The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter Five)

The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter Five)

The Wizards were in their meeting hall.

It was time for ‘The Others’ to call.

The Others’ fired on the meeting hall.

Their strongest weapon will kill them all.

The hall was protected by a magical shield.

It glowed brightly, but didn’t yield.

The Others’ cheered. Were they all dead?.

They came down to investigate instead.

The Wizard’s dropped the shield.

The Others’ entered to see what was revealed.

The place was vacant? How could that be?

We saw them all come in here didn’t we?’

The Wizards had already zapped out.

They were untrustworthy. They had no doubt.

The Wizards knew when ‘The Others’ fired.

They knew immediately they were liars.

They had ‘The Others’ trapped inside the hall.

They could easily kill them all.

But, that is not what they had in mind.

They would get what they want, given time.

The Wizard’s zapped in and raised all shields.

The Others’ tried to fire their fazers.

They had less effect than a laser.

The Wizards said ‘We could kill you now.’

But, we want to talk first, somehow.’

‘We want to know what brought you here?’

Is there something that you fear?’

The Others’ decided to play it straight.

Leave it to the Wizards to decide their fate.

They left their world to avoid a Nova.

Their sun was to soon go Nova.

They didn’t know what was causing this.

But, they could detect signs, against their wish.

Their world was much larger than Vantera.

They needed other worlds near here. Yeah.

Their population had to relocate to live.

Remorse was pouring out like a sieve.

The Wizards asked for more info on a Nova.

The Others’ said ‘The sun will grow. Yeah.’

‘Our home world will perish. It will burn up.’

‘No way to avoid it, regardless your luck.’

‘Over time, the sun will shrink to a dwarf star.’

‘If near, you are dead, wherever you are.’

The Wizards speculated the cause.

The magical teachers said, after a pause.

It can only be dark and light matter.’

Possibly something else, but we guess the latter.’

Drawn in by their sun, it becomes concentrated.’

It reaches a point where the sun is inundated.’

It is too much of both. The sun then expands.’

The result is death to all who are near.’

They have much that they need to fear.’

Can we do anything to help them out?’

We possibly can stop it, if things work out.’

How can you stop a Nova from happening?’

We have abilities that you obviously don’t.’

We can’t explain it, and we won’t.’

Time for you to start displaying some trust.’

If you can’t, then this meeting is a bust.’

If you can, we may save your home world.’

Nothing lost to try.—– Give it a whirl.’

Will ‘The Others’ decide to trust the Wizards?

There are desert worlds with nothing but lizards.

They would be better off on their home world.

Check back and see if they will give it a whirl.

———————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2017)








The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter Four)

The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter Four)

The battle raged on all around.

Neither side gaining much ground.

Siran and Ansir said “Time to move.”

To zap back to their ship and include

a more complete report on things.

See what another visit to the enemy brings.

They zapped back to the ship’s hold.

They projected invisibility, as told.

Then, they explored the ship.

They found ‘The Others’ real quick.

In the control room they called a bridge.

They were trying to figure out what gives.

They knew nothing about magic,

They couldn’t detect it, which was tragic.

Tragic for them, because it upset their plans.

We have to capture an adult, if we can.’

Interview them. Do we have a plan?’

yes, that seems to be the best way.’

I will get to work on it right away.’

That one left the control room.

Ansir and Siran followed him soon.

They wrapped him in a magic grid.

Then zapped home with him hid.

They bound him with magical restraints.

They started the interview without complaints.

The other’ tried to hide his thoughts.

But, the amulet pulled them out, like blocks.

Soon, they knew all they needed to know.

Maybe now, they might let ‘The Other’ go.

But first, they made a deal with him.

Another talk would happen with them again.

The Wizards had to have more information.

A solution to it all could await them.

They detected a lot of distrust from ‘The Other.’

Ansir said ‘Maybe you should talk with my mother.’

Anika was called. She could bend wills, if needed.

She talked with ‘The Other’ while he pleaded.

All was carried out telepathically.

The Other’s’ ability for speech did lack, you see.

Anika used similar magic she had used before.

When she was ‘The Deceiver’ to her core.

It seemed to work and she convinced ‘The Other.’

They spoke the truth. Alternatives? There were no others.

The Other’ was released to return to his ship.

He delivered the Wizard’s message quick.

A meeting was planned for the next day.

The Wizards were prepared in every way.

Could ‘The Others’ be trusted to behave?

We will find out on the very next day.

——————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)



The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter Three)


The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter Three)


They didn’t have to wait long for action.

‘The Others’ came with a new attraction.

The flying machines beamed down things.

Weird metal monsters with metal rings.

3 legged things that walked with a jerk.

No clue as to what made them work.

They beamed a ray that turned you to ash.

A wizard shield protected, but would it last?

Nothing conjured up had any effect.

Can’t we stop them? What the heck!!”

Then, Wizards tried a magical rope.

Tripped a machine. It fell without hope.

Robot legs thrashed about in the air.

It wasn’t going anywhere.

Siran and Ansir were nearby the thing.

Suddenly, it was hit by a blue beam.

They grabbed it and held on tight.

All were beamed up out of sight.

They were aboard in some kind of hold.

That’s when things started to unfold.

Their translator amulets worked.

They picked up mental quirks.

The Others’ talked with mental telepathy.

Siran and Ansir could hear, you see.

The amulets helped them understand.

One of them was giving commands.

Ansir and Siran stayed out of sight.

The Others’ were talking about the fight.

One of them mentioned the kids on board.

Leave them to their own accord.’

They are not a threat to us at all.’

They are lucky they can do more than crawl.’

I doubt if the adults are much smarter.’

Smash the dirty little heathens for a starter.’

Ansir and Siran dropped ‘The Others’ where they stood.

A simple knock out spell worked like it should.

They quickly located the kids.

They tied each to them via a magic grid.

Then, they zapped back down to earth.

All were o.k., for what it was worth.

The Others’, who were knocked out in the hold

had amnesia, and blamed it on getting old.

The kids told everyone all they had learned.

It helped some, but Siran and Ansir could return.

They decided against it just then.

They knew the kids were missed within

the flying machine. Best stay clear for now.

They could make plans on what is allowed.

Things are just getting started in this battle.

Tune in again and hear sabers rattle.

——————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2017)


The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter Two)


  The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter Two)


The Others’ quizzed the kids by telepathy.

The kids didn’t understand. ‘Set us free.’

They all kept up that same thought.

They used computers for what they sought.

The Others’ tried to understand.

Computers obeyed their commands.

The computers translated what kids thought.

The Others’ found out what they sought.

The Others’ began to mentally talk to them.

Communication started. It was more than a whim.

The Others’ tried to find out all they could.

The kids were smart.  Only thought what they should.

The process was going slow.

The Others’ wanted all that the kids know.

The kids wanted to find out all they could.

Reading ‘The Others’ minds would be good.

The computer would help them some.

But, the translator amulet was a better one.

Unfortunately, they did not have any.

Right now, they could use many.

They were too young to zap home on their own.

They hadn’t yet been given a wand of their own.

But, they knew a lot of things already.

Like a mental block, while they got ready.

Concerning magic, ‘The Others’ had no clue.

The kids knew ‘Don’t let them find out about you.’

Things were at a status quo for both.

So, ‘The Others’ said “It’s time for a vote”

They decided this planet could be conquered.

Though it was small, they could spread the word.

Other planets are in this galaxy.

Many will fit into our policy.


Meantime, the Wizards decided one thing.

A wizard must get on board a machine.

He/she could then zap back and report.

Then, we can give them a proper retort.

Siran and Ansir volunteered to go.

They would hide their wands for show.

They would look helpless and beg for mercy.

That way, they could get beamed up, surely.

Now, they just needed to wait.

 ‘The Others’ would return before it got late.

As soon as all this starts to happen,

we will return to get in on the action.

————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)







The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter One)


  The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare (Chapter One)


The Wizards, for the most part, forgot the vision.

The one by the Head Seer about ‘our indecision.’

Indecision about how to handle the invasion.

The one from outer space. It was too late then.

For, one night, weird space ships appeared.

They started beaming up kids. How weird.

A blue light drew the kids up into the ship.

Wizards tried to work spells to stop this trip.

It was to no avail, except Wizard’s Fire.

The most skilled Wizards used the fire.

Sent to where the blue beam came from.

They were hoping to fry the scum.

This caused one ship to rock and falter.

It was heading down, like an overturned alter.

It was thought to crash somewhere over a cliff.

Wizards zapped there and surrounded the ship.

Nothing moved. They couldn’t get inside.

No matter how much the Wizard’s strived.

Then, it was found where the blue light came from,

a way to get inside, which was burnt to a crumb.

Weird bodies, short, with big heads and eyes.

Burnt to a crisp. There were none left alive.

Wizard’s Fire was effective, but limited in use.

It would only work if it got inside & cooked their goose.

The other ships left the scene,

with the missing kids, taken for whatever means.

The Wizards were in a hell of a stir.

Questions were flying, that’s for sure.

One of Anika’s sons sent the deadly Wizard’s Fire.

Siran said it was a lucky shot. He was no liar.

Who are these critters? We haven’t a clue”

Do they use magic?” “Don’t be a fool”

This ship seems to be some type of machine”

I think all this is beyond our means”

It is like something that has come from the future”

I doubt that is from where they come. Do you sir?”

Who can say? And, what do we do? We need a plan”

A meeting was called to figure out what they can.

Several ideas were passed around.

We need to get one on the ground”

With the critters still alive so we can question them”

Our universal translator amulet should comprehend”

Now, that is worth a try, but how”

We have to be able to bring a ship down, somehow”

Could one of us be beamed aboard”

Then we could maybe address the hoard”

They have only taken kids so far”

I am sure that is so they can learn who we are”

As the Wizards tried to come up with a plan.

The ‘Others’ returned to their mother ship to plan.

What happens next, we will have to wait and see.

For I haven’t a single clue right now, you see.-

——————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)



The Wizards Worst Nightmare (Preface)

  The Wizards Worst Nightmare (Preface) 

Things hadn’t been better on Vantera.

All the Wizards are here,—- ya!!

They had settled down to a happy life.

No more wars, no more strife.

The training continued, as a matter of routine.

They were a democracy. There was no queen.

Then, the head seer had a vision.

It would cause some division.

He saw an indescribable sight.

An invasion taking place in the night.

It came from outer space.

How could such a thing take place?

This vision caused quite a stir.

Many of the Wizards were not sure.

Others said the seer’s visions were true.

To be ready required much to do.

Time passed and nothing happened.

Maybe this vision would pass then.

Then, one night, all hell broke loose.

An invading force cooked their goose.

Exactly what transpired is yet to be told.

It is a story for only the bold.

It pushed the Wizards to the max.

It took all their power to survive the attack.

But, the worst wasn’t over yet.

On this you can place a bet.

—————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)



Disaster From Space

             Disaster From Space

I was overseas when it happened.

At first, I thought it was a distraction.

It was much more than that, it seems.

An asteroid hit to the extremes.

Life on this planet was disrupted.

Like everyone had become corrupted.

All forms of transportation was down.

No communication anywhere around.

Back to the stone age in one big blast.

Man will be lucky if he can last.

Somehow, I had to get back home.

Can’t leave my loved ones all alone.

I found a sailing yacht willing to take me.

The Captain said yes, for a large fee.

I barely had enough to cover it.

I just hoped he wouldn’t quit.

Incredible storms  were brewing.

Due to the blast and its undoing.

Several times I thought we would sink.

It almost threw my ass into the drink.

Constant rain the entire way.

Winds strong enough to blow us astray.

We finally made land in a U.S. harbor.

To get home, I must go much farther.

The asteroid hit in New York state.

The people there had a deadly fate.

My home was in Northern California.

Damage there was torn land and lava.

Bad weather covered the entire world.

Worse than a  nuclear winter world.

We had landed in San Francisco Bay.

I rode a bike north for another day.

Finally, I reached our home.

Things were such a mess, I moaned.

The family was safe in our fallout shelter.

Their lives had been knocked all kilter.

But, physically, they were all safe.

Survival preparations and a lot of faith.

We were overjoyed to be together.

Now, we had to deal with the weather.

Global warming was out the door.

Now colder than it ever was before.

We had enough food to last a year.

It would take that long for the sky to clear.

But, with my loved ones by my side.

I will be in for the ride.

After everything, it is family that counts.

Any and all mountains we will mount.

With the Lord as our savior, we can’t fail.

We’ll get by with no internet or mail.

————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2017)




The ‘Cosmic Trigger.’

           The ‘Cosmic Trigger’

It was something called a ‘Cosmic Trigger.’

Sent from the Dog Star.—– Go figure.

What it was can’t be described.

If I told you, you’d say I lied.


Call it mystic. Call it spiritual.

It didn’t require a ritual.

It was ‘dogmatic’, to say the least.

Some say it released the beast.


Call it an idea or an epiphany.

A ‘New World Order’, or a mystery.

It started as a movement of minds.

Like thinkers, drawing their lines.


It was a thing way overdue.

It was tasty, like a porridge stew.

It wasn’t food, nor anything close.

It was just pleasant to most.


It was a new way of thinking.

A way to make the most of linking.

Linking one to another to one goal.

A drawing together of the inner soul.


Every person becomes as one.

An equal meaning for everyone.

Central and equal in every way.

It will lead us to the stars someday.


One for all and all for one.

The 3 Musketeers have finally won.

The whole world pulling together.

Toward a central goal forever.


Did aliens dabble in world affairs??

Are we showing off their wares??

Are we better off with the ‘Cosmic Trigger?’

Or, was it just blanks?—–Go figure.

—————————R.W. Johnson—–(2016)




A Mystery With No End


      A Mystery With No End

I have been an explorer all my life.

It is one reason I don’t have a wife.

There are few places left to explore.

All has been seen by man before.

Word came down of a hidden valley.

In South America, a jungle alley.

Smoke was seen during an over flight.

Otherwise, it would remain out of sight.

So, off I went with my usual crew.

What we would find, no one knew.

The valley was narrow and overgrown.

Easy to see why it was never known.

With ropes, we fought our way down.

Using machete’s, we reached ground.

A flat floor with a river going through.

Barely enough room for the crew.

We found a path and followed it.

Continuing, though the forest was thick.

We came to a village of sorts.

Buildings that seemed to distort.

No one seemed to be around.

There were no tracks upon the ground.

Suddenly, we were surrounded by them.

They were known as the ‘Leopard Men.’

The medicine man could speak English.

How he learned it made me squeamish.

These people had no outside contact.

This valley was their only tract.

They worshiped a mysterious leopard.

The medicine man was like its shepard.

Somehow, he knew that we were coming.

English ‘came’ to him. He wasn’t funning.

“The leopard knows and sees all.”

He said it with pride, like before a fall.

“When we leave we will remember nothing.”

He told us that without any fussing.

He seemed to control all that happened.

He showed us a special map then.

I will take you to the Holy Leopard.

Only I know the way. I am his shepard.

The next day we set out, map in hand.

With the very bizarre medicine man.

After half a day’s hike, we saw a cave.

Way up the side of a cliff in the shade.

He said: “That’s where we have to go.”

I said: “I see no path, you know.”

He said: “We will all go up at once.”

Then he gathered us all in a bunch.

All at once, we all floated up to the cave.

“What the hell?” I heard some rave.

“The leopard brought us all up here.”

The medicine man didn’t think it queer.

“He is inside, around to the left.”

“He is waiting in a natural cleft.”

We went on, and soon, we were there.

We saw a large leopard sitting in a cleft.

He was silver, or maybe black? Just flecks?

He looked like a leopard, then again, he didn’t.

There was something we saw within it.

His eyes had indescribable depth

If you stared too long, your pants got wet.

There was something about those eyes.

They seemed to, literally, hypnotize.

We heard him speak within our minds.

“I read the minds of every kind.”

“I know all about all of you already.”

“Your favorite dish is Italian spaghetti.”

“What are you?” I asked in amazement.

“A visitor from the stars.” His gaze a squint.

“I am stranded for the time being.”

“Others are coming. Then I am leaving.”

“I can tell you all about myself.”

“You can compare me to one of your elves.”

“To you, I seem mystical, or magical.”

“Actually, I am not that radical.”

“However, I cannot allow you to keep the memories.”

“They could become an impossible threat to me.”

“After I am rescued, your memories will return.”

“There is much that you will learn.”

‘Someday, your race will reach the stars.”

“They will know that their ancestors met ours.”

“Things will go much better that way.”

“Your knowledge of us is better for that day.”

We had very little to say.

We learned much in the coming days.

Then, we set out on our way home.

As soon as we left the valley, we were alone.

We had new memories then of what happened.

Years later, our memories had a rapid retraction.

We could remember it all in detail.

We wrote books and articles about each tale.

So, the knowledge of ‘The Holy Leopard’ went out.

Taken in by the world, without doubt.

Our knowledge advanced man rapidly.

Off to the stars, with a cat to see.

Our ancestors will join the galactic federation.

With insight from a visitor from another nation.

May this story be recorded in history.

Yet, much of it will remain a mystery.

—————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

A Home Away From Home

A Home Away From Home

We went to a new planet to check it out.
This is what our job is all about.
We have been to extremely hostile places.
Places we were sorry we showed our faces.
Exploration of earth like planets.
With future colonization, if the plan fits.
This planet was similar to the one in Avatar.
Except no dangerous beasts seen near or afar.
All animal life was very friendly.
Nothing was found to be called an enemy.
The intelligent life was humanoid in shape.
Friendly, a simple way of life, a harmony of fate.
All life was one, yet, each knew their own.
Life was respected by all, it was shown.
All life could connect mentally, even plant life.
That was why there was no fighting or strife.
They taught us how to ‘tune in’ mentally.
What an awakening!! ——Eventually,
We became one with all life that was there.
We would never harm even a hair.
The place was beautiful, wonders to behold.
Put the 7 wonders of earth to shame, I’m told.
We could NOT allow man to destroy paradise.
We marked this planet unfit. That was nice.
Yet, we would return. We called it home.
And so it will be for us who roam.

————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2016)