The ‘American Dream’

      The ‘American Dream’

I am trapped inside an ‘American Dream’.

There is no end to this,— it seems.

Lead the good life the ‘American’ way.

A chicken in every pot. The freedom to pray.

It has all gone up in smoke.

Basically, a pipe dream. A real joke.

You can wish & pray & work till you’re blue.

There is no ‘free meal’ coming to you.

Only, if you are an illegal alien on welfare.

Then, there may be something there.

Provided to you by those who are working hard.

Still hoping their ‘American Dream’ isn’t marred.

Now, their Social Security is no longer a right.

It is a privilege, provided by a government of spite.

The ‘American Dream’ is dead and gone.

Where in the hell did we go wrong?

Was it no longer being a country ‘under God’?

Remember,—- He rules with an iron rod.

Maybe it was the new attitude of “let the rich pay for it.’

Wall Street marches to back their belief in this s—t.

If the world owes you a living, you must be a grasshopper.

The ant is the one who works hard , ain’t that a stopper.

If enough people miss the ‘American Dream’.

Maybe they will raise up as one and let off steam.

Let it be known they don’t like the way things are.

They should be taking the country back. Raising the bar.

Start proving that the ‘moral majority’ is NOT neither.

It is what most citizens will fight for without a breather.

Show that Democratic Yankee know how is not imperialism.

It is the way things should be, though it seems few will listen.

BRING BACK THE ‘AMERICAN DREAM’!!, is the marching song.

Hopefully, this country will be great again, before too long.

——————————————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




Shelter From The Storm


       Shelter From The Storm

When I first met you, I was in shock.

Caught between a rock & a hard spot.

You looked like you’d been through the mill.

Like you’d subbed for horses & pulled the till.

Spent the last month under the lash.

You were down & out & about to crash.

How much abuse can one person take?

Were you put on an ant hill & tied to a stake?

You were beaten & kicked around a lot.

There is more dripping from your nose than snot.

You were ‘gun shy’ with good reason.

Some male did this to you without ceasing.

I have no idea how you ever got away.

I am sure he was enraged that day.

It couldn’t have been too long ago.

Your bruises have not yellowed so.

They are still black and blue.

I see the sadness & fear that radiates from you.

I am not here to hurt you in any way.

I detest the games he made you play.

He should be locked away for good.

I don’t care if he came from the hood.

Muslims don’t treat women this badly, it’s sad.

You’re alive,— for this,— you can be glad.

You have come to the right place.

This battered women’s shelter is safe.

We will protect you at all cost.

Get you settled so you won’t be lost.

Provide for you in every way.

Till you can move on from this horrible day.

All men are not the hurting kind.

Most would cherish you for all time.

They would make you feel loved.

Treat you with tender gloves.

Set you up on a pedestal tall.

Worship you like an angel on call.

Treat you like the very best.

Just trust, that day is coming yet.——————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)


Lesson At The Banyon Tree

      The Lesson At The Banyan Tree

“Where will we play today” asked Panda Bear?

The Orangutan shook out his underwear.

“How about in the Banyan Tree?”

“I guess that would be fun for me.”

They set off through the forest.

They met a Monkey that looked like a florist.

He had a big armload of flowers.

He was hiding, like a coward.

“Don’t be afraid” said Panda Bear.

“We’re not going to give you a scare.”

“We’re headed for the Banyan Tree.”

“Would you like to come along and see?”

The Monkey tossed the flowers aside.

“I will come and be your guide.”

So, off they went as happy as could be.

They were in search of the Banyan Tree.

They came upon a babbling brook.

They got closer and took a look.

“How will we get across this raging river?”

Said the Monkey, with a quiver.

“This is just a small babbling brook.”

The Orangutan said, with a stern look.

“Right up there we can jump across.”

“Come here Monkey. I’ll give you a toss.”

On they went, deep into the forest.

It seemed to get darker along their course.

The Monkey was getting a little frightened.

The grip of Panda Bear, on his hand, tightened.

“Hey Monkey!,” “ I thought you knew the way?”

“I did but, things look a lot different today.”

On they went, till they came to a gigantic tree.

It had lots of trunks, you see.

“There it is,” yelled the Monkey with glee.

“I can’t wait to climb that tree.”

As they got near they heard a deep voice.

“What brings you to my tree of choice?”

They all jumped and looked around.

There was no one to be found.

“Look up here in the tree.”

“Now, do you see me?”

It was a huge vulture sitting on a limb.

He looked like the devil was his next of kin.

“We came to play in the Banyan Tree.”

Said Panda Bear, as nice as could be.

“Nobody plays in my tree without a gift.”

The vulture was sounding a little miffed.

“What kind of gift?” asked Orangutan?

“I usually like something dead.”

They all looked at him with dread.

“I was thinking more of love” said Panda Bear.

“Love? What is that? Something for my hair?”

“No, love, like from the ‘Father’ above.”

‘He made all nature and all we love.”

“He even made this Banyan Tree.”

“He even made you and me.”

“I have never heard of this ‘Father’.”

They all told him of the creator God and His love for us.

The vulture was moved. “Join me” he said, with no fuss.

Soon they were all playing in the Banyan Tree.

Sharing brotherly love .There’s a lesson here for you & me.

Share your knowledge of the savior with all you meet.

You may end up with a Banyan Tree treat.

——————————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2014)




Dragon Tears

  Dragon Tears

As life flows

through the years,

it can be bitter

like dragon tears.


It can be sweet,

like music to your ears.

It can be scary,

like your inner fears.


But, always remember.

As life’s end nears,

it was your life

through all those years.


You were the one

who made those tears.

As sweet as honey,

or—-dragon tears.————R. W. Johnson—–(1994)

Never Without Hope

       Never Without Hope

Can you hear that awful sound?

Rainbows crumbling all around.

Castles falling from the sky.

Ever since you said goodbye.


Things are not the same anymore.

Since you walked right out the door.

I tried to go out for a change.

I should have stayed inside in chains.


The world is horrible without you.

All the colors are black and blue.

Nothing has life. All is bleak.

There is nothing that I seek.


Except, for a small ray of hope.

Something that can help me cope.

I won’t turn to drugs as a crutch.

Alcohol is really out of touch.


Only you can work the cure.

Bring me back from the edge of fear.

Only you have the key to my heart.

Without you, I am falling apart.


All is not lost. There is still hope.

As long as I don’t sink the boat.

It will take time to pull it all together.

First, I have to survive this weather.


This storm of emotions I deal with daily.

Still holding hope that you’ll say; maybe.

I must chuck it all like last week’s dreams.

Life cannot be as bad as it seems.


There is a dream lover for every dreamer.

I swear, more than once, I have seen her.

I need to work a miracle,  or two.

Then, maybe, I can forget about you.—————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)





Change Time


    Change Time

It’s getting late.

Almost out of time.

The end of the year

is next in line.

Will the New Year

bring about a change?

Will there be an end

to hunger and pain?

Will people start to see

It’s time for a change.

Without that happening

there can be no gain.

It will be the same old crap.

Not much to hope for.

Time to shape up.

Or, walk out that door.

You can step into tomorrow.

You can end it all.

Nothing gained from that.

It is a way to stall.

There is change coming.

It should start from within.

Read the Bible, maybe

then, the change will begin.

Time is almost at an end.

Time to get off the fence.

Decision time is here.

It is the way it was meant.

You can’t change the past.

Only the future can benefit.

The decision is yours.

It’s your only way to win with it.————–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)



Wind, And More

      Wind, And More

Just one word will make it clear.

Something you can’t see or hear.

Unless it touches something.


You can feel it on your face.

But, that’s not all it takes.

It has to touch something.


You can see it in the trees.

When it shakes the leaves.

It has touched something.


You can hear it through the walls.

You hear the moan when It calls.

It just touched something.


When I’m gone, you will see.

This will be a lot like me.

I will touch something.


When you see it move.

You’ll know I am in the mood.

To touch something.


If you feel me touch your face.

If you feel my embrace.

Know I have touched someone.


If you hear what could be me.

Maybe then you will see.

I may be something.


Something one step beyond.

But, still felt, though I am gone.

Does that mean something??—————–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)



Footfalls In My Mind


Footfalls In My Mind

“Ring phone.”—-RING.

“One more time.”

“Come on”—- “Answer,

Crisis line.”


“Hello, —- thank God!

I’m glad you’re there.

You really gave me

quite a scare.”


“Remember me —-?”

“From yesterday?”

“I have to talk

some more today.”


“I feel I’m running

out of time.

I hear his footfalls

in my mind.”


“I don’t go out.

I cannot eat.

At night, I scream

myself to sleep.”


“I can’t sleep now,

though I’m in bed.

I hear his footfalls

in my head.”


“I know you think

he doesn’t exist.

But, I know different.

I’ve felt his fist.”


“He’ll come bustin

thru the door,

cuss me out an

call me a ‘whore’.”


“He’ll walk over

and slap my face.

Then, kick me all

around the place.”


“He’ll tie me nude

into a chair.

Then, run his fingers

thru my hair.”


“If I yell,

or act upset,

he’ll burn me with

a cigarette.”


“What happens next,

I can’t talk about.

But, —- I know

a sure way out.”


“I have a gun

with me in bed.

I’m going to shoot

him in the head.”


“Don’t say what

I shouldn’t do.

You don’t know

what I’ve been through.”


“Wait!! —-Listen,

I think he’s near.

I hear his footfalls

in my ears.”


“Hello, —- Hello.

“Are you still there?”

Nothing but, silence

in the air.




“Hello again. —-

Yeah, —- it’s me.

I said it would work.

Now, you can see.”


“’It’s the police’,

I think he said,

before I shot him

in the head.”


“Now, at last,

I can be free.

He’ll no longer

bother me.”


“I shot him good.

I know he’s dead.

But,? —- I hear

his footfalls in my head.”




“Hello!!, —- Hello!!

Are you still there?”

Only silence

in the air. ———————–R. W. Johnson—–(2011)








Can’t Take It Anymore


      Can’t take It Anymore

My patience is running mighty thin.

I am your whipping post again & again.

Drive another nail into my crucifixion.

But, I can’t redeem your sinful affliction.


Your tongue is like a nine pound sledge.

Breaking down my feeble hedge.

Defense mechanisms just won’t do.

When you come slamming your way through.


You leave me laying as a mental wreck.

A shell, my former confidence, a speck.

Destroyed, to never raise again.

Do you feel proud that you always win?


You are a mental vampire.

Making truth into a liar.

You would make even Dracula proud.

Your abilities stand out loud.


Others say “What’s the matter with you?”

“Why are you always acting the fool?”

“Letting her kick your heart around.”

“While you crawl on your belly, like a clown.”


Their observations are all right on.

I have groveled and it is wrong.

Time for me to walk like a man.

I am out of here as fast as I can.—————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)









The Ways Things Happen


      The Way Things Happen

Ever talk about something that happened between you and her?

Did she seem to forget or have a different view, though she was there?

That’s the way things happen. You see things  differently than her.

it’s hard to progress in a relationship. From there we go to where?


We try and try to see eye to eye to no avail.

The distance between seems to grow rather than shrink.

Then we discuss the pros & cons via E-Mail.

It’s all laid out in black and white, yet she says your view stinks.


We decide to put it aside and start all over like it never happened.

We date, and enjoy each other’s company.

We may have to head our dates with a little caption.

This time she will have to agree. I’d bet money.


Then, an incident happens that didn’t go down well.

But, I’m sure she will agree with the way things went.

But, the way things happen, she has a tale to tell.

How can two people be involved in the same incident.


Yet, come away with two conflicting ways of looking at it.

But, that is the way the entire evening turned out.

She said black, I said white. It was enough to give me a fit.

“Is there a way for you to see my side” she began to pout.


This seems to be a mystery that can’t be solved.

It can only be worked around if you are to have a chance.

Is it heredity or upbringing that is involved?

Or, is it the fact that she wears a dress and I wear pants?

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)