The Two Poles


      The Two Poles

He set up two tall poles, a distance apart.

I said “What is this? A new type of art??”

He said “No, this will rate the winner.”

“Excuse me, did you say winter??”

“No, I said it will rate the winner.”

“I don’t get it. The winner of what?” He said “Don’t you feel it in your gut??”

“The winner of life, guts, and glory.”

“What are you talking about?? It sounds gory.”

“One pole is the center of all things.”

“The other one gives you wings.”

“You’re talking way over my head.”

“One is life. The other one, you’re dead.”

“I don’t think I’m following what you said.”

“All things end in death or life.”

“This will rate how you fought the fight.”

“Exactly how will it do that” I muttered.

“What? It’s as plain as day” he uttered.”

“This pole has a snake on top”

“All who look at it will live. It’s the rock.”

“The other pole is just a big stake.”

He said “To look at it is a mistake.”

He stated “Life is the race.”

“ At the end are the stakes”

“Now, does it make sense to you??”

I said “Yes, indeed it do.”———R. W. Johnson—–(2015)


Seperation Sucks!!

      Separation Sucks!!

She is coming home today.

For awhile, she has been away.

I missed her more each day.

Ever since she has been away.


The homecoming is an important thing.

It is something that makes me sing.

Good times will be happening again.

It’s like getting back a long lost friend.


Time goes by. Be it long or short.

Either brings on feelings, I can report.

Feelings of loneliness and fear.

Will she ever again be near?


Though it is a planned business trip.

The whole time away she is missed.

When she gets home we’ll celebrate.

It will be like our very first date.


It will end in a climax of love.

We will be closer than 2 turtle doves.

A day to remember from our past.

One whose memories will really last.


At times, being apart, we can’t avoid.

These are times I’d like to destroy.

But, when we are together again.

A greater gift I could not win.


Let’s make the most of when we are together.

In the future, there may be bad weather.

That would be when either must be away.

I would prefer that we could always stay.


Yes, being apart is a real bummer.

Not much to do here but, slumber.

But, the day comes when we are together again.

Then we can party like it will never end.

—————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)





Home At Last


      Home At Last

Sitting by the road of life

as the parade goes marching by.

He is carrying a load of strife

as he sits and wonders why?


The old man sits and wonders

where his life has gone.

Sure, he made a few blunders

as he lived his life, so long.


Happiness is not the final result.

It was often fun along the way.

He could have joined the revolt.

When they invited him to stay.


Dead and gone, they all are now.

He would be to if he had joined in.

He lived by the sweat of his brow.

He did his best to never sin.


But, now he has little to show

for his life of virtue & purity.

What he lacked, he didn’t know?

He knew he had little surety.


In his mind he had gone astray.

He didn’t know when it happened.

He didn’t know the answer anyway.

He just knew it was a crappy end.


He outlived all his family

Why,—- he hadn’t a clue.

It wasn’t because he was more manly.

But, he was really feeling blue.


Then, a voice spoke to him.

It was that small, quiet voice.

“I can set you free. Amen.”

“Turn to me. You have a choice.”


He fell on his face & praised the Lord.

“I am unworthy!!” he cried in agony.

“ I have for you a final reward.”

“Be at peace & let it be.”


The old man surrendered his will.

He gave all to the Lord as he was.

Then, he lay down & became very still.

The Lord had taken him to live above.

———————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)






The Tunnel Is Brighter At The End

      The Tunnel Is Brighter At The End

Walking in the haze of fractured memories.

In the mists of dreams depleted of energy.

Little to see or even hope for.

I don’t know what to do anymore.


All is a gate that swings one way.

The way is out. I cannot stay.

All hopes are ripping at the seams.

The final result seems very mean.


The heart feels like rubber ball.

Bouncing here and there before it falls.

The breakups come. The hurt continues.

I wonder what is next on the menu?


Is there an energy drink that will work?

Make you feel great with just a little squirt?

Maybe a pill that will work that way?

Make you feel better if taken the next day?


Just stagger on your miserable way.

Don’t ever plan on coming back to stay.

Get on down to Lonely Street.

Heartbreak Hotel has the room you seek.


Your life is at an all time low.

There is nowhere else to go.

Just learn to roll with the blow.

Change your name to Joe Schmo


Then, a girl catches your eye.

Should you give it one more try?

She smiles as she looks your way.

Put those blues off till another day.


This might be the one that works.

Now wouldn’t that be a funny quirk?

You’ve been trodden down like a rug.

Now it may be your turn to be smug.


Things can’t get worse than they are.

Offer her a ride in your car.

She looks like she could use a lift.

You can ask. She won’t get miffed.


Thinking back on those memories.

All my dreams now have energy.

There is so much now to hope for.

I don’t want to cry anymore.

——————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)





The Difference Between Love And Lust


The Difference Between Love And Lust

Lay down beside me.

Make my life complete.

I want to ‘touch’ you.

From your head to your feet.

Physical contact in that ‘special’ way.

The kind that makes you shiver all over.

I am not just here to play.

I want to express my love.

I want to find your erogenous zones.

With every touch I want to say I love you.

I love it when it makes you moan.

I want to not only satisfy you.

I want to brink you to a climax.

I want you to moan and scream.

I want to make such an impact

you will never forget how much I love you.

I want you to know it is not just sex.

It is an expression of my all in every way.

My desire to please you completely.

To let you know I always want you to stay.

It will be special. Only for you and I to share.

I want to take you to the stars.

I want you to experience a super nova.

Something that is only ours.

Seal my love for you in a way you’ll never forget.

We will sail off into a blinding sun.

There to be made over and over.

To finally return home to have more fun.

As we wind it down to return to this world.

We will have bonded in a way that lasts.

We will always know how the other feels.

Whenever one of us comes in gasps.

We will know it is so much more than fun.

——————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)



A Meeting Of The Minds

      A Meeting Of The Minds

Come on over to my way of thinking.

I know you can without even blinking.

I am not trying to dominate you.

That is the last thing I would want to do.

We will do better if we can agree.

You know I am as stubborn as can be.

Problem is, that you are stubborn to.

This means little progress for me and you.

Our happiness can depend on this.

There is really not a lot of risk.

We agree on most things already.

Except for the sauce to put on spaghetti.

I am thinking of philosophical differences.

This is where we get caught in the clinches.

We can work them out in time.

If we both really try to find

that ground in the middle where we can agree.

It’s as much up to you as it is to me.

Love and affection should not play a role.

We have to look at things as a whole.

The more ways we can blend together,

the more chance of enduring any weather.

Being one in all we say and do.

With the exception of minor things, it’s true.

Think what a statement that would make.

They found their soulmate; make no mistake.

With all of that said and done,

Come on over here. Let’s have some fun.

——————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Poor Choices, Lack Of Voices


      Poor Choices, Lack Of Voices

There was a way before the fall.

If there was any way at all.

It was a time. There was a choice.

A time back when you had a voice.

You could choose right. It was allowed.

Many did. They had avowed.

Others didn’t. They still complain.

They thought life was such a pain.

They wanted more but, they got less.

There was no way they felt blessed.

They are not sorry for their choice.

They felt they, then, had a voice.

Yet, the results are totally wrong.

Seems they waited way too long.

Now they are ruled with an iron hand.

There is no freedom in the land.

Now, no matter what choice you make,

It will be a big mistake.

The government has total control.

They say what to do and where to go.

You no longer have a will.

You are so mad, you could kill.

Actually, you have nothing at all.

But, you were the one who made that call.

Now, there is little but, feeling blue.

The big “S” will tell you what to do.

——————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)



Smitten Beyond Repair

      Smitten Beyond Repair

Why do you shield yourself in mystery?

When I ask,  you say it is  only me.

You can do magic, it is plain to see.

You have cast a spell over me.


This can’t be in this day and age.

But, my heart is captured on every page.

Though I may try to escape this cage.

There is no way to turn the page.


I am hypnotized, mesmerized, vitalized,

to the extent that you don’t realize.

You are all & everything to my eyes.

I am hopelessly in love, I realize.


You have taken me to a new level.

I pray that you are not the devil.

You have created a new equation

You paralyze me at every occasion.

I am smitten beyond any repair.

As I stand, open mouthed, & stare.


Has someone just made me king?

You are my all and everything.

Now, if only, you are my queen,

I will be able to do everything.


You make me what I am today.

I do it for you in every way.

I love you. What more can I say.

Life has provided the only way.


That way is for you to be mine.

I need a big  glass of wine.

I have got to try to unwind.

I can do that with a little wine.


You have taken me to a new level.

I pray that you are not the devil.

You have created a new equation.

You paralyze me at every occasion.

I am smitten beyond any repair.

As I stand, open mouthed, & stare.

—————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)


Faith Till The Very End

      Faith Till The Very End

There I was, sneaking through the woods.

Hiding out the best I could.

They seem to be everywhere.

Acting like they don’t have a care.

Yet, few true believers are left.

There is less every day, I’ll bet.

They have done all to snuff us out.

Were to blame, is what it’s about.

We must hide in the mountains and caves.

We are in prayer in every way every day.

The Lord provides our water and food.

Just like Elijah, despite his depressed mood.

We are all sealed in our minds.

We are waiting for that special time.

When we will see our Lord in the air.

People will witness it everywhere.

Just before killed off by his brightness.

We’ll be changed into His likeness.

Then, we will be heading to our real home.

Hi love reflected in our faces, shown.  

But, for now, I hide and sneak around.

Hoping others, like me, can be found.

We can draw strength from one another.

Come together, my sisters and brothers.

Our Lord will be here soon, then we’ll say:

We have been waiting for this very day.

————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Days Of Love Gone

      Days Of Love Gone

I can’t take things the way they are.

I can feel every cut and scar.

Be it literal, or on the heart.

The end result is tearing us apart.


I remember much smoother days.

Making love was the popular craze.

Flower children pushed ‘flower power.’

How did we get to this crazy hour?


We need to start all over. Start all over.

Go back to kissing and smelling the clover.

Go back to loving and caring for others.

Our greatest work was under the covers.

We preached love and all it involved.

We were happy to be part of the crowd.


Today, trust no one, is a no brainer.

Who does the government have on retainer?

No one depends on one another,

only on the government. That’s a blunder.


We are becoming a nation of sheep.

We are organic robitoids in the keep.

The government tells us what to do.

I wouldn’t do that if I were you.


We need to start all over. Start all over.

Go back to kissing and smelling the clover.

Go back to loving and caring for others.

Our greatest work was under the covers.

We preached love and all it involved.

We were happy to be part of the crowd.


The hand writing is on the wall.

We can’t stand. We have to crawl.

We have no backbone of our own.

This is killing me to the bone.


There has got to be a better day.

Let’s go psychedelic all the way.

Bring back the flowers and the love.

Bring back the loving turtle dove.

——————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)