The Glory Days

The Glory Days

I was thinking about the good old days.
The glory days, when I grew up & played.
Well, the rocks may melt & the fields burn.
Way before those good old days return.

I may move on to a better place.
Have glory shining from my face.
Have the best of everything.
No need to long for anything.

Yet, I pray, when that day comes.
When everything will lead to fun.
I hope it will be sweeter in every way.
Than it was in those glory days.

————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

A Storybook Romance

A Storybook Romance

I met her at the market place in old Hong Kong.
The only Americans, we instantly got along.
I wondered what she was doing there?
She said it was business only. I swear.
I said too bad. It was a good place for fun.
Drink a little Saki and go for a run.
A run on the beach, or just see the sights.
She said I had a real way to entice.
She was free the next day, so off we went.
Sightseeing, not concerned about what we spent.
We ran on the beach. Swam a little too.
There were tons of things to do.
After a day, or more, of this, she left for home.
I said I would call her on the phone.
She was from the California coast, near S.F.
An area I loved the most. Sorry I left.
A week later I gave her a call.
We went to wine country and had a ball.
The Napa Valley was very beautiful.
There was lots to drink & eat till full.
I told her that this is where I actually lived.
She said: “Really!”, as she used her bib.
“We are almost neighbors, you know.”
“Yet, we met in Hong Kong. What a show.”
Time passed by, like it always does.
Before long, her and I became us.
Traveling was a big part of our time.
I didn’t mind, since she was mine.
You know how these stories go.
Before long, another joined us for the show.
We named him Peter. Pete for short.
He won an award for his book report.
We asked him what book he had read.
He said none. It was based on our lives instead.

————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

Not Quite Grown Up

Not Quite Grown Up

I met you and I couldn’t believe it.
But, I was glad to just receive it.
The kind of fun I have with you.
It seems no one else will do.

Just two kids, having a ball.
Doing things we did when small.
Now that we are all grown up.
You might think we’re in a rut.
Stuck in our adult acting ways.
Always the same, day after day.
But, we’re just two kids, having a ball.
Doing the things we did when small.

They would tell me: “Grow up.”
Act your age. Don’t be a butt.
Then I met you and off we went.
Peter Pan syndrome is heaven sent.

We would play into one another.
Pass a pole and say “Bread & butter.”
Having more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Having a blast. Never feeling funky.

Just two kids, having a ball.
Doing things we did when small.
Now that we are all grown up.
You might think we we’re in a rut.
Stuck in our adult acting ways.
Always the same, day after day.
But, we’re just two kids, having a ball.
Doing the things we did when small.

We act mature when we need to.
But,—– between me and you.
It’s more fun to act like a kid.
It causes other adults to flip their lid.

—————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

Pretty Little Horses

Pretty Little Horses

Life was easy and free.
That was life in 1953
That’s the life for you and me.
It’s the way that it should be.

See all the pretty little horses

There was a time when we could laugh.
Have loads of fun playing in the grass.
Riding our bikes everywhere.
Enjoying life without a care.

See all the pretty little horses.

That was back in 1957
It seemed almost like heaven.
Life was easy, & loads of fun.
Plenty of love for everyone.

See all the pretty little horses.

All those days have come and gone.
There is not much now to look upon.
No more longing in my eye.
It is enough to make one cry.

See all the pretty little horses.

So I look at the merry go round.
Faster and faster, it spins around.
All the pretty little horses flash by.
Like past memories, I think, with a sigh.

See all the pretty little horses.

Nothing left, but the horses to see.
Seems I’ve lost the best part of me.
Pretty little horses to carry on.
Beautiful memories, now all gone.

————————R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

Those Childhood Days

Those Childhood Days

I keep thinking back a long, long time ago.
Where in the world does all the time go?
I am thinking back when we were kids.
Life was simple. No one flipped their lids.
We would dream about being older.
We would be bigger & much more bolder.
We figured we wouldn’t hate girls then.
We didn’t know how or why or even when.
We had too much fun building forts.
Exploring & catching frogs with warts.
Shooting targets with our sling shots.
Getting praise for the targets we got.
Riding bikes all over the place.
Sometimes, we would even have a race.
We had so many things to do.
We always had some gum to chew.
Relationships were not on our mind.
They would be eventually, given time.
But, then, we were too busy being boys.
Making the most of all our toys.
We played a lot of games & things.
No worries what each day would bring.
Somewhere along the way we got older.
We got bigger & we got bolder.
Girls played a part in our lives.
If she was ‘hot’ we gave it a try.
Soon, emotions became a major thing.
Many other things puberty would bring.
It was a radical change to become a man.
Yet, childhood had its place in the land.
Without it I wouldn’t be who I am.
It has made me, overall, a better man.

—————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

The Beginning

The Beginning

Everyday I like to spend a little time
walking in the woods with a friend of mine.
We smell the pine scent on the breeze.
It is warm and nice to put us at ease.
The birds are singing. The sky is clear blue.
I love spending time this way with you.
We come upon a sparkling blue lake.
Fish are jumping. I find it hard to stay awake.
Time for lunch, so we spread out a blanket.
To charge the radio I have to crank it.
Music, food, a warm sunny day.
What more is there for me to say.
Life is good when I am with you.
I find that you are feeling likewise too.
We start to talk. Generalities at first.
We laugh about how things could be worse.
Soon, I am staring deep into your eyes.
This leads to a kiss. What a surprise.
Soon you are snuggling close to me.
We have become more than friends, you see.
We have really gotten into each other.
I realize that there can be no other.
No one else to walk in the woods with.
I hope that this will be a special gift.
One for each of us to cherish.
Please don’t let this feeling perish.
We both see this was meant to be.
I into you and you into me.
There will be other walks in the woods.
I wouldn’t change that if I could.
What we established on that first day.
Will always be here to stay.
For the two of us have become as one.
This will always be our day in the sun.

—————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

Rhymes For The Current Time

Rhymes For The Current Time

Little boy blue, come blow your horn.
The sheep are in the garden, the cows are in the corn.
Who wrote this sappy little rhyme?
At the least, they should be doing jail time.
Sheep & cows could care less for horn music.
Send out the dog, he’ll herd them, you see.
Such blitherings are lost in translation.
They almost sound like incantations.
But then, I guess I can’t complain.
Some of the current stuff is pretty lame.
Like “The Elf Song.” Vulgar as hell.
Don’t be singing it or I will tell.
Other vernaculars of this age
display a sample of daily rage.
I won’t bother to repeat one here.
Almost any of them will make it clear.
Lets clean up our act folks.
Make them clean without the jokes.
Have it come from deep inside.
The results will open eyes wide.
I will leave the content up to you.
Use your imagination; you’ll come through.

——————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Stagger Lee: The Rest Of The Story

Stagger Lee: The Rest Of The Story

Remember the story of Stagger Lee?
Billy shot that boy oh so bad.
Well, Stagger Lee did live, you see.
So be happy. No longer be sad.
Billy was arrested for attempted murder.
Lee recovered from a shoulder wound.
Lee’s friends Decided to help him further.
Put it on the internet, help came soon.
Enough money to pay Lee’s bill.
Plus enough to get his sick wife well.
Lee was offered a job at the mill.
A better job than bartending hell.
That’s what he called his old job.
The wife and kids are doing great.
A happy ending here is not odd.
Lee’s new job was a piece of cake.
Billy won’t see the light of day.
The kids are doing great in school.
Lee ran for mayor. It was a run away.
His ‘no violence’ stand was real cool.
Things couldn’t be better for them.
Since he took that bullet from Billy.
Not the best way to improve. Amen.
But, it worked for him & his wife, Lilly.

————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Little Things

Little Things

Sitting here thinking about what to do.
Then started thinking about me and you.
In most ways we are like any other.
You’re my wife, my friend, my lover.
We disagree on certain subjects.
You like cartoons. I like the Muppets.
I continued to reminisce about us.
There were times when I wanted to cuss.
But, the experience of life with you
Is an overall pleasure I could do.
I would never want it any other way.
All those little things that make up a day.
Like the Bobby Goldsboro song:
“Little Things,” it’s what belongs.
It makes up why I love you.
I know it is why you love me to.
Little things that belong to just us.
What we share without a fuss.
It all makes life with you a gift.
One I could never resist.
It has made us who we are.
Let it shine like the northern star.
For those who are just starting out.
The little things is what it is all about.
It’s the glue that holds it all together.
Even through the stormy weather.
Little things; I salute you.
You are what has brought us through.

————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Remember Thanksgiving

Remember Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a special day.
It is fun in every way.
A gathering of family and friends.
How much you eat all depends.
Normally it will be a lot.
The food is yummy. It’s the tops.
You can watch movies or just chat.
Sometimes a game is where it’s at.
Enjoy all the brotherly love.
Give thanks to God above.
Not everyone will have it so good.
Pray for our soldiers, if you would.
Pray for the homeless and others.
Also small children and their mothers.
Remember the pilgrims and their times.
Pray for peace and decrease of crimes.
It is a time to enjoy one another.
Treat them all like your long lost brother.
Pig out, if you so desire.
Then, take steps to be admired.
Help with cleanup and other chores.
Never lay around and say you’re bored.
This is a time to give thanks.
If you are healthy and well, give thanks.
Never bitch and complain.
All other days, you can do the same.
Make Thanksgiving a day to remember.
Then, plan for the next one in December.

—————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)