She’s Not The Marrying Kind

She’s Not The Marrying Kind

I was thinking of another life.
One where you would be my wife.
Is that such a farfetched dream?
I would treat you like a queen.

You don’t want to hear such guff.
Sometimes I think it’s just a bluff.
What would be so bad to be married?
But, that idea, you never carried.

You were all for living together.
Anything more, you’d say “Never!”
Were you just being mean to me?
Or, is there something else to see?

Fly away little bird. Fly to your love.
Be with her always, you turtle dove.
Love in nature is beautiful to see.
It should be the same for you & me.
We are committed & together.
But, will we withstand any weather?
Make the commitment to never leave.
‘Till death do us part’, we can achieve.

We have been together awhile now.
I don’t think one of us will take the bow.
Decide it is time to up and leave.
Let’s give it a permanent reprieve.

Set a date & exchange our vows.
That commitment will last, somehow.
Nothing to fear except fear itself.
It is better than sitting on a shelf.

Take your time and think it over.
Lay down here in this field of clover.
Let you mind relax and drift.
Concentrate on this perfect fit.

Fly away little bird. Fly to your love.
Be with her always, you turtle dove.
Love in nature is beautiful to see.
It should be the same for you & me.
We are committed & together.
But, will we withstand any weather?
Make the commitment to never leave.
Let’s give it a permanent reprieve.

————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Can Opener Problems

Can Opener Problems

Have you ever tried to open a can?
My wife couldn’t either. I’m the man.
The electric can opener wouldn’t work.
It made noise, but it wouldn’t cut dirt.
It wouldn’t even make a hole in the can.
I worked up a sweat and needed a fan.
Finally, I looked for a manual opener.
It was hard to find,—- to be sure.
It made a hole in the can okay.
But, it was super hard to use anyway.
It took all my strength to turn the handle.
Now I know why I replaced the manual.
After making Nixon sound like a saint,
I felt really tired and about to faint.
I succeeded in getting the can open.
It was a can of beans. No great token.
Hardly worth the effort at all.
I should have found a way to stall.
Come up with something else to eat.
Like take out. Now that would be a treat.

——————————-R, W, Johnson—–(2015)


Addict Makes A Recovery

Addict Makes A Recovery

Once I was a druggie, down and out.
I loved to get high, without a doubt.
Be it pills, booze, crack, or grass.
I would go at it till I fell on my ass.

Then one day, when I was really low,
I sat wondering; ‘where does this go?’
If I kept on like this I would be gone.
I had a feeling it wouldn’t take long.

I decided to change my ways.
I looked old, flabby, & pretty frayed.
I got online & read a lot.
Much of it was just a crock.

You are what you eat.
Eat veggies, fruit, nuts, & meat.
Do everything in moderation.
Even exercise, to my elation.

Keep away from everything I did before.
Now that really opened up a new door.
Do prayer & meditation.
Before bed or when you awaken.

Drink pure water. Much more than usual.
Yet, don’t overdo it. It’s a good move though.
I had my list of what to do.
I would need some help from you.

It was real rough starting out.
Till I learned what it was about.
Till I flushed & detoxed my system,
I didn’t know what I was missing.

I ate organic fruits & veggies.
No more processed food. Not even spaghetti.
After a couple months I had it down.
People were amazed when they came around.

I lost weight & looked super healthy.
My body looked like I was wealthy.
My muscles had definition.
I looked like I was on a mission.

A six pack was starting to show.
I had tons of energy, you know.
Girls were beginning to look my way.
It was a ton of work, but worth every day.

Addicts, let this be a lesson for you.
You can become just like this to.
Just set your mind & save your life.
You will have much less strain & strife.

——————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Rumor Mill Victim

Rumor Mill Victim

Are you going to see the show?
It is quite provocative, you know.
Yet, it will steal your heart away.
You’ll talk about it for many a day.

This show has been all over.
Big crowds have left much fuller.
It is a must for all to see.
I want you to go with me.

We could make it a double date.
It is not an excuse to wait.
I have ordered our tickets early.
You don’t mind that,—- surely.

Yes, I bought 2 extras, just in case.
I don’t want to have egg on my face.
They can pay me back, if they want.
I won’t harass them or say a taunt.

I know you fear going alone with me.
I planned for all of this, you see.
The rumors spread about me are sad.
You will find I am not that bad.

Someone started those rumors for revenge.
I wouldn’t do what she did intend.
She said she would make me suffer.
She said I wouldn’t date till I was a duffer

I have suffered much from her rumor mill.
I am broke. She has emptied out my till.
Take all you have heard with a grain of salt.
I am sweeter than a chocolate malt.

But, the only truth is to demonstrate.
I will prove I am an appropriate date.
You may find I am worth more than one.
You may even find I am loads of fun.

———————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Let’s Keep Our Thoughts Private

Let’s Keep Our Thoughts Private

Have you ever wondered how it would be
If others could read your mind & see what you see?
You may think that would be fun.
But, soon, you would be on the run.
Privacy would be nonexistent at best.
You would bare it all , putting all doubt to rest.
Many thoughts you don’t want others to know.
Their reaction could be a real show.
Forget guilt and shame.
Swallow them with the rest of your pain.
You would want to read others thoughts too.
Even the ground. Know what they think of you.
I have a hunch things could get nasty.
At least you would never be a patsy.
What about the thoughts of those who are mentally ill?
Could you handle that with any type of skill?
No. It would be a very unpleasant thing.
I don’t want to hear others thoughts ring.
Think of God, who can hear all of our thoughts.
Bare to Him our souls, & that’s a lot.
His love for us knows no bounds.
Hearing our thoughts & He stays around.
That is beyond my comprehension.
I am glad it’s not me, but it is Him.

———————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Keep An Open Mind To Life

Keep An Open Mind To Life

Some understanding takes a lifetime of learning.
It’s the ones that keep the emotions churning.
Look back and reap the lessons from your past.
Never throw a bad experience into the trash.
Take the lesson and apply it to the situation.
Never give in to your overwhelming temptation.
Make the best of every experience in life.
File it away to use as a guide when there is strife.
In the final analysis you will be a better man.
You will handle the situation as best you can.
Others will see the wisdom of your ways.
They will come to you for advice in the coming days.
You, yourself, will feel better with the end result.
If it was based on life experiences you did consult.
We are here for a lot of different reasons.
One of those would be to learn from the seasons.
The seasons we go through as we age.
There is a season for every stage.
Every stage brings new experiences to bare.
The result is a better person for us to share.
So keep this in mind if you should get off track.
It also applies to others to explain where they are at.
A broader view of life and all it holds for you
can be obtained by always maintaining a broader view.

—————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Computer Problems

Computer Problems

I got a new computer the other day.
I ripped my hair. I had to pray.
This thing don’t work like the old one.
I thought a new one would be fun.
Windows 10 is supposed to be better.
I try, but I can’t even write a letter.
For a pre computer person it is hard.
This post computer age is a card.
It drives me insane when it won’t work.
I slam my fist,—– then I am hurt.
I need a computer I can talk to.
It will do just what I tell it to do.
But, no such luck. I have to be the nut.
The nut who is stuck in a rut.
Come on speakers, start to work.
You spoke once. Was it a quirk?
There has got to be a better way.
Just sending one E-Mail takes all day.
Half the E-Mail disappeared before I was done.
Took several hours to retrieve that one.
I have more storage, but I can’t find my ass.
If it wasn’t attached, it would go in the trash.
I guess I will keep on struggling along.
I will either get it right or it will be wrong.
By the time I figure it out,
It will be time to upgrade again, no doubt.

———————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Don’t Travel With A Stoner

Don’t Travel With A Stoner

It was time to take a trip.
But, first I had to get a fix.
Not loaded would be wrong.
I have to sing my song.

Loaded and ready to roll.
Hauling ass, though going slow.
Perception is a state of mind.
My mind is doing overtime.

Things fly by & I space out.
What is all the fuss about?
Kick back and enjoy the ride.
Don’t you trust me with your hide?

What is that I hear you yelling about?
Were still in the driveway? No doubt.
Sometimes my mind is racing like hell.
Yet, we are not moving very well.

Not to worry. It will pass.
All I need is to step on the gas.
There we go. Now were flying.
Were going like hell. I wasn’t lying.

What? Were still in the driveway?
I don’t understand it anyway.
I pushed the gas all the way down.
Wait, I need to turn around.

Oh no, I forgot to start the car.
Let’s just go to the nearest bar.
I need a drink to steady my nerves.
I feel like my eyesight has curves.

What? You’ve decided not to go?
But, you will miss the show!!
You don’t give a tinker’s damn!
You just want to get your feet on land.

What is your problem? Can’t hold a drink?
I can’t understand how you think.
I am loaded? Well, what the heck?
It’s the best way to travel, I’ll bet.

I won’t live to see tomorrow?
I am a vessel filled with sorrow?
What the heck are you talking about?
Have another drink. You’ll chill out.

I don’t know what’s bothering him?
We didn’t get out of the driveway then.
A couple drinks to calm the nerves.
Then I could negotiate those curves.

He must have never been high before.
Maybe a ‘bad’ trip before he left the door.
The boy can’t see the fun for the fright.
I hope he don’t end up in a fight.

———————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Saved From A Lonely Life

Saved From A Lonely Life

Just before I turn out the light to sleep,
I look at you lying there, so sweet.
I turn out the light and think back.
A year ago, it was only me in this shack.

I had been alone for many a year.
When I met you, it brought on fear.
But, you quickly became part of my life.
There was no fear or strife.

It was like it had always been.
You were much more than a friend.
But, I remember, I was a loner for years.
Being with you has brought me to tears.

You. You have changed my life.
You. You have taken away the strife.
You took away the lonely nights.
You made me feel like I am somebody.
After years of being a nobody.
You. You have recreated my life.
You. You did it by becoming my wife.

After years of being alone.
I had made that life my home.
No one found me desirable before.
Most thought of me as a bore.

I would kid about being a bachelor.
When I wanted to be a match for her.
But, it never seemed to go my way.
I finally said ‘ let things go as they may.’

Years rolled by. I expected no change.
Each day things remained the same.
Then,—- Came the day I met you.
It wasn’t planned, but it came true.

You. You have changed my life.
You. You have taken away my strife.
You took away the lonely nights.
You made me feel like I am somebody.
After years of being a nobody.
You. You have recreated my life.
You. You did it by becoming my wife.

—————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

No More Dares

      No More Dares

When we were kids we would joke around.

Who was the bravest kid in town?

There was a haunted house on a hill.

I think it might be there still.

We would double dog dare each other.

Spend the night, but go with another.

Finally,  the night came along.

We all agreed we would be strong.

We agreed to spend the night there.

We would all go together and share.

If there were ghosts we would be brave.

Or, so we thought, as we went on our way.

We brought all we thought we would need.

Be prepared before we would proceed.

The faded front door was unlocked.

I stepped through,  carrying my cot.

We decided where we would sleep.

We picked the living room cause it was neat.

Dust covered everything around.

Furniture was covered with sheets and bound.

We decided we would explore first.

We didn’t want to feel we were cursed.

We checked around downstairs.

Then we went slowly upstairs.

Once there we heard footsteps below.

We ran back down to catch the show.

But, there was no one there.

Not even any footprints anywhere.

Except ours, of course, was all there was.

We were a little shaken up—–because.

The door was still locked from within.

There was no way for anyone to get in.

We shook our heads & went back up.

We were hoping we would have some luck.

Then, at the end of the hall, chains rattled.

That’s what we thought. We were baffled.

Quiet as can be we went down the hall.

It sounded like it was coming from the wall.

Then, we heard some scary laughter.

We saw no one, but it didn’t matter.

We ran like hell back down stairs.

Some of us forgot some stuff, but we didn’t care.

As fast as we could, we got out of there.

We wouldn’t admit that place gave us a scare.

After that, we didn’t make anymore dares.

——————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)