The Enemy Among Us

The Enemy Among Us

I look out upon the frosty land.
House roof and trees all white.
Along with the grass and sand.
My thoughts turn to the fight.

Our earth has been attacked.
By aliens for our mineral wealth.
We haven’t given up. We fight back.
Most of us are now in poor health.

We have returned to the rock age.
No modern comforts exist now.
But, our progress, we can gage.
There is a plan to tell us how.

The aliens can’t breathe our air.
They wear stuff to help with that.
Without their stuff, that they wear.
They would die, and that’s a fact.

We will eliminate their breathing gear.
We have a plan that will not fail.
It will work. We have nothing to fear.
They can’t order more through the mail.

We will burn the ship that has the stuff.
An inside job that will work for sure.
They enslaved some. They’re treated rough.
Yet, inside the ship, they will endure.

We have a way to contact them.
They will be supplied with what they need.
They will set fire to the breathing bins.
Make sure it cannot be easy to breathe.

With their equipment destroyed,
they will soon be in a real pickle.
The air,—- they must avoid.
They will be reduced to a trickle.

Those will leave or be overthrown.
Yes, they may return, given time.
By then, we will have things going.
We will be ready. Right down the line.

—————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

The Mystery Of The ‘Glob’

The Mystery Of The ‘Glob’

There is a mystery around every turn.
Someone threw a ‘glob’ into the churn.
People who used the butter didn’t get sick.
They didn’t thrash around due to a fit.
They developed some amazing powers.
They could predict rain, or just a shower.
They could see a plane fly overhead.
Tell you who was onboard & who they wed.
Given any object at all, they knew its history.
Right back to the day it was made. No mystery.
They could track better than the best blood hound.
They could even ‘root out’ an evil clown.
Such powers haven’t been known before.
Where did they come from? What’s at its core?
The word is, an alien handled the ‘glob.’
No, it wasn’t Uncle Bob.

He is an alien too.
But, not the kind we were exposed to.
What was the object with such a gift?
Did he make other aliens miffed?
Such powers in our hands could be a hazard.
Election day would go bad for the bastards.
Nothing would get past those with ‘the power.’
Election day would be the ‘bewitching hour.’
But, never fear—-“Power Man” is here.
Just kick back and have a beer.
“Power Man” will weed out the truth.
No need to go to the voting booth.
He will set you straight on all, but your mate.
He has to draw the line somewhere. It’s fate..
It is now a better world. Thanks to the ‘glob.’
With just a little help from Uncle Bob.

————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

A Shocking Discovery Made

A Shocking Discovery Made

The Astro XM was deep in space.
The crew was snuggly in their pods.
The suspended animation in place.
To keep them alive against all odds.

The Astro XM was advanced.
Reaching the speed of light.
Those aboard were given a chance.
Minimal aging during the flight.

Space explorers; the first wave.
Traveling on through the night.
To find a place to permanently stay.
To establish an outpost was their right.

Onboard computers did their job
of locating an earth like planet.
Their accuracy was almost odd.
They did much more than plan it.

The ship went into orbit once there.
The crew was awakened at once.
They were excited to get their share.
Immediately, they left their bunks.

The landing pod, soon ready to go.
They did last checks and boarded.
They were ready to start this show.
This would not go unrewarded.

The clean, fresh, invigorating air
was the first thing it delivered.
The smell of flowers everywhere.
Trees, mountains, lakes, & rivers.

This place was a virtual paradise.
The beauty here was unsurpassed.
Yet, they saw no sign of any life,
Other than vegetation and grass?

How is this possible? Flowers take bees.
This was a mystery they must explore.
Reproduction could be by the breeze.
But, that left too much to ignore.

No life found in lakes, rivers, or land.
An ego system that cannot exist.
No sign of creatures like a man.
No animals, mammals, or insects to list.

Man entering this system might not work.
Obviously, it could upset the balance here.
Suddenly, they realized it wasn’t a quirk.
Man can’t enter anywhere, this was clear.

Earth was made for man & vice verse.
There is nowhere else he would fit in.
Maybe man should take better care of earth.
This side of heaven, nothing else is for him.

——————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

Mysterious Cavern

      Mysterious Cavern

There is something I want you to see.

Won’t you come along with me?

There are some caverns near here.

Don’t worry. There’s nothing to fear.

It’s up the hill behind this place.

Lots of woods conceals its trace.

I found it the other day while hiking.

It’s a nice cavern.  Just to my liking.

But, what’s in it is what you must see.

You won’t believe it just listening to me.

Just a little further through the woods.

There’s the hill. I would fly up if I could.

We can make it up this little trail.

It’s scary but, we can make it without fail.

Take this light. It’s dark inside.

It would make a cool place to hide.

Watch your step. It’s a little slick.

Be careful. Make the best of it.

There! Up ahead. See that arch form!

It is not natural. It’s not even worn.

Other lime formations show their age.

The arch is new. Recently made.

It looks like it’s from another world.

See the way the edges are curled.

Suddenly the arch began to brighten.

The open center began to lighten.

Then, something stepped out of the light.

We began to shake with fright.

We jumped behind a large stalagmite.

We watched the creature walk out of sight.

The light in the arch dimmed & went out.

It was awhile before we moved about.

I tossed a small stone through the arch.

Nothing happened. That gave us a start.

We decided to get the hell out.

We didn’t want to move about.

Whatever it was that suddenly appeared.

Was definitely something to be feared.

We will come back another time.

With proper equipment & frame of mind.

We’ll bring protection & more help.

Others will find out how we felt.

We will find out just what is going on.

You’ll come to. Right? Or am I wrong?

———————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




The Watchers


             The Watchers

I was walking down a country road.

Enjoying the view, resting my load.

Then, I looked up in the sky.

A UFO caught my eye.

It came slowly down.

Then hovered, just off the ground.

I went over for a closer look.

I heard a rumble & the ground shook.

A blue light came down & covered me.

Next, I was in the air above the trees.

I was taken up inside the ship.

Next I knew, I was in, like a slip.

Three big eyed creatures surrounded me.

Big head, no ears, & a slit of a mouth, you see.

They were short, about three feet tall.

They spoke inside my head. What gall.

Mental telepathy, it seemed to be.

They wanted to know all about me.

I wanted to know about them to.

There was nothing I could do.

After awhile, I was communicating well.

They understood all, from what I could tell.

They said they have observed our race for a millennium.

They wondered why we couldn’t get it in our craniums.

A pretense for violence is wrong.

We could all end up dead and totally gone.

Self annihilation,  they think it is called.

I asked them about their cattle mutilations?

They said it was another alien nation.

There is more than us who are watchers.

I said too bad they weren’t helpful, like doctors.

A treaty in place prevents direct intervention.

Although, this did not reduce the tension.

I wondered what was the sense of it all?

Most races wanted earth to answer the call.

What call are you referring to?

The call to join the universal community pool.

To be one race among the many others.

That stretch across the galaxies, one to another.

Many, many planets have races that are coming of age.

They will soon be ready to join the universal stage.

To obtain this we must stop warring with our fellow man.

At least, that is the general plan.

All races seem to reach a point in their growth

where they will self destruct or overcome & promote

the wellbeing of everyone and all others.

Think of everyone as a sister or brother.

Then, they are ready to leave their earth.

To expand into space, for what it is worth.

To become part of the universal community.

To live in peace and harmony.

That final step is up to us

Does the human race have the stuff?

All we can do is wait and see.

The ‘watchers’ hope we will learn to be free.

————————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)














Space Rock – Or More?

      Space Rock – Or More?

Spiraling through space.

Round and round.

A freezing cold hunk of rock.

Silence all around.

Ever onward through the void.

It’s destination unknown.

There was nothing to avoid.

It traveled on alone.

Time was non-existent here.

Every revolution the same.

Could life exist in such a state?

Survive and not go insane?

Yet,—- alive it was.

Not as we would know life.

Something different altogether.

Still something that had the right

to be called a sentient being.

A living ship might be close

To describe this hunk of rock.

Could it be carrying ghosts

onward to their destiny?

If there was life within,

there was no indication.

Just a hunk of rock in space

was all. No communication.

A time will someday come

when it will reach a destination.

Then, the answer will reveal

it’s final consecration.———————-R. W. Johnson—-(2011)


Space Exploration

      Space Exploration

Sitting here thinking one afternoon.

Why do men want to go to the moon?

Is it the mystery of the big unknown?

That’s how space, the final frontier, is shown.

If man one day reaches the stars.

Will he find out who we really are?

Will he find from where we came?

Will there be others who look the same?

Chances are the answer is no.

The further into space we go

the more we will find  questions  unanswered.

The more questions that are answered

leads to more questions that then arise.

In the end we may be surprised.

The answers were here all along.

In simple form like they belong.

Look in the Bible and then believe.

Faith will then give you all you need.

The wonders of creation can boggle the mind.

But, the answers have been there all the time.

We can spend eternity exploring it all.

By  believing we have been saved from the fall.

God will give you a new heart & eternal life.

Then you’ll have eternity to see all the sights.

That is something worth striving for.

Is God knocking on your door??

If he is answer right away.

Then you will be on your way!!—————–R. W. Johnson—-(2012)

Heavenly Dream

           Heavenly Dream

I went in search of the silver star.

I made a left just past Mars.

I went past the asteroid belt.

I flew so fast I thought I’d melt.

But, it’s really cold in space.

Not a very friendly place.

I traveled beyond the solar system.

Now I have to use my wisdom.

There are no direction signs out here.

Very little around, I fear.

Out, out into the galaxy.

I flew fast & I flew free.

Finally I reached the nearest star.

But, nothing silver here so far.

I headed for Orion’s belt.

I went fast  with what I was dealt.

When I arrived there  was a giant star tunnel.

Stars on all sides like a funnel.

Into the funnel I dived.

I began to think; soon I will arrive.

At the end I found the silver star.

Often called the Northern Star.

I was about to land when I awoke.

I heard a voice as it spoke.

“It’s not time for you to be here yet.”

“You can come home when everything’s set”.

—————————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2014)

It’s ‘Alien’ To The Aliens


         It’s ‘Alien’ To The Aliens

I was walking down a country road.

I was all alone, looking for a toad.

Then, I saw the thing coming out of the sky.

A UFO here?—– I wondered why?

It stopped over head 200 feet up.

The bottom looked like a paper cup.

It was metal, but, the shape, you see.

Looked like a paper cup to me.

All of a sudden a blue light came on.

I was thinking ‘color me gone.’

Next thing I know I was lifted away.

Scooped right up into its bay.

What I saw then was really weird.

Looked like overgrown veggies had appeared.

Big green lumps like broccoli heads.

Mushroom tops and carrot shreds.

All apparently made of metal.

There were even big things like a kettle.

I got to my feet and walked around.

There was nobody to be found.

Then I saw what could have been a door.

Except it was weird, coming out of the floor.

I got close and it opened up.

It led to a slide into a buttercup.

I slid down into something soft.

A spongy consistence set on a loft.

Down below were alien beings.

They were busy at whatever I was seeing.

Then a voice came to me within my head.

It was in English, not Martian instead.

It must have been mental telepathy.

I was alert with no lethargy.

It said “Welcome to the stellar ship Orion.”

I said “You kidnapped me. I ain’t lying.”

“Relax, we only have a few questions.”

“I hope this isn’t to teach me a lesson.”

“How does your race feel about alien beings?”

“It’s hard to say without first seeing.”

“Would they join a Space Federation?”

“You should ask the President” I said with elation.

“Do not you all have an equal say?”

“Hell no!! Not in this world of today.”

“It seems we have questioned the wrong person”

“Oh, I don’t know. At least I’m not cursing.”

Next I knew I awoke in a pile of leaves.

I was deep in a forest with many trees.

I walked till I came to a road.

Flagged down a truck with a heavy load.

I found out I was  about 30 miles from home.

I had lost a day in my ‘stellar’ roam.

I didn’t tell him of my situation.

I just said I was on vacation.

But, one thing I know as sure as bacon.

If they ask the President, he’ll make them

honorary citizens if they vote for him.

“Have some food stamps.” he’ll say with a grin.

But, he won’t have us join any Federation.

Only a Socialist society, then he’ll take them.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)