The “Real” Exorcist


The ‘Real’ Exorcist

Are you an exorcist?

Yes, I work at the gym.

I teach classes on exercise.

No, I mean one who ousts sin.


Sin in the form of demon possession.

Are you kidding me??

I have never held such a session.

That’s odd. I was referred to thee.


The local pastor said you were the best.

He said you really knew your stuff.

Is his last name Hess?

He is in my exercise class, he puffed.


I think you were confused by his answer.

He thought you were talking about exercise.

I have to get rid of a demon like a cancer.

I don’t need to be doing any exercising.


What exactly does this demon do?

Have you seen “The Exorcist”, then you know.

What!! That kind of stuff is happening to you?

That & a lot more you don’t wanna know.


He picks me up. He lays me down.

He does other things like bend my back.

My golden hair lies on the ground.

I am surprised my neck or back doesn’t crack.


This sounds insane. Have you tried psych help?

Sometimes imagined things can seem real.

How about prayer? Have you asked as you knelt?

I have done it all. They all give the same spiel.


Has anyone witnessed these episodes?

Of course they have. They are scared.

They even filmed it in a slower mode.

It is almost more than they can bare.


Does it only happen at night?

Mostly when I am asleep.

That must really make you uptight.

I would rather be counting sheep.


Have you thought of changing the channel?

What do you mean? Is that a joke?

No, go to sleep with the power of Emmanuel.

Pray He will protect you like other folk.


I haven’t tried that. I think I will.

I hope it works for you.

With God’s armor, it surely will.

I’ll surrender to Him. I’m no fool.


Did it work? I don’t know the answer.

All I know is God can overcome all.

Be it sin or be it sickness like cancer.

Just trust & have faith. Answer His call.—–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)







Un-Named Short Poems

I have a feeling it’s gonna be

a little cold at home tonight.

My baby will make sure

I feel a little draft, alright.

She’ll be a little sore

And want to even the score.

Yes, it’s gonna be a little

Cold at home tonight.


Your flippin through the pages of my heart.

That’s all you’ve done.

Right from the very start.

If ever, you take the time

to read each and every line,

there would be no doubt.

I loved you from the start.


Searching for love

But, it never comes.

Bait the path.

Right to the gate.

The gate is locked.

Why hesitate??

Searching for love

But, it never comes.

Trying again, with other ones.

Get so far

but, always turn back.

Somewhere along the way

I lose my track.


Papa, why did you leave?

All Mama does is cry.

I say not to grieve.

Mama just gives a sigh.

I’m too small to be head of house.

Though I try and try.

I can’t even catch the mouse.

All Mama does is cry.

I’m really scared

and I’m not lying.

I’m gonna hug my T.V.

till Mama quits crying.


I tiptoe through the softness of your love.

Afraid to make ripples where I go.

But, I know that darkness is to the light

as hate is to love.

So, I know all is well.

Though, I am moving slowly.

————————————————–R. W. Johnson——-(2002)






No Where To Isolated For God


      No Where Too Isolated For God

He was talking of his travels to the Misty Mountains.

He said a better name would be the Mystic Mountains.

The group of 4 took 3 days to reach the mountains.

Everything was shrouded in mist and fog.

You had to watch your step or trip on a log.

Worse yet, you could step into a bog.

It was a slow, difficult, arduous climb.

Along the way we were grabbing every vine.

I grabbed something slick. Your arm or mine?

It was a snake which I flung away with haste.

After that I tried to set a faster pace.

But, had to slow down. Branches hit me in the face.

After five days and nights of terror,

we reached the summit. We think we were there.

Couldn’t see anything yet. We could just stare.

Every direction seemed to be down.

I picked dead ahead, with a frown.

So, down the other side we were bound.

We had another 5 days of treacherous stuff.

We were almost ready to say we had had enough.

This trip was turning out to be mighty rough.

Then, the misty fog started thinning out.

We could see a few feet as we looked about.

I saw a fish in a brook I thought was a trout.

Then,  the fog cleared and below us was a mystical land.

Beautiful, green, wooded, meadows, lakes, & sand.

Rivers, rolling gentle hills. It looked really grand.

We descended down into the valley. It was a steep climb.

This valley  really seemed to be isolated in time.

The thought of dinosaurs came to mind.

On the valley floor there was a trail.

It led by a waterfall , where we saw some quail.

It led along a river then over a dale.

Then it led into the woods.

We followed the trail as best we could.

We didn’t stop, though we knew we should.

Suddenly, up ahead, we heard a sound.

It sounded like people. Could there be a town?

Then, there were children all around.

Sun tanned little faces looked up at us.

They weren’t afraid. they seemed to trust.

One looked shocked when one of us cussed.

“You’re not angels to talk like that”

The man turned red . Said: “Sorry about that.”

We all followed the kids to a near by shack.

A man came out holding a Bible.

He said “Well, hello there. I’m pastor Lible.”

“Don’t worry. The kids follow me everywhere I go.”

We learned the valley was totally cut off from outside.

He said “I saw smoke here when I went on a plane ride”

“I decided to check it out for myself.’ he sighed.

“I’ve been here 10 years now. Everyone is converted.”

“I didn’t realize how strong God’s word is.”

“Now, all these people are surely His.”

We realized no matter how isolated a place is.

God’s word will show all how His grace is.

God finds a way to reach all His faces.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)





A Tornado Tale

      A Tornado Tale

Twenty four people busted through heaven’s gate.

From Moore, Ok., where they met their fate.

Ten were children, whose lives were snuffed out

By an F-5 tornado, that threw them about.

There were hero’s that day that saved many.

Even during the storm, they did plenty.

Like, the teacher who covered a few classmates

with her own body. The best shield she could make.

It broke her back and did much more damage.

To save the children, it was all she could manage.

The few children under her were safe.

Without her, who knows what would be their fates.

Many ask: “Where was God when the tornado hit?”

He helped all but twenty four get out of it.

Satan was doing his best to see all would die.

You must admit, he gave it one good try.

May all the survivors give testimony for God.

There is nothing about this that would be odd.

Calamity causes a paradigm shift in thinking. If you didn’t love God before, you weren’t thinking.

You end up in the valley of decision .

Praise God or curse Him . You will be driven

to choose one position or the other.

You need a Father as well as a mother.

Choose the heavenly Father & tell it to others.

Soon, they will be your sisters and brothers.

For the day is coming when the F-5 in Moore

will be a minor storm by ‘end time’s’ score.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)



Yearning For The Gift

      Yearning for the gift

I can almost reach it.

It’s within my grasp.

When it is brightly lit,

it is like shining brass.


I have gone days

with it not around.

When it should amaze,

I am wearing a frown.


What is it I fear?

How come I can

never keep it near?

I need to be a man.


I want it close.

I want it to cover me.

When I need it most

is when I am running free.


Should I do my thing?

Or, let Him do His?

If I want Him to bring

me much more than a kiss.


I need to believe in Him.

To surrender totally.

He will take away the sin.

I can come to the cross boldly.


Then He will cover me.

I will be one of His.

I know what needs to be.

I must accept His gift.—————–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)




White, Cold, Water

      White, Cold, Water

I felt the cold of icy, white water

come flowing over as it pulled me down.

I saw my hand reaching out of the water

and grab a branch hanging low to the ground.


Flow white water.

Flow over me.

Take me down ,

then, out to the sea.


I heard you calling as I went running.

I should have waited by the streetlamp post.

But, in the moonlight, I went hunting.

Breath blowing white, like a ghost.


Flow white water.

Flow over me.

Take me down,

Then, out to the sea.


Into the calm and clear,

you ran, coming through the mists.

I can feel you near.

Straining to hear through the waters hiss.

The dogwoods on the banks

Glowing in the gloom.

On every naked branch,

a beautiful white bloom.


Flow white water.

Flow over me.

Take me down.

Then, out to the sea.


I see you running in the tall wild grasses.

Your body floating in the frosty air.

Young and free, coming to the river rapids.

Your hands, now reaching , yelling that you care.


Flow white water, flow.

Right on by.

Flow white water, flow.

Leave me high and dry.


Your there holding and cuddling me.

Whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

Doing your best to try and reach me.

Suddenly, I felt no fear.

Why I ran, had now departed.

I had no clue to why it was.

I know you are where my heart is.

Snug and warm and loved.

————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2011)


Ode To The Bold

      Ode To The Bold

I stand in a wide flat land.

No shadow or shade about.

Yeagger is the kind of man

who will kill you without a doubt.


He’s after me, but I got away.

He’s been tracking me for a month.

I don’t even know the time of day.

I just keep moving. Avoid the hunt.


I was in town for a little fun.

I didn’t know Collette was his girl.

Since he caught us, I’ve been on the run.

But, she really gave my heart a whirl.


I got to get back to my Collette.

Though, Yeagger may gun me down.

He’ll never let me forget.

I never should of gone into that town.


I hear a horse way off in the distance.

I can just make out a horse & rider.

Yeagger is very persistent.

There is no place to hide here.


As I run, I spot a small gully.

I dive in & try to dig deeper.

After a time, he comes riding slowly.

I have one shot. I’ll be the reaper.


I blew him off his horse.

He hit the ground.

I buried him in the gully.

In the hopes he’ll never be found.


I ride into town searching for Collette.

I find her in the local saloon.

I am hoping that she didn’t forget.

She rushes into my arms & swoons.


“I was so worried. but, where is Yeagger.”

I tell her all as she turns white.

“He was my older brother:—- Yeagger.”

I listen & my heart drops out of sight.


“Why didn’t you tell me ?” I said with shock.

“I thought you knew” she said in tears.

So ends the tale of me & Collette.

I never saw her again.

But, on this you can bet.

Her hand, I could never win.—————–R.W. Johnson—–(2011)




Bad Reputation


      Bad Reputation

Friday night again, and, I’m home alone.

My friends are all out with their dates.

But, no one calls me on the phone.

Unless it’s the kind of call I hate.


I have a bad reputation.


“No, I’m not that kind of girl”, I say.

They say “That’s not what I have heard.”

“I heard you will go all the way”

I slam the phone down without a word.


I have a bad reputation.


Because I went out with the  football star.

It was fine till he decided to park.

I stopped him before he went very far.

He said “No one jerks around my heart.”


I have a bad reputation.


Ever since that night, rumors spread.

Kids would rather believe shit.

They wouldn’t believe what I said

Instead they rubbed my face in it.


I have a bad reputation.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

It was the next door neighbor, Dave.

I was so shocked, I nearly hit the floor.

”Would you like to go to a movie?” said Dave.


I have a bad reputation.


I said “What’s up? You know my reputation.”

“I don’t believe a word of it, I say.”

What I heard must be my imagination?

I said “What, —-What did you say?”


I have a bad reputation.


He said “I’ve wanted to ask you out for years.”

“I have always been too shy to ask you.”

“Then when I heard the rumors it brought tears”

“I knew the rumors could NOT be true”


But,– I have a bad reputation.


“I determined to ask you out, no matter what”

“I would defend your honor to anyone, you know.”

I was in shock. “yes” I said with trembling gut.

I had never known that Dave liked me so.


Bad reputation,—be gone..


That first date grew into sincere love.

We got married soon after graduation.

Placed on a pedestal high above.

My reputation now shines like a gold creation.

——————————————————-R.W. Johnson—-(2011)






On And On

      On And On

I keep thinking about what’s going on.

About the “end times” we are upon.

Could the human race be checking out?

Is that what this is all about??

People are worried the end is near.

I say there is nothing to fear.

Just take it all a day at a time.

Keep moving on down the line.

God will only give you what you can bear.

Through the worst He will be there.

Keep the faith and do your best.

God will handle all the rest.

In the end there should be no sorrow.

You will be stepping into tomorrow.

But, those without faith go on and on.

Always worrying till they are gone.

While those with faith will have no fear.

Even though the end is near.——————–R.W. Johnson—-(2011)


The Drifter

      The Drifter

One summer day he drifted into town.

His time was spent just roaming around.

He would go from one job to another.

Never had a dad. Never had a mother.


Raised in an orphanage, I’ve been told.

Somewhere up north where it is cold.

He didn’t say much. Kinda quiet & shy.

If he spoke at all, he just said hi.


He got a job working in a store.

All he owned was the clothes that he wore.

He worked long hours to earn his pay.

It didn’t leave him much time to play.


Then one day a woman came in.

Young, good looking, and real trim.

He smiled & said “Can I help you mamm?”

She smiled & said “You sure can”


It seemed that she needed some shoes.

She had legs that would make front page news.

He blushed as he helped her try on a pair.

Then she ran her fingers through his hair.


She said “Oh, I’m sorry to be so bold”.

“Usually people just call me cold”

“But, you remind me of my brother so much”

“I couldn’t help it, I had to touch”.


“See, he was killed last year in Iraq”.

“I want so much to bring him back”.

“That’s so sad it breaks my heart”

He said, as he shuddered & fell apart.


“That’s so kind. Don’t be embarrassed”.

“Usually people say I could care less”

“Because I am quiet & shy”

“But, somehow you have changed this guy”.


They started talking. It lasted for hours.

Before she left he gave her flowers.

They started dating. He settled down.

Soon they were seen all over town.


In time they married and had a child.

He ran for mayor. Now, that was wild.

His platform was: I WILL STICK AROUND.



People liked his style. They voted for him.

The best mayor they ever voted in.

When asked why he stayed in this place?

He looked at his wife with a smile on his face.


I remind her of her brother, was all he said.

——————————————————-R.W. Johnson—-(2011)