The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter Five)
The Wizards were in their meeting hall.
It was time for ‘The Others’ to call.
‘The Others’ fired on the meeting hall.
Their strongest weapon will kill them all.
The hall was protected by a magical shield.
It glowed brightly, but didn’t yield.
‘The Others’ cheered. Were they all dead?.
They came down to investigate instead.
The Wizard’s dropped the shield.
‘The Others’ entered to see what was revealed.
The place was vacant? How could that be?
‘We saw them all come in here didn’t we?’
The Wizards had already zapped out.
They were untrustworthy. They had no doubt.
The Wizards knew when ‘The Others’ fired.
They knew immediately they were liars.
They had ‘The Others’ trapped inside the hall.
They could easily kill them all.
But, that is not what they had in mind.
They would get what they want, given time.
The Wizard’s zapped in and raised all shields.
‘The Others’ tried to fire their fazers.
They had less effect than a laser.
The Wizards said ‘We could kill you now.’
‘But, we want to talk first, somehow.’
‘We want to know what brought you here?’
‘Is there something that you fear?’
‘The Others’ decided to play it straight.
Leave it to the Wizards to decide their fate.
They left their world to avoid a Nova.
Their sun was to soon go Nova.
They didn’t know what was causing this.
But, they could detect signs, against their wish.
Their world was much larger than Vantera.
They needed other worlds near here. Yeah.
Their population had to relocate to live.
Remorse was pouring out like a sieve.
The Wizards asked for more info on a Nova.
‘The Others’ said ‘The sun will grow. Yeah.’
‘Our home world will perish. It will burn up.’
‘No way to avoid it, regardless your luck.’
‘Over time, the sun will shrink to a dwarf star.’
‘If near, you are dead, wherever you are.’
The Wizards speculated the cause.
The magical teachers said, after a pause.
‘It can only be dark and light matter.’
‘Possibly something else, but we guess the latter.’
‘Drawn in by their sun, it becomes concentrated.’
‘It reaches a point where the sun is inundated.’
‘It is too much of both. The sun then expands.’
‘The result is death to all who are near.’
‘They have much that they need to fear.’
‘Can we do anything to help them out?’
‘We possibly can stop it, if things work out.’
‘How can you stop a Nova from happening?’
‘We have abilities that you obviously don’t.’
‘We can’t explain it, and we won’t.’
‘Time for you to start displaying some trust.’
‘If you can’t, then this meeting is a bust.’
‘If you can, we may save your home world.’
‘Nothing lost to try.—– Give it a whirl.’
Will ‘The Others’ decide to trust the Wizards?
There are desert worlds with nothing but lizards.
They would be better off on their home world.
Check back and see if they will give it a whirl.
———————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2017)