Little Knight Dreams Again


      Little Knight Dreams Again

The brave little knight had a job to do.

Clean up the town for me and you.

the word he wanted had finally come down.

They were holed up in the town.

He had dreamed of this day for years.

The thought of victory brought him tears.

The one who once was his best friend.

Till he stole his love from him.

The travesty had broke his heart.

He swore revenge that night in the dark.

The two lovers were still together.

Once they were gone he’d feel better.

He planned his attack for  that night.

Until then he kept them in his sight.

He would take them out together.

the more they begged the better.


Then, suddenly he came wide awake.

Another dream leaving it’s ache.

How much longer must he suffer this loss?

He had to get even no matter what cost.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)


Day Mares


      Day Mares

The brave little knight was on the move.

His shining armor sparkled as he moved.

He crept along from bush to tree.

Moving closer so he could see.

From his perch upon a knoll

he could see the home of the troll.

The troll that stole his love away.

Revenge would be his today.

He would wait till dark to make his move.

His anger itching to be soothed.

The nasty troll was his best friend.

He thought he would be till the end.

Till the day he stole his love.

He vowed by all the Gods above.

He would get them for what they did.

After darkness,  down the hill he slid.

As he approached he laughed within.

He would catch them in their den.

As he got ready to break in the door.


“Dinner is ready” called his mother.

He was in bed under the covers.

He had been dreaming again.

Will this nightmare ever end?—————–R.W. Johnson—–  (2011)


The Little Knight / The Little Knight Strikes Back


      The Little Knight

Deep into the canyon

with rugged pinnacles above,

the narrow trail went on.

A sliver of gray, angry sky above.

Soon it would be dark all around.

The canyon walls closed together.

Onward went the lonely, little knight.

Not stopping for food, drink, or weather.

Finally, he reached a narrow strip of land

With a very small stream in the center.

The canyon walls were 20 feet apart

In this valley he dared to enter.

Why come here? Where no one lived.

No sign of life on land or in the water.

He came here for one reason only.

To find the one who finally got her.


He hears his name being called.

He realizes he is in his room.

Another day staring at the wall.

Since she left him for that buffoon.———-R. W. Johnson——(2005)


      The Little Knight Strikes Back

The lonely little knight headed into the cave.

There was someone here for him to save.

This was the dragon’s den.

The dragon was one time friends with him.

Then, the dragon stole his soul mate away.

Now, it was time to make him pay.

He crept along the narrow passage.

Feeling like he was entering a fast cage.

How could the dragon do this to him?

He had once called him best friend.

He cautiously peeked around a stalagmite.

There they were within his sight.

She was sitting on his knee.

What a sight for him to see.

He made ready to make his charge.


A car horn honking made him look up.

He was sitting there, a pain in his gut.

He was at a bus stop just sitting.

Day tripping again about—-getting,

getting even—– with them both————–R. W. Johnson—-(2005)