Asking For Forgiveness


      Asking For Forgiveness

It’s in the box and the flag is up.

This repetition is pretty rough.

I have written you numerous times.

Has answering once ever crossed your mind?

I made copies of all my letters to you.

I must have a shoebox full, or two.

You have no E-Mail address.

You’re not on Facebook. What a mess.

I checked ‘Twitter’ but, you’re not there.

I can’t find you on the net anywhere.

You must have my letters. None were returned.

Sometimes I feel like I’ve been burned.

I leave the porch light on every night.

In the hopes you will see the light.

If you drive by, know that I am home.

Just sitting and waiting here all alone.

Time has come and time has gone.

I know I did nothing wrong.

Counting flowers on the wall.

It doesn’t bother me at all.

It breaks up the time.

As I sit here and whine.

I even played solitaire with a deck of 51.

I never gave a hoot if I lost or won.

This may be the last time I’ll ever write to you.

It’s the last time I tell you I feel like a fool.

How long must I wait for a response dear.

I can’t drown my sorrows with a beer.

Loneliness is a dangerous word.

When left unchanged you become a jail bird.

Trapped in your own thoughts and desires.

No way out for cheaters and liars.

I am not either one.

So why the torture? Have a heart. You have none.

I am in the dark on a one way road.

There is a killer here. It’s not a toad.

It’s these paranoid thoughts.

Driving me insane. My affection rots.

I am disenagrating into a blubbery mess.

But, I have to get all this off my chest.

I am sorry mother for all I’ve done.

Won’t you please make contact with your son.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)





Attitude Adjustment Needed

Attitude Adjustment Needed

I’ve never met anyone like you.

You stand out by the things you do.

Your personality would turn off rain.

Seems all you do is want to cause pain.

You must have been burned bad.

This is your defense. It’s very sad.

No one gets close to you.

Even friends don’t have a clue.

You never give anyone a chance.

First they must do the dance.

Jump the hoops you put them through.

In the end they end up a fool.

I’ve never met anyone like you.

You’re behavior, I can’t get used to.

You are the most difficult person ever.

Yet you think you are really clever.

Voted in school most likely to be killed.

That should let you know to chill.

Why so afraid to be a nice person?

All you do is leave people cursing.

You’re doomed to be a loner all your life.

Then you complain about all the strife.

I’ve never met anyone like you.

There is only one thing that will do.

You need an extreme attitude adjustment.

The butt kicking you need won’t be pleasant.

But, hopefully, it will wake you up.

Otherwise, you’ll remain in this rut.

No hope of ever finding reciprocal love.

Except for the love that comes from above.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)




Thinking Back

      Thinking Back

Ain’t it funny how time slips away.

Before you know it you’re old and gray.

Sliding into the winter of your life.

You hurt in the places where you used to play.

But, your heart’s still in it all the way.

You’ve planned for this time with your wife.


When you were young did you used to say, “When I’m a man will I like the things I do today?”

When all grown up did you stay the same?

I still like to go out of my way to play.

But, some things changed from day to day.

Then there are others that still remain.


No longer a child. Children came my way.

Children get older. They are adults today.

Remember, were getting  older too.

Now they can remember how they used to play.

They can say: “It’s still in the same old way.”

It’s not the same as when they were in school.


They may view things in a different way. “I am just older’ is what they say.

I may be older but, not dead yet.

I remember it all like the other day.

They say one thing, I say “No way!!.”

They say “Would you like to make a bet?”


Never bet against what old guy’s say.

They were not born yesterday.

They know what happened & what did not.

They have a right to what they say.

It comes from experience during their day.

They have fought for everything  they’ve got.


I seem to have gotten a little astray.

But, I do have one thing left to say.

It’s for my wife, who was there too.

If I had to travel along this road till today.

It was sure nice having you with me all the way.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)



Girl Lears Her Lesson

    Girl Learns Her Lesson

I saw him standing by his car.

He said “Oh, there you are.”

I said “Who are you?”

He said “Your dream come true.”

He had lovely blue eyes.

His smile lit up the skies.

He offered me a ride.

How was I to know he lied?

I won’t tell you what happened first.

But, when I said “No.”, it made him curse.


I’ll never ride with another strange guy.

I won’t fall for all his lies.

I don’t care if he has beautiful eyes.

I don’t care about the car he drives.

I’ll just say the answer is no.

I am sorry, but I have to go.


Another time and another place.

There was another smiling face.

Another fancy car & pickup line.

Pretty face & eyes that said you’re mine.

Offering me another ride.

Acting like he didn’t lie.

He got upset when I said no.

I told him I had to go.

He was a demanding so & so.

So I told him where to go.


I’ll never ride with another strange guy.

I won’t fall for all his lies.

I don’t care if he has beautiful eyes.

I don’t care what car he drives.

I’ll say the answer is no.

I am sorry, but I have to go.


I learned my lesson & I learned it well.

If this is their approach they can go to hell.

I’m not that kind of girl.

I’m not looking for a thrill.

I want a boy who loves me for me.

One who takes his time to get to know me.

He thinks more of feelings than he does sex.

One that won’t make my life a wreck.

A serious minded young man.

Who treats me like I really am.

That way I won’t have to say no.

I will stay and say ‘Way to go.”—————–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)





She said “No”

      She Said “No.”

I was walking along some street in town.

There was no particular place I was bound.

Just thinking how different it might have been.

If you would have said ‘yes’ way back then.

I had plans and schemes of what we’d do.

I could make them happen if I had you.

But, you said ‘no’ & our lives went different ways.

Still, I often think about those past days.

I am still here. Stuck in this town.

You’re gone. Nowhere to be found.

I am still single. But, not for lack of trying.

No one measures up to you, I keep sighing.

Somehow I got stuck in the past.

My emotions were shattered, needing a cast.

They haven’t learned to walk again yet.

If they could my life would be set.

I’m a broken man. Stumbling along with no plan.

Searching, but for what? I don’t understand?

A part of me has been ripped away.

I don’t care if it is night or day.

I’ve been this way since you said “No.”

Now, I have no idea where to go.

I walk in the park and see the birds.

I see some lovers having words.

I see kids playing ball & running with a kite.

I saw two teenagers about to have a fight.

It is all like in a dream. Am I here?

I don’t function normally. Isn’t that queer?

No thoughts seem to come clearly.

No, I haven’t been drinking beer, see.

Part of me is missing. It’s been destroyed.

I am not a man, I am just a toy.

They say time heals all wounds.

I hope and pray that healing will come soon.

In the meantime, I walk down a street in town.

I don’t have any idea where I am bound.

—————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)

Only One Way

      Only One Way

What’s the proper thing to say

when a friend or relative hurts you?

Speaking verbally, it’s not okay.

The pain still hurts through & through.

It hurts because you love them so.

You really don’t want to let them go.

Saying something hurtful to get back

is a defense mechanism. It’s a fact.

To remedy the situation takes strength.

Regardless of what you think.

Swallow your pride for a start.

It is better than being apart.

Apologize, though your heart says no.

There is nowhere else you can go.

You don’t feel you are to blame.

Yet, it is driving you insane.

Words hurt when aimed at you

from a loved one that you knew.

Erase the past and start anew.

It is best for both of you.

Turn it all over to God.

Let Him be the judge. It’s not odd.

He is MUCH wiser than us.

He will leave little to discuss.

He functions on love, so get on board.

Then all will vanish, except for the Lord.—–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)






Insight Needed Badly

      Insight Needed Badly

Looking into the maelstrom, trying to get a view.

Trying to, somehow, better understand you.

It’s like riding a mechanical bull.

The ups and downs take its toll.

It’s true. A woman thinks different than a man.

But, this much difference, I can’t understand.

The contrast is wide and somewhat twisted.

The real cause of her death is often not listed.

Not that it would come to that.

But, radical reactions is where it is at.

I make all effort to stay under control.

Life around you is never at a lull.

I can say something is black.

You will say it is white, then attack.

What is a no no for others is o.k. for you.

This keeps everybody in a stew.

You project onto others all that is wrong.

Never seeing it was you all along.

What a twisted tale we tell.

When we lie to ourselves like hell.

How long till you see that it is true?

You can never run away from you.

I am bailing. It is too much for me.

Let someone else give it a try and see.

Until you finally come to your senses,

your life will always  be blocked by fences.

Fences you’ve created in your own mind.

A spinster life for you would be kind.——–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)





Pacos Pete

      Pacos Pete

Pacos Pete was ornery old sot.

Lived in a shack & slept on a cot.

This old goat was a loner, it seems.

Most people he met was in his dreams.

Some say a hermit is what he was.

It was harsh, though he never had a love.

The desert was his home.

He liked living alone.

A small spring in the back of his place

was enough for Pete to wash his face.

It was enough for other little things.

A bath was rare, usually in the spring.

Pete didn’t like other people around.

Only once a month he went into town.

A feisty coot, even though he was old.

He would pay for his supplies in gold.

No one ever bothered old Pete.

Town folk made sure he got something to eat.

One day , some ’no gooders’  came to town.

They were out just roaming around.

Here came Pete on his way into town.

The bad boys looked at Pete with a frown.

Pete went into the general store.

Loaded up his truck & went back for more.

How can he afford that the baddies thought?

Look at how much stuff he has bought.

Pete went into the café for a bite.

Just as soon as he was out of sight

the baddies went into the general store.

They asked the clerk how the old guy scored.

“What?” said the clerk.  “Did he have cash?”

“No, he pays in gold.” said the clerk with a laugh.

The bad boys were shocked to hear this.

One of them said “Well, ain’t that a bitch.”

They planned to follow Pete when he left.

This would be their biggest theft.

Pete came out & drove away in his truck.

The bad boys followed crossing their fingers for luck.

Pete headed straight into the desert.

It was very hot that day in the desert.

Pete kept driving. He had a long way to go.

The bad boys car was starting to slow.

Pete made it home a little after dark.

Next morning he was awakened by a lark.

He went outside  & saw buzzards circling.

Pete knew that could only mean one thing.

He got in his truck to check it out.

It was  drier than usual due to the drought.

He found the bad boys car dead in the road.

The ‘owners were nowhere around,  it’s told.

Pete knew the buzzards meant they didn’t make it.

Just as well he thought. most people can’t take it.

Pete had no knowledge what almost happened to him.

But, Pete didn’t worry. It wasn’t in him.

So goes the tale of Pacos Pete.

If you pass his way bring him a treat.

Pete will be polite, but he won’t be a friend.

Pete will live alone till the very end.

—————————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2014)






Cruise Night

      Cruise Night

Remember those days when you were young?

Remember ‘cruise night’ was so much fun.

Every Friday night we drove to the city.

Cruising up & down the streets looking pretty.

“American Graffiti” before it was a movie.

Driving around feeling really groovy.

I thought I would try it the other day.

Things had changed in a major way.

Streets were heavily patrolled by cops.

They were making many stops.

At one stop, as I looked around.

I got egged by a bunch of clowns.

There were nasty people with road rage.

They didn’t care about your age.

They would run you off the road.

Smash you flat, like you were a toad.

Things are NOT what they used to be.

Isn’t this the land of the free?

It doesn’t seem so anymore.

Everyone is out to make a score.

You don’t ‘cruise’ if you value your life.

You don’t want to be on gangland turf at night.

It is best to just stay at home & mope.

The closest to ‘cruising’ is with the remote.

Watch the news for the latest tussle

between all  the gangland muscle.

They fight where ‘cruising’ used to be.

All of that is just too much for me.

Cruise night is gone, along with the pleasures it brought.

Just another memory that time forgot.

————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)



Thinking Of Us Again

      Thinking Of Us Again

Lately I’ve been thinking about my life’s time.

All the things we’ve shared since you were mine.

The children that we’ve raised.

The many games we’ve played.

The ups & downs, the all around.

The things that make up life abounds.

I have to say all and all

it’s been a good life overall.

I thank God for treating us so kind.


Just the other day, when a grandchild was here .

The way you laughed & played with her brought tears.

It brought back memories from the past.

The kind of memories that will always last.

Just one more reason I love you so much, dear.

I always cherish the moments that your near.

Things are slowing down some now.

Still, the spark of love burns somehow.

I thank God for giving us this time.


Overall we’ve done our best.

We’re at ease with all the rest.

It’s as much fun now as it was back then.

I’m sure we’d make the same choices again.

The little things add up.

When you fill my coffee cup.

You always say to my health.

I ask “What about the wealth?”

I thank God when you say I’m your gold mine.


As I think of it all.

There is no other call.

I couldn’t have done better if I tried.

Especially with you right by my side.

Through the thick and thin.

I knew we would always win.

Having you is my greatest prize.

Loving you means never telling lies.

I thank God for being there all the time.—–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)