Well Worth It

Well Worth It

She loved deep and she loved strong.
Not many like her ever come along.
The perfect girl anyone could have.
Why did she end up with such a cad?
Many would want her as their girl.
So sweet & loving.— Such a thrill.
Then someone like him ruined her.
He treated her badly. Such a cur.
I would of treated her like a queen.
She would never worry in between.
I would always be faithful and true.
Surely, my mama didn’t raise no fool.
She was too trusting till she met him.
Oh, what a predicament he put her in.
She came out crushed & scared for life.
She would have made the perfect wife.
Curse this beast and all he’s done.
She may never be able to have fun.
She will always be untrusting of men.
He’s to blame for the pickle were in.
It will take a lifetime of loving work.
A job I would take on, and not shirk.
To save one as precious as her,
anything is worth it. That’s for sure.

————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Always A Storm

Always A Storm

Our love can no longer remain.
That is because you have broken the chain.
The chain of love that bound us together.
So strong, it would survive any weather.

I struggled to find the reason for this.
What caused our love to go amiss?
Since, I have been feeling so forlorn.
I have found I am always a storm.

Strong emotions of hurricane strength.
Always in a stir over whatever you think.
It would take a lot to settle me down.
I could only do it if you were around.

But, this was taking its toll on you.
It took all you had just to get through.
It all finally came to the breaking point.
Nothing helped, not even a joint.

The chain of love was finally broken.
I could use the pieces as a token.
All I can do now is to mourn.
And remember, I am always a storm.

——————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Lily Pad Power

Lily Pad Power

We were down fishing in the pond one day.
Dozens of lily pads were getting in our way.
We decided to clean the pond of them.
It was long hard work. Why pretend.
We left them all on the bank to dry.
Several days later, we looked up in the sky.
We saw a UFO hovering over the pond.
A blue light was waving like a wand.
It was shining on the shore and the lily pads.
Finally, it took off and we were glad.
We approached the pond and looked down.
The lily pads were all dried up on the ground.
We picked one up and it smelled like hemp.
We picked them all up to take as we went.
We decided to crush some up and smoke it.
We thought we were showing some real wit.
A couple of puffs and we were stoned.
Wow!! What a rush, we groaned.
Next, we noticed the super powers. How rad.
We had all the powers Superman had.
Any super power we could think of.
We could do it. We had found our love.
Then, the powers began to fade.
We puffed more lily pads that we craved.
We found that we had to smoke first to fly.
To do anything else that we could try.
Then, we thought about our limited supply.
Once it was gone, we would no longer fly.
The UFO light is what changed the pads.
It was gone now. It was very sad.
We decided we would only smoke it in an emergency.
When our super powers would be needed, see.
We could never tell anyone of this.
We could never let anyone know the risk.
Our identities would remain top secret.
Lily pad power would be our secret.

———————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

What The Heart Takes

What The Heart Takes

Only love can break a heart,
Only love can mend it again.
Once the heart is torn apart.
Love can cause it to mend.

But, there will still be scars.
And a fragile emotional state.
The fragile emotional heart,
prevents love from being great.

This fate has been overcome.
It takes work from both parties.
It can’t be done by only one.
But, once achieved, the heart is free.

What is achieved is called trust.
Destroyed when the heart broke.
Without it a relationship is only lust.
With it, you are one lucky bloke.

Trust is the keystone of love that lasts.
Love will bloom, but not without it.
With it, your love life will be a blast.
It will become the best you can get.

So, I pray you never get a broken heart.
Never have to go through that heartache.
If you do, here’s how to make a new start.
Trust. It’s the key. It’s what the heart takes.

——————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)



Something has a hold on my hand.
Dragging me now, to a horrible land.
Something has a hold of my heart.
Ripping it now, tearing it apart.
Something has invaded my brain.
Demons are screaming, driving me insane.
It started when I had fallen for you.
Once under your spell, I knew I was through.
Witchy Woman, you’re wicked and mean.
You cast a spell, bringing me to this scene.
Experiencing your love, in such a horrible way.
I don’t think I’ll live for another day.
I see the men in little white coats.
They tie me down, as I fight the ghosts.
Medication in shot form, has calmed me down.
Though calmer now, I still thrash around.
Something has a hold of my hand.
Pulling me up from that horrible land.
Something new is touching my heart.
Mending it now, not pulling it apart.
Something sweet is touching my mind.
The demons are gone, you’re all that I find.
A healing angel has broken the spell.
I feel now, that I may just get well.
Something new is holding my hand.
Leading me off, to a wonderful land.
Something new has captured my heart.
It is your love. May we never part.
Something new has filled up my brain.
Basking in your love, I have no pain.
That something new is all of you.
Saved by your love, I’ll always be true.

————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Best Vacation Ever

Best Vacation Ever

While vacationing in a foreign city,
I was having coffee at an outside café.
I saw her approach, she was looking pretty.
I knew at once I wanted her to stay.

I invited her to sit at my table.
Most spots were taken up.
She smiled and took off her sable.
Sat and set down her coffee cup.

She said it was kind of me to offer.
She just needed her morning jump.
I said the expresso with its froth here.
It will wire you for a jump.

She laughed and said it hit the spot.
She asked me about myself.
I said vacationing, not a lot.
She said with someone or by yourself?

By myself. Just a little down time.
She said she thought only she did that.
Are you on vacation? What a line.
We both laughed. The rest is fact.

She smelled like peaches and cream.
We hit it off from the very start.
We were almost neighbors, it seemed.
We ended up walking in a park.

From there it was like a dream come true.
Neither expected anything like this.
It just shows, if you haven’t a clue.
It can end up being a life of bliss.

———————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

A Date Thats Not A Date

A Date That’s Not A Date

Oh Sandy, the night is finally here.
We have a date. That much is clear.
A nightclub for drinks and dancing.
Maybe time for a little romancing.
We arrive and get a corner table.
Were in the dark as much as able.
Sitting there with martini glazed eyes.
You seem spaced out. What a surprise.
You don’t respond when I ask you to dance.
It seems like you are in a trance.
You have a one way ticket to yesterday.
You just sit there with nothing to say.
An occasional smile crosses your lips.
I didn’t know you were into such trips.
I shake you and your vision clears.
You ask for a drink, almost in tears.
Another round of drinks are brought.
Then off you go, lost in thought.
You have a one way ticket to yesterday.
There is nothing else I can say.
I sit there and nurse my drink.
I need some fresh air so I can think.
At closing time I take her home.
I am feeling like I am all alone.
She says she really enjoyed the evening.
She waves goodbye as I am leaving.
It was the weirdest date I’ve ever been on.
The whole evening with her, she was gone.
I don’t know if there will be another.
Just the thought of it, I have my druthers.

——————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Coming On Strong

Coming On Strong

Coming on strong.
I wanted it to go on and on.
I feared when she’d be gone.
She was coming on strong.

I wanted her to stay.
Maybe she might think it’s wrong.
For her to be coming on strong.
So I began to pray.

Just one date was all it took.
She let me know she wanted more.
Even as we slipped in my door.
She give me that special look.

Then I finally saw the light.
I needed to come on strong too.
That was it. I was no fool.
Just what was needed to make it right.

Years later, it is still strong.
One night of love has lasted till now.
We came on strong and made a vow.
It has lasted ohh, so long.

If this should happen to you.
Come on strong while you can.
Come on now, you’re a man.
It could last, if you want it to.

————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Love: The Only Answer

Love: The Only Answer

What will it take to turn the tide?
To put an end to this terrible ride.
Aside from taking one’s own life.
There must be a way to end the strife.
Some think politics is the answer.
Others think social change is a cancer.
The war to end all wars has been tried.
It ended in misery with loss of many lives.
Some think AI will be the cure.
With AI in control, there’s nothing to fear.
Science fiction writers see that differently.
Terminators put an end to things efficiently.
Stricter laws to control all you do.
You’ll need permission just to poo.
Are we on the verge of 1981?
Government approval to even have fun?
It seems the only answer is love.
Love that comes from the Father above.
Love one another and love each other.
Don’t forget to love your brother.
Love cannot be made in the lab.
Love can’t be sold, stolen, or nabbed.
Love comes from within the heart.
Love is forgiving right from the start.
Love is God, and God loves all.
Removal of love will be the fall.
A world without love cannot exist.
It would be hell, for those who resist.
Think about it and then turn to its author.
That would be God. Don’t be a mocker.

——————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Zoo

The Zoo

They say it’s all happening at the zoo.
I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it’s true.
I know the zoo is fun to see.
But, there is other places I’d rather be.
Especially since the monkey’s flung their poo.
The laughing hyena was laughing at you.
The tiger roared and charged the cage.
You bet your booties I was afraid.
The elephants are very smart.
But, have you ever smelled one fart?
The snakes hiss and have beady eyes.
The lions, they wear a thin disguise.
I took a look at the gnu.
For some reason, it reminded me of you.
The giraffes are nice. They make no noise.
The gorillas would break me up like toys.
All the birds are pretty colored.
They stink like bird poop, I uttered.
The stupid seal got me wet.
People laughed. I wanted to forget.
This place is freaking me out.
Maybe the animals know what it’s about.
As for me, let me out of here.
I would rather be home sipping a beer.

————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)