He Stayed On The Bus

He Stayed On The Bus

He saw what was going on.
He saw it from the bus he was on.
Three thugs beating the hell out of a guy.
He just sat there and wondered why?

He just stayed on the bus.
He didn’t yell to stop the fuss.
He didn’t get off to try and help.
Was he worried about himself?
He just stayed on the bus.
He was just like most of us.

Soon, the one fell to the ground.
They started kicking him all around.
He was bleeding from mouth and ears.
Gasping for breath between his tears.

He didn’t get off the bus.
He didn’t try to stop the fuss.
He was just like most of us.
He did call 911 in a rush.
Hopefully, help will come in time.
Otherwise, he paid no mind.

They kicked him till he didn’t move.
Then they robbed him of his shoes.
They took his wallet and his watch.
Then, they kicked him in the crotch.

He just stayed on the bus.
He didn’t yell to stop the fuss.
He didn’t get off to try and help.
Was he worried about himself?
He just stayed on the bus.
He was just like most of us.

The bus pulled away from the curb.
A siren was the last he heard.
He heard later a man was killed.
It did give him a little chill.

———————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Whispers On The Wind

Whispers On The Wind

I heard a whisper on the wind.
It told me that you had sinned.
The whisper said you were not true.
It told me not to be a fool.

Where did that whisper come from?
The same whisper that said you were the one.
Is it the devil whispering in my ear?
Or, is it the truth being made crystal clear?

Some say angels whisper in the wind.
Are they saying I have lost a friend?
Others say it is all in my head.
Thoughts, pulling me down like lead.

It doesn’t matter what they say.
I will live to love another day.
Depression will not defeat me.
Actually, it feels good to be free.

Go ahead and do what you’re gonna do.
Never mind me because we are through.
Let those words whisper on the wind.
I will find another friend.

———————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)



Oliver, everyone is waiting for you.
Soon, you’ll arrive, all pink and new.
You will be surrounded by love.
You’ll be blessed by the Father above.
You will be nurtured as you grow.
Helped with all you’ll learn and know.
Before we know it, you will walk.
You will also learn to talk.
Time will fly by very fast.
Though we will want it to last.
The teen age years will come and go.
Then adulthood, but you’ll still grow.
You will accomplish much in time.
We know that you will turn out fine.
Because you were loved from the start.
For that, all of us are a part.
But, especially your proud parents.
Who will love you and all your descendants.
It is all called the circle of life.
Included in that will be your wife.
But, that is a ways off yet.
First you must arrive, then all is set.

——————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Commitment

The Commitment

We made a commitment to God above.
Know that the rain won’t stop our love.
Sunny days will be coming again.
Know that you are more than a friend.
See the birds flying way up high.
That’s our love seen through my eye.
The flowers all bloom just for you.
A bouquet of them will get us through.
With you around, there is no other.
I want my kids to call you mother.
There is only one way and we have found it.
So much love, we just may drown in it.
It may not be easy at all times.
I knew that when I made you mine.
But, until we part due to death.
I’ll still love you in eternal rest.

——————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

There Is No Cure For Stupidity

There Is No Cure For Stupidity

I read every book that he could find.
I was literally running out of time.
The Doctors said there was no cure.
The thought gave me a lot of fear.
Just a six word statement was all.
It meant I was in for a very big fall.
“There is no cure for stupidity.”
That’s what the doctor said to me.
There has to be something I can do.
I don’t want people thinking I’m a fool.
I can read, but not real well.
I just hope no one can tell.
A computer is way over my head.
I feel like I should stay in bed.
Then, I found a way to show I am smart.
I helped kids at the grade school with art.
Soon, the cops hauled me away.
Said I was a pervert. What did I say?
“There is no cure for stupidity.”
That’s what the cops said to me
What in the hell am I supposed to do?
I have never been mean to you.
They said I needed a special school.
They would have a lot for me to do.
Who knows, maybe I would get smarter.
Mind your manners. Don’t be a farter.
So,—– off to school I went.
I was mad and wanted to vent.
The school said no to me.
“There is no cure for stupidity.”

—————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Running From The Demons

Running From The Demons

I was doing what I usually do.
Living my life the way I wanted to.
Some say I was wild, out of control.
Others said I was just feeling low.

I say neither of them are right.
I want all I can get out of life.
You only live once. Do it right.
Live to the limit with all your might.

I am running, running from the demons.
Sometimes I end up just screaming.
I just go on without any feeling.
I am running, running from the demons.

I don’t know what brought me here.
I arrived with little to fear.
Why go on when there is nothing for you?
It is something I just have to do.

I’ve been doing this all my life.
I feel the pain, like from a knife.
It often reaches deep in my heart.
Trying its best to rip me apart.

I am running, running from the demons.
Sometimes I end up just screaming.
I just go on without any feeling.
I am running, running from the demons.

Mostly, I am numb to the pain.
If not,—– I will go insane.
Another gamble, another dare.
To most, it would be a scare.

I have tried to figure out why.
If I keep on, then I will die.
There has to be a better way.
I hope I will find it someday.

I am running, running from the demons.
Sometimes, I end up just screaming.
I just go on, without any feeling.
I am running, running from the demons.

——————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Mighty Hand Of Faa (Part 2)

The Mighty Hand Of Faa (Part 2)

A small group of scientists were hid out.
They had a plan they were talking about.
They had a means to speed up entropy.
The deterioration of all to nothing remotely
similar to what it was. Turned to waste.
They needed to get it to the Faa home base.
They needed to know how long it took.
The trip from earth to the Faa home nook.
They would sneak the device aboard their ship.
A timer would trigger it at the end of the trip.
One casually talked to a bored Faa guard.
He got the information. It wasn’t hard.
They would plant it among the mined ore.
It was undetectable, according to lore.
The ship blasted off for the home Faa planet.
It landed on the smog shrouded hunk of granite.
The whole planet was an industrial complex.
So polluted, home sweet home, lost its context.
The load of ore was needed badly here.
They also needed more. That was clear.
Just as the unloading had begun,
a timer clicked.—— It had begun.
Slowly at first, so it wasn’t noticed.
Then, rapid decay became the focus.
In a matter of hours the entire planet was consumed.
The Faa didn’t know what hit them. They were doomed.
Soon, on earth, no new Faa ships arrived.
The Faa here panicked. How will they stay alive.
They needed new supplies of the air they breathed.
Earth’s air was deadly. Had they been deceived?
They tried to breathe it. They had no choice.
An agonizing death ended their voice.
Humans were free. They knew their plan worked.
They had a number of Faa ships. What a quirk.
They became space explorers, but didn’t forget
how they got here using a trick.
They would not be like the Faa a bit.
They soon formed a Federation of Planets.
They eliminated all invaders and bandits.
Humans were a lot better off in the end.
Now, they had a lot of inner planetary friends.

————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Mighty Hand Of Faa

The Mighty Hand Of Faa

The time has come for all to decide.
Will you live,—— or will you die.
What a choice. Most will say live.
But, to do so, you must forgive.
Forgive what? You ask in awe.
Forgive those they call the Faa.
Those aliens who conquered the earth.
You now are a slave from your birth.
Accept it as your destiny.
There is nothing you can do, you see.
This rubs your hackles the wrong way.
You don’t accept being a slave today.
If you don’t, then you will die.
Acceptance means life, so do not cry.
All will accept because they want to live.
But, they will never come to forgive.
They will hope to someday be free.
This is not the life for you and me.
The Faa is stripping this earth to the bone.
All minerals, metals, and precious stones.
We, the slaves, will do all the work.
Killing our own world. What a quirk.
We are a back world dump to the Faa.
Being assigned here is a lowly call.
Slaves are treated with indifference.
Nothing we can do will make a difference.
But, as earthlings, we never give up.
A plan is developing in the ruff.
It will take time to carry it out.
They will learn what we are about.
But, that is another story.
Soon to be told in all its glory.
So, come back and hear it all.
You will be proud and stand tall.

——————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Georgia Has It All

Georgia Has It All

On the roam and ended up in Georgia.
I like the pretty colors here in the fall.
It seems I’ve made it to heaven before ya.
Sitting here waiting for you to finally call.

I will no longer be running around.
All I need is for you to join me.
I like it here enough to settle down.
Together we can live a life that’s free.

I kept my sleeping bag rolled up behind your couch.
I knew I couldn’t stay in one place for long.
This rambling man just had to move along.
I knew when I left you would start to pout.
My love for you was hanging by a song.
It was only a matter of time till I was gone.

Georgia has made a change in me.
I feel like I’m ready to stick around.
All I need now is for you to see.
My two feet are finally on the ground.

This old ranch house is like a long lost friend.
Nestled here in the woods that I call home.
It’s the closest place to heaven I’ve ever been.
Only thing missing is my angel all alone.

You said you would always love me.
You would wait till I was ready.
That time is now, can’t you see.
I am ready. Ready, ready Teddy.

I kept my sleeping bag rolled up behind your couch.
I knew I couldn’t stay in one place for long.
This rambling man just had to move along.
I knew when I left you would start to pout.
My love for you was hanging by a song.
It was only a matter of time till I was gone.

——————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Beyond Reality

Beyond Reality

Beyond reality are things unexplained.
Yet, they happened just the same.
If you can’t wrap your mind around the facts.
Further investigation is stopped in its tracks.
Depending on what it is that happened.
A miracle, it seems, soon becomes fact then.
Or, it is credited to the paranormal realm.
‘The unknown’ seems to be at the helm.
Often, it is explained through religious faith.
This answer is jumped to, often in haste.
If seen, believe it,—- if not, it’s a myth.
Seeing the answer is considered a gift.
Often, it is chalked up to a hoax.
Especially, if you happen to see a ghost.
So, where do we go from here?
The unexplained is nothing to fear.
It simply means more study is needed.
Knowledge is gained when such acts are repeated.
When the real truth is known what then?
There will be others on which to begin.

——————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)