”
“I believe you did. It’s a fact.”
A month, or so later Asglow said.
“I just remembered. It came to my head.”
“Way back, when I built the castle.”
“I hid books away to avoid a hassle.”
“It was a huge amount of books from Vantera.”
“Now, I know that might sound a little queer, ah”
“They didn’t know I took them back then.”
“Both black & white magic” he grinned.
“White magic?—- I hate that crap!!”
“I know, but don’t lose your hat.”
“I was trained in both, as you know.”
“I found with a balance, you increase the show.”
“What exactly are you saying here?”
“This may be the answer. Have no fear.”
“This may be why the demons need us.”
“A demon can’t touch white magic, I trust.”
“Yet, the balance is needed for phase !! to work.”
“Now, that really is quite a quirk.”
“I don’t trust white magic. Never have.”
“It could be like a healing salve.”
“What the hell are you saying?”
“Let me show you. I’m just saying.”
Asglow took Kronos deep below.
Way into the bedrock. There was a glow.
A spell to prevent rot in the room.
There were hundreds of books in the gloom.
Asglow lit a globe with magic.
The books were separated by their magic.
Asglow said “Watch this.”
Using black magic he melted rock with a hiss.
Then, he combined a ‘white spell’ with it.
The rock evaporated. Nothing left of it.
Kronos was amazed. “What the hell??”
“It was a balanced spell.”
“It became twice as effective that way.”
“It takes special skill though, I must say.”
“How did you come up with such a thing?”
“Quite by accident, it would now seem.”
“Once I saw what it had done.”
“I perfected my method. I was the only one.”
“I am starting to see how this could help.”
“We’ll complete phase II for that demon whelp.”
“And we will do it in record time.”
“It won’t take centuries of our time.”
“We could make a breakthrough in a few years.”
“I wonder if that would bring a demon to tears.”
“Hell no. They are a bunch of ornery cusses.”
“All he does is give orders and fusses.”
So, Kronos and Asglow went to work again.
Kronos thought white magic was almost a sin.
But, if it got them where they wanted to go.
Then, he was all ready to work on the show.
Where it took them, I still haven’t heard.
I will pass it on when I get the word.

——————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 10)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 10)

After the incident at Castle Kronos,
Orin & others didn’t have any no, no’s.
They thought Thedra died in an accident.
They had no knowledge of harassment.
Orin kept feeling he was forgetting something.
Nothing came to mind. It was just one thing.
After some time, he forgot about it.
All he remembered seemed to fit.
All Wizards on Vantera came under the spell.
The aliens to. They forgot as well.
They were only there for Thedra’s funeral.
For everyone, all seemed well.
The Lumicates detected the ripple.
But, they could not decipher it to fit though.
Many months later, at the castle.
Kronos & Asglow were ready to tackle
phase I. They thought they had it down pat.
Kronos, as usual, had a plan in his hat.
“We will test it out on Vantrera soon.”
Asglow gave a little swoon.
Finally, that day had arrived.
They were ready with all they had strived.
They put the phase into action.
On Vantera, the sky suddenly turned red.
It was like the whole sky was molten lead.
The entire planet was on fire.
Way worse than Wizard’s fire.
The whole planet was a crispy critter.
In a matter of minutes, it did wither.
Not a single Wizard was able to escape.
Burnt to a crisp was the landscape.
Kronos & Asglow were shocked at first.
Then, they cheered. This was the worst.
Their revenge was total & complete.
A better ending, they could not reap.
Then, two demons popped into view.
‘What the hell did you just do?”
“We tested out phase I to be sure we had it right.”
“We did not authorize you to use such might.”
“Many things could have gone wrong.”
“That’s why we need phase II. This is strong.”
“Sorry, we felt it needed testing.”
“It did, but we will decide such things.”
“We could care less about the Wizards.”
“A thorn removed from our side. Now crispy gizzards.”
“But, phase I is only a small part of the overall project”
“To complete it may take centuries. That’s the object.”
“What on earth is the completed project?”
“Like we said. A need to know basis. Use logic.”
“You will no longer be concerned with Wizards.”
“They were all on Vantera. Now they are crispy gizzards.”
“We will tell you more about phase II.”
“That way, as you progress, you will know what to do.”
“Don’t even think about using this power again for any reason.”
“To do so, we will consider it treason.”
“Kronos will immediately be sent back to hell.”
“Panthers are waiting there to rip you up, as well.”
“Asglow will be in the time loop till the end of time.”
“Both of you had better keep this in mind.”
The demons covered what was expected from phase II
Kronos & Asglow were in a loss as to what to do.
“Hit the books, you nincomshits.”
With that, both demons split.
“This phase will take years & years.”
“No shit Sherlock” said Asglow, almost in tears.
“There is that phrase again.” Kronos spit.
“I haven’t heard it since ‘The Shadow’ used it.”
“Forget it. Let’s get to work”
What will come next? It’s a real quirk.
I will write more, no matter how long it takes.
We must know the end, for our sakes.

—————————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 9)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 9)

While Kronos & Asglow were scanning.
Trying to see what the demons were planning.
Orin & others went through the first portal.
Orin went through and gave a chortle.
At the same time the alien ship took off.
Some Wizards were on board, taken aloft.
The demons did prevent the ship from leaving.
It somehow landed again. They were seething.
Orin & others made it to the first planet.
They immediately did as they planned it.
They zapped to the castle in numbers.
Prepared to fight, not look at wonders.
Kronos & Asglow were immediately aware.
They sealed the library with care.
They headed for the throne room with glee.
The Wizards were preparing to fight, you see.
They cast a protective spell.
Kronos brought it down with his wand & a yell.
Rays of light were flashing all over the place.
Asglow defended himself with grace.
These Wizards were no match for them.
Kronos & Asglow could take them on a whim.
Kronos made one Wizard cluck & strut like a chicken.
Asglow made another give himself a lickin.
Orin was the only one who brought them to task.
Kronos was about to make it Orin’s last.
Then a half dozen demons appeared.
“Stop this nonsense!! Yelled one to be revered.
Such an authoritative voice froze them all.
“You will not be fighting in this hallowed hall.”
One Wizard sent fire & he was evaporated.
“We can’t fight demons!!” yelled Orin, exasperated.
“This will be settled without any further death.”
“Would you prefer I take away your breath?”
One of the Wizards grabbed his throat & gasped for air.
At the same time, he hung suspended in the air.
“Enough!!” yelled Orin. “We will not fight.”
The blue faced Wizard gulped in air with fright.
“You are fighting the Warlocks for your mother’s death.”
“We demons arranged it. Our goals were met.”
“You have a right to want revenge.”
“But, we cannot allow it. So, it ends.”
“We will cast a spell of forgetfulness on you.”
“There is nothing that you can do.”
“You will remember your mother died in an accident.”
“No one will remember how she really went.”
“Our needs MUST come first.”
“This castle is taboo. For you, it is cursed.”
“No one will attempt to come here again.”
“This is now settled. No one will win.”
“Except us. We have things that must be done.”
After that, the demons cast the spell on everyone.
Everyone but Kronos & Asglow, who were spared.
They could get back to work. No one cared.
Kronos & Asglow were left with a feeling
that revenge had been done. No further revealing.
Orin & the others zapped home.
The demons were gone, with a slight moan.
Kronos said “What just happened?”
Nothing came to thought that would attract them.
They went back to their work of scanning.
Thinking the demons didn’t know what they were planning.
It wasn’t long till a demon popped into view.
“Apparently, we are not getting through.”
“We said on a need to know basis.”
“Knock off the scanning. Don’t look faceless.”
“We know all that you are doing.”
“Get back to work. No more fooling.”
With that, the demon disappeared.
“It seems we have no choice” Kronos said. “How weird.”
Months passed & an idea began to form.
The demon plan was now being born.
It didn’t seem quite as farfetched anymore.
But, it did open up many more doors.
One day, a demon popped in.
Scaring Asglow, who went into a spin.
“Can’t you at least knock” Asglow said.
“Stop your complaining” the demon said.
“We have been carefully watching the two of you.”
“The Dark Lord is pleased with both you two.”
“You are ready to know about phase II.”
The demon explained what was expected of the two.
“What!!. I swear you demons are nuts!!”
“Do it. I don’t want to hear any if’s, ands, or buts!!”
What was expected, I do not know.
The demon was gone without any show.
As soon as I hear more.
I will let you know the score.

———————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter7)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 7)

Before Kronos & Asglow could start to make plans,
two demons appeared, as if on command.
“We know someone zapped into here.”
“Where did they go. Make it clear.”
“It was Orin. We don’t know where he went.”
“Probably back to Vantera, to give you a hint.”
“If he was here again he knows what you did.”
“So he claimed, the little so called Wizard kid.”
“We told you to NOT be messing around”
“You told me to get revenge to settle me down.”
“That I did. It may have been an error.”
“It will lead to misery and terror.”
“Do you think he will now just stand by?”
“He is going to want us to die.”
The demon uttered an offensive word.
“Listen to me you little turds.”
“We don’t want any of this going on.”
“We don’t want your project to go wrong.”
“We don’t want you wasting time.”
“Now, you will have to work double time.”
“We will prevent any ‘revenge’ by Orin.”
“Forget Wizards exist. A final warning.”
“Remember panthers and the time loop.”
“Orin will be sewed up too tight to poop.”
“We are monitoring all that you two do.”
“So, I would get back to work, if I were you.”
With that, both demons vanished.
Kronos was heard cussing in Spanish.
Orin immediately called an emergency meeting.
He told all what he saw & heard, though fleeting.
The Wizards couldn’t believe those two were back.
“I heard them mention demons during their yak.”
“Lumicates said it had a demonic feeling”
“Now, I am sure they are evolved. Very reveling.”
“We can’t do a thing against demons, except pray.”
“I never thought I would see this day.”
“Well, we will do something, but it will take study.”
“The priests must help, or else it will get muddy.”
So, for a few weeks, intense research & study went on.
Priests explained the casting out of demons.
A priest would probably have to do it, it seems.
It was a dangerous & risky procedure.
Orin said “Whatever it takes. Let’s make that clear.”
Finally, they felt that they were ready, with some hassle.
They planned on zapping right into the castle.
They would follow Orin’s trail.
Ride it in, like on a tail.
But, when they tried to zap from Vantera,
they ended back where they started, on Vantera.
No matter what they tried.
They couldn’t leave, and remain alive.
It seems the demons had sealed them all in.
But, the Wizards didn’t know that then.
They decided that they could only go one way.
Physically travel in a rocket ship,— say.
But, to do that, they had to build one.
Many gave up. It was too much for some.
Then Orin recalled Anika’s friends, the aliens.
She helped save their planet and save them.
The Greys, as they are called today.
One of their ships would help them today.
So, as they laid plans to make alien contact,
I will leave for awhile, hang on till I get back.
When I have learned more.
I will pass it along, before it becomes lore.
Stay tuned. More is on the way.
Things like this don’t happen every day.

————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 6)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 6)

Orin was troubled since his mother’s murder.
He checked her body, trying not to disturb her.
He paced, thought, researched, and fumed.
There had to be a way through this gloom.
Then, an idea came, as bright as a light.
He would follow through this very night.
He would visit the Lumicates planet.
He had been there before, lots of sand drifts.
The Lumicates could tell of future events.
He would ask them about the way things went.
He zapped there and was welcomed, as usual.
He said he was there on business, as usual.
He told them of his mother’s death.
They had seen waves in time, but missed the vex.
They were saddened to hear of Thedra’s fate.
They were sorry they were a little bit late.
Orin asked “Who, or what caused her death?”
“It has a demonic feeling, but familiar, we guess.”
“We can’t say for sure who was the cause.”
“Not even why. Maybe revenge”—they paused.
“Kronos keeps coming to mind.” They said.
“But, he has been dead 150+ years” with dread.
“I know” said Orin “It all makes no sense.”
“Do you see more of this in the future?”
“Possibly, it is fragmented, hard to pursue sir.”
“I have to stop any further deadly use of magic.”
“We agree. Further use would be very tragic.”
“The problem is, I don’t know where to start.”
“May we suggest Kronos’s castle for a start.”
“Look again; use invisibility this time.”
“We feel this will show you who did the crime.”
Orin thanked them for their help.
Then he zapped to Vantera, thinking how he felt.
He planned to zap to the plateau the next day.
He will zap right in. That is the easiest way.
The stronger shield didn’t prevent him from doing this.
It didn’t trigger the shield. Nothing was amiss.
He had on a cloak of invisibility when he got there.
There was no one around anywhere.
Then he heard two people talking.
He checked it out without gawking.
Kronos and Asglow were having a discussion.
He used a spell to increase his percussion.
He wanted to hear all they were saying,
without getting in their way then.
“We can cast a spell to take us back in time.”
“Then, revenge on Anika will be mine.”
“What about the demons finding out.”
“I have been trying to figure that one out.”
“Are you nuts!! You can’t go back and change time.”
“Once passed it is set. You would cause a rip in time.”
“You would destroy all that is here, including you.’
“This has been proven after the end of you fools.”
Kronos & Asglow jumped. “What the hell??”
“Who said that?” “Is it a demon I smell?”
“I am no demon. My name is Orin.”
“So, you were here before then?”
“Yes, I was here one time before.”
“It was my mother you killed!!” he yelled with a roar.
“They charged in his general direction.
But, Orin zapped back to Vantera with misdirection.
He didn’t want them following his trail.
They would follow, but later, without fail.
They contemplated what Orin had said.
About causing a rip in time instead.
They decided to take revenge on Vantera.
Asglow had been raised there, he said with a grin.
They immediately began making plans.
I will tell you more when I can.
For now be assured things are warming up.
Trouble is brewing in the Sorcerers’ cup.
Until then, just stew in the brew.
Soon, there will be more coming to you.

————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 5)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 5)

Kronos prepared for Asglow’s return.
There wasn’t much that he had to learn.
He knew the basic spell to cast already.
First, he checked the warp, feeling sweaty.
He determined that Asglow was still alive.
Hopefully, not insane, he said with pride.
He had the proper amulet for the spell.
He hoped that all would go well.
He rambled some magical words.
A blue light shot out and blurred.
Then it went through the amulet.
Creating a brilliant circle of light beyond it.
Asglow fell out of it, like through a door.
Then, Asglow fell to the floor.
He slowly rose and stared in horror.
“You!! I will rip your throat out!!”
“Whoa” said Kronos. “Back off you lout.”
“I am not the Kronos you think I am.”
‘Just relax, be patient a second, if you can.”
“I am not Egor’s soulless creation.”
“I am Kronos. I am your father.” with elation.
“What? How can that be. Kronos is dead.”
“I was for 150+ years in hell.”
“Being ripped apart over & over by panthers as well.”
“Then, the Dark Lord returned me to the living.”
“To do a special job for him. I’m not kidding.”
“The demons allowed me to set you free.”
“They said you would then be helping me.”
“I have been back for a year, or so.”
“If I disobey, you know where will go.”
Kronos then told Asglow all that he knew.
He showed him the book where he learned to
bring back Asglow, & the rest of the history
while he was in hell. It was no longer a mystery.
“The ‘created’ Kronos is in the outer darkness.”
“That soulless freak was truly heartless.”
“But, this is the real me, ready to kick some ass.”
“I only regret that Anika has already past.”
“Yes,” said Asglow. “She did a number on me too.”
“I know” said Kronos. “She treated you like a fool.”
Then Kronos told Asglow about his revenge.
“Thedra didn’t even know how to defend.”
“Too bad it wasn’t Anika.” Asglow said.
“Yes, but, I have been thinking in my head.”
“Between the two of us, we can manipulate time.”
“Revenge on Anika may yet be mine.”
With that, Kronos let out a evil cackle.
“Right now, that would be too much to tackle.”
Asglow said that he was feeling weak and sick.
Kronos said “I can fix that up real quick.”
He pointed his wand & said “Salvia Officinalis.”
Asglow immediately felt in excellent health.
He was a little bit hungry, was all. Loose belt.
They ate a big meal and both felt better.
Then, a demon appeared, right to the letter.
Kronos said “I have been expecting you.”
“I am here to make sure neither acts the fool.”
“If you do, back to hell, where panthers await.
Asglow will return to the loop. We won’t hesitate.”
Both yelled “No, we haven’t done a thing.”
“I like the way the sound of that rings.”
The demon explained, for Asglow’s benefit.
Exactly what they would work on forthwith.
“What. That would be impossible.”
“No Asglow. It is quite possible.”
“Demons could do it. But, it must be done by you.”
“Exactly why, no need to know, just do.”
“Only on a need to know basis will more be revealed.”
“Now, continue on. Oh, we have strengthened the shield.”
The force field around the castle was what he meant.
With that, poof, away the demon went.
It seems their path is laid out clear.
But, both want revenge. I am no seer.
But, I would say they will work also on their plan.
If revealed, I will explain it, if I can.

—————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 4)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 4)

Time passed slowly, as it always does.
Kronos made little progress, just because.
He had other thoughts on his mind.
He hoped to act on them, given time.
Then, after about a year.
Kronos was working in the library, without fear.
He accidently found a book he hadn’t seen before.
It was just lying there on the floor.
He picked it up and looked at the title.
History Of Magic After Kronos’s Death.
This is interesting. He had not read it yet.
He immediately started reading it.
Very soon, he almost had a fit.
He learned that he had a son.
Asglow, he was a right and proper one.
He read how the current castle was built by him.
He learned about Vantera & what happened to him.
He learned about Egor and his creation.
This enraged him with no elation.
Another Kronos without a soul.
Working with them to steal the show.
How it was banished to outer darkness.
Kronos much approved of this harshness.
Asglow had been forced to return to the time loop.
He was again trapped. Kronos gave a whoop.
It would be easy to retrieve him from there.
Kronos ran his fingers through his hair.
A plan was forming in his mind.
He thought he could pull it off, given time.
He would bring Asglow back to here.
Tell him that he had nothing to fear.
He was the ‘real’ Kronos. He was his father.
He would baptize him with unholy water.
Together they would work on the demons plans.
They would also plot revenge, if they can.
Suddenly, the demon appeared.
Kronos jumped, startled with fear.
“I see you found the book I left for you.”
“I am sure now you are planning what to do.”
“What, you put this volume here for me?”
“I did. Demons wrote it, you see.”
“We wanted to bring you up to date on magical history.”
“I know you are scheming on how to trick me.”
“Forget that. We will allow you to free Asglow.”
“ His knowledge of time will help in the last show.”
“Go ahead and do your thing.”
“Just remember what the panthers can bring.”
The demon vanished as fast as he came.
Kronos was so shaken, he needed a cane.
As he recovered, he thought ‘what the heck.’
‘The demon said go ahead so let’s start the vex.’
As Kronos prepares to bring Asglow back from the loop
we will leave him till we get the scoop.
It seems demons are controlling every move.
Could this change as father & son begin to groove?
As soon as a message comes down.
I will be writing the message down.

———————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 3)

The Chronicles Of Kronos (Chapter 3)

As Kronos studied, things were in a stir.
Vantera citizens were upset, for sure.
Magic was almost non-existent on earth.
Magic was still on Vantera, for what it was worth.
Anything like it was during the Warlock/Wizard wars.
Back when magic led to many horrors.
Now, magic was used medicinally mostly.
Also to help with agriculture, weather, & roach free.
This was on Vantera. No warlocks were around.
There was no reason to study war, they had found.
But now, the death of Thedra caused a stir.
The citizens wanted answers. That’s for sure.
The High Council Of 9 ordered an investigation.
Thedra’s son, Obrin, led it with elation.
He had studied the ancient arts of war.
He knew ‘old magic’ to it’s very core.
He, with chosen others, went to the Jeru church.
They would check it out, for what it was worth.
He cast a spell that would detect ancient magic.
He found strong traces left, which was tragic.
“Who today can wield magic of this power?”
No name came up. Magic had faded like a flower.
At a total loss as to what to do,
an idea came to him. He would follow through.
Obrin said he would go to the ‘old castle’.
“You mean the one on the plateau?”
“Yes, the one that was the Black Arts Museum.”
If no one was there, no one would see him.
“That is off limits. It has a protective shield around it.”
“I know enough ‘old magic’ to penetrate it.”
They all went to the base of the plateau.
He cast an old spell and gave them a show.
He passed through the protective shield.
This passing Kronos could immediately feel.
Kronos rushed up and sat on his throne.
An invisibility shield made his presence unknown.
By then, Obrin had climbed to the top.
He entered the throne room right at that spot.
He looked around and noticed nothing out of place.
If someone had been there, there was no trace.
He checked several places with no signs of passage.
He zapped back down, his depression lasting.
He told the others that he didn’t find a thing.
There was no proof he found that he could bring.
“There is only one answer to this mystery death.”
“Someone, way back then rigged a Crest.”
“That is a spell that will work on descendents of the enemy.”
“It was just triggered, for some reason.” He told the assembly.
“Thedra is a direct descendent of Anika.”
“What other explanation can there be?” “Don’t freak out.”
“Such spells are difficult to construct.”
“I doubt if another would be so abrupt.”
“We should all be safe in the future.”
“If other things happen, we’ll know more what to do here.”
“Let us pray and put this whole thing to rest.”
“Also, let us pray that there won’t be a next.”
Kronos returned to his work.
He was tempted to ‘roast’ the twerp.
But, then, he thought about the panthers.
He would ignore this interruption & search for answers.
So, as Kronos goes back to work,
we must consider, what is it worth?
To ignore his hatred of the Wizards.
Just to do as demons command to save his gizzard.
Kronos was in quite a stir.
It was Anika. He wanted to murder her.
So, as he studies, and fusses and stirs,
we will leave him thinking of murder.
What exactly he will do next
will be revealed in the following text.

——————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)