The Raise Of Asglow (Part 7)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 7)

Time had passed. Asglow was almost ready.
He proceeded with his plan, slow and steady.
First, he had to bring the Wizards under his spell.
No fight was involved. Things were proceeding well.
First he called all Wizards to a large meeting.
Anika and family did a combined greeting
with a spell that protected them from within.
They didn’t trust Asglow. They feared he would win.
At the meeting Asglow quoted a pledge.
This caused all Wizards to lose their edge.
It brought them under Asglow’s control.
It happened so smoothly, they didn’t even know.
Anika and her family were protected from it.
Their combined shield from within did the trick.
Yet, they weren’t really aware what happened.
The title of the meeting had no caption.
What was this meeting called for?
Something was wrong, as they left out the door.
They knew something had just happened, but what?
They zapped home. All their defenses were up.
They started planning what to do.
Anika said ”I think the church will do.”
“We pick a side room and line it with mirrors.”
“Walls, ceiling, totally cover it. Is that clear?’
“But, what will this do?” Ansir said.
“I’m not sure, but I have it planned in my head.”
They carried out her orders right away.
This was going to be another episodic day.
Then Anika contacted Asglow via her wand.
‘Meet me in the church. Bring your wand.’
Asglow immediately knew what Anika meant.
She wasn’t affected by the spell he sent.
Now, it comes down to that final hour.
I knew I would have to make Anika cower.
It’s only proper after what she did to Kronos.
I will turn her into a lone ghost.
Asglow zapped to the church.
He entered and stopped with a lurch.
No one was there. He searched around.
Then, in a side room, Anika was found.
She stood there with her wand raised.
“You will fight me in a church of praise?”
“God will protect me.” Anika said.
Asglow just laughed and shook his head.
“Bring it on then.” He stood ready, no fear.
Anika changed her wand to the spear.
Before she could activate it, Asglow was gone.
He jumped back a few minutes. Not long.
He moved forward to get behind Anika.
He jumped back forward to grab her. Eureka!
What was this? He was out in some woods.
He jumped again, the best he could.
He didn’t know where he was at.
He felt like he was flapping around like a bat.
A few more jumps and he realized.
“I am caught in a time loop.” he cried.
Different time realities kept appearing.
He’d jump every few minutes he was fearing.
Billions of realities could exist.
The mirrors sent him on this trip.
They had distorted everything for him.
He didn’t know how to get back.
He could be trapped like this for an eternity at that.
When he didn’t reappear, Anika knew she was right.
They removed all the mirrors & put them out of sight.
She had figured out why his future couldn’t be seen.
She had filled in the gap in the in between.
All the Wizards snapped out of their trance.
They had lost time. But, they had a second chance.
After another meeting and all was explained.
The new head of the council, Anika, was named.
Another major tragedy was avoided for them.
But, for Asglow, his tragedy would just begin.

———————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 6)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 6)

Asglow knew they were suspicious.
They thought he was up to mischief.
I guess he was, in his own way.
But, he still wasn’t ready to come and play.
He discovered something really great.
He was told not to let the black arts be his fate.
It was taboo to all the Wizards.
It would be better to boil his gizzard.
But, he discovered that you needed both.
A perfect balance between both is all she wrote.
It had always been one against the other.
But, when both are used,’ holy mother’!!
The power quotient is more than doubled.
Rather than butting heads and making rubble.
He learned to combine the two.
Making one impenetrable force for you.
He could be the greatest war Wizard around.
Greater than any Warlock ever found.
He had a lot of work to do learning how
to combine all spells to make them work somehow.
The more he learned, the easier it got.
He felt he could do all things. Believe it or not.
Now, he needed a way to bring all,
but the most powerful, under his call.
That would be, the Wizards, under his control.
He knew no Warlocks. They had been laid low.
In the meantime, Anika continued to be bothered.
What kind of son had Evangelica & Kronos fathered?
Anika knew Evangelica was a powerful Wizard.
She also knew Kronos would rip out your gizzard.
And what did a future like a room of mirrors mean?
She asked the Wizard scholar to see what he’d seen.
“At this point I haven’t a clue.”
“You did say he was studying time anew?”
“Possibly it means different futures available to him.”
“To mess with such power has got to be a sin.”
Anika thanked him and returned to the Lumicates.
She asked them if this could possibly be his fate?
They said that they didn’t know for sure.
They just knew that it didn’t mean a cure.
Anika thought she knew what it meant.
She filed it away before it went.
Back home, she discussed it with her husband.
“Holy Wizard! This is like a bludgeoned.”
“How will this information help if needed?”
Anika wasn’t sure, but it takes planning she pleaded.
Asglow didn’t give any thought to this.
He felt his future could be whatever. This was his gift.
He controlled the power to do what he wanted.
So he proceeded on. He was undaunted.
Soon, it would all come together.
He would carry out his plans to the letter.
He would rule Vantera and earth too.
There would be nothing he couldn’t do.
He would be emperor of both worlds.
Asglow The Great!! It gave him a thrill.
Would the best laid plans of men and mice work?
Will he succeed, or just end up another jerk?
Keep reading. Time will tell.
Time could end up worse than hell.

———————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 5)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 5)

Asglow wasn’t told by the demons outright.
They were the ones who gave Kronos might.
The spell to reverse Anika’s spear power.
So, Asglow would not have it for that hour.
The demon’s would not help a human again.
Even if they might consider him a friend.
Asglow gave up on finding that spell.
He had another idea that should work as well.
He would perfect his time travel technique.
The way it would work would be really neat.
If Anika activated her spear, he would be gone.
Zap back a few minutes in time, not long.
Then, he would get behind her and come back.
He would then disable her. It’s a fact.
He had a lot of work to do to perfect it.
Kronos was unable to, he reflected.
After many attempts, he discovered the secret.
A balance of additive and subtractive to feed it.
Both were needed to bring it about.
Kronos didn’t have a clue what that was about.
But, Asglow could use both with equal skill.
He had no problem working his will.
He was jumping back in time just a few minutes.
Then, returning shortly, ready to begin it.
He found some instability if he went back further.
A jump to the future was worse than murder.
He didn’t try it, he read the warnings.
To jump back longer had the same warnings.
Just a few minutes, then, return to the present.
It was all he needed to accomplish all he dreamt.
In the meantime, Anika decided to take a trip.
To see the Lumicates. She was into it.
She visited them every now and then.
Because she considered them real friends.
They told her about Asglow and the amulet.
He wanted to control time. Could he handle it?
His future was like looking at bunch of mirrors.
They had no clue, but they did have their fears.
They had never experienced that before now.
Their fears increased. It just wasn’t right somehow.
Anika was real concerned. She knew his history.
She knew Kronos was his father. It was no mystery.
She hoped Asglow wasn’t going to the dark side.
She knew she couldn’t stop him if he tried.
She zapped home and told her family all.
Ansir and Siran couldn’t believe Asglow would fall.
They had been close friends all their lives.
They didn’t want to believe any lies.
They didn’t know Kronos was Asglow’s father.
When told, they became quiet as otters.
They needed to find out what Asglow was up to.
He was gone a lot. Said he had business to attend to.
Asglow smoothed over all their fears.
He was smooth talking. Almost brought them to tears.
Time went on and things settled down.
They thought he had both feet on the ground.
That would change before too long.
Keep reading to find out what is going on.

———————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)


The Raise Of Asglow (Part 4)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 4)

When Asglow went to the ruined castle.
He had trouble searching without a hassle.
He conceived a plan to rebuild the place.
He couldn’t stand all that waste.
Besides, he wanted to find all he could.
He would use all the old castle he could.
Except move it all to a new place.
On top of a solid granite plateau, in case.
There was one about a mile away.
Several hundred feet high, if a day.
Probably 20 acres or more around.
No way up or down that he found.
He spent two days magically working.
Cutting a narrow path. A sure thing.
Once on top, he made the top level.
It was flat, like made with a bevel.
The narrow path was hard to maneuver.
Easily defended with magic or groover.
A magical tool that reshapes rock.
No one would ever reach the top.
Once on top he zapped away.
He moved stones the easy way.
Zapped them to the top of the plateau.
He recruited others to carry on the show.
He said it would be a memorial.
To always remember Kronos’s gory role.
The Council Of 9 found agreement with this.
The castle was built without a hitch.
Except he built it about 5 times larger.
Expert builders followed him without barder.
With the granite riddled with tunnels and rooms,
reaching way down below bedrock in the gloom.
He had tons of rooms and secret places.
He brought in all books, ledgers, and magic vases.
Everything he found in the ruined castle.
Plus things from everywhere. It was a vassal.
It was finished within two years.
All who visited left with their fears.
They thought it made a fine memorial.
To remember evil, without glory though.
Asglow was hoping to find one thing.
It was something that Kronos could bring.
The reversal of Anika’s spear power.
That would be needed in that hour.
He didn’t find it anywhere he looked.
It was not in any book.
He finally decided there was only one way.
Go to hell and see what Kronos would say.
He knew the black spell that would take him there.
It was dangerous. He could try it, if he did dare.
Finally, he cast the spell.
He was pulled down by a black smoke into hell.
He found Kronos, but he was totally insane.
Just kept screaming about panthers and pain.
He knew he would never learn anything here.
Then, a demon, from nowhere, did appear.
He said: “We know why you risked coming here.”
“We know what you are planning, that is clear.”
“We helped Kronos, but we will never again.”
“There is a chance that you can win.”
“But, your future is not very clear.”
“It is like looking into a bunch of mirrors.”
“Go back and try your very best.”
“Beyond that, may you pass the test.”
With that, he was back where he left from.
What happens next is another story.
Watch for it soon in all its glory.

R.W. Johnson—– (2018)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 3)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 3)

Ancient history showed Asglow much.
He learned time started before the primordial muck.
In the beginning there was no time.
All was status quo, no change came to mind.
Then, as millennia passed, change slowly came.
Time started to be, as a part of the game.
Around that time the stone in the amulet was born.
Created during the first violent storm.
With the right spell, the amulet could control time.
But, only for a temporary period, keep that in mind.
The stone and other similar ones were extremely rare.
It didn’t say where to find one. It wasn’t fair.
Then, Asglow had an idea he thought would help.
He would visit the Lumicates. That would help he felt.
He left Vantera using the portal gates.
He quickly made his way to the planet it takes.
He traveled into the desert and found the Lumicates.
Knowing who he was, they were waiting. He was late.
Lumicates can see the future in most cases.
They knew searching for the amulet was his fate.
They couldn’t get a fix on his future that was clear.
Like finding your way in a house of mirrors.
Millions of futures came and went.
They didn’t know what caused this event.
The only thing that came up was an island.
Someplace on earth by the name of Ireland.
Ireland? He remembered the name in Kronos’s diary.
He said: “Thanks, now I will return home my way.”
He zapped back to Vantera to his room.
He sat there for awhile in the gloom.
Once he had been somewhere, he could zap there.
He looked in Kronos’s diary. It wasn’t anywhere.
Then he saw the note. A Keep in Ireland underground.
He was elated at what he had found.
He would zap to earth, then Ireland bound.
He took a ship and weeks later arrived.
He could feel the magic, he felt alive.
He worked some spells and followed their lead.
He was drawn to the place. Now to succeed.
He opened the underground Keep by using magic.
Things were mostly destroyed. It was tragic.
He searched for many hours without success.
Then, there it was among the mess.
The amulet! It had to be the right one.
He zapped home to Vantera. The fun had begun.
First, using some basic spells, he confirmed.
This amulet would work to help him return.
Time travel is a delicate thing not to be rushed.
Just a few minutes shift would be enough.
It would take more study and research.
He wouldn’t go off on some crazy lurch.
What would happen is yet to tell.
Stay tuned in. It will get wilder than hell.

————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 2)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part 2)

Asglow found a private place to study.
Using Kronos’s diary, he was like putty.
Being molded into a Kronos image.
The dark side seemed to know his lineage.
He mastered all he could find on black magic.
It took time, but that wouldn’t be tragic.
Once he became master of time.
He thought:—- ‘All would be mine.’
In the meantime, things had changed.
One of the council had been claimed.
He passed away due to his age.
They needed another, much younger in age.
Ansir , Siran, & Asglow were obvious choices.
Asglow was older by a year said voices.
He may be wiser, best choice by far.
He won the vote, for what you are.
Well respected, one of the best.
Always studying, more than the rest.
Asglow accepted his place on the council.
He was praised by all the townsfolk.
Even Ansir and Siran felt it was right.
They knew Asglow could handle any fight.
But, he was also very wise for his age.
They didn’t have a problem to engage.
But, if so, Asglow would give good advice.
To depend on him, they didn’t think twice.
Asglow used his position to gain power.
He made the right friends for the hour.
Soon, he was voted head of the council.
Leader of the Wizards. That was a mouthful.
Still, he studied the forbidden arts.
All in secret, right from the start.
A plan was slowly forming in his mind.
It was one to which he was inclined.
He knew Kronos was defeated by the Wizards.
He also knew he could defeat the Wizards.
There would not even be a war.
The Wizards wouldn’t even leave their door.
He knew Kronos didn’t know where the Wizards went.
Yet, he was living there. It was like he was sent.
Ruler of additive magic, soon, ruler of subtractive magic.
Yet, he was taking his time. He was not a fanatic.
He was close to controlling the time spells.
He needed a certain amulet to settle his quells.
With it, he could control all time.
Where to look to make the find?
He needed to do more historic research.
He dove into it for all he was worth.
Will he be able to find what he wants?
Next time you’ll know, without any taunts.

————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part One)

The Raise Of Asglow (Part One)

After “The Wizard’s Worst Nightmare” was done,
there was peace and happiness for everyone.
At least, that was how it seemed.
Except for one, who was not relived.
His name was Asglow, one of their best.
He grew up with Ansir, Siran, and the rest.
His mother’s name was Evangelica.
He never knew his father, which is well enough.
He was told he had been killed battling Kronos.
He knew the history, yet, is that how it goes?
Something had been bothering him for years.
He couldn’t find his father’s name. He had fears.
Finally, he asked his mom about all this.
She said “I was hoping this we would miss.”
“But, you’re entitled to know the tale.”
“Try to understand. It was to protect you.” She wailed.
“I was captured in the battle with Kronos.”
“ He treated me like a whore. No boast.”
“He raped me before Wizards freed me.”
“But, I was pregnant. That’s how you came to be.”
“You mean my father was the dreaded Kronos?”
“Yes Asglow. Better your father be a ghost.”
“That is why you were told he died in the war.”
“There has been enough suffering. No more.”
Asglow was shocked and at a loss.
He was a strong wizard. Who was best?, it was a toss.
Ansir, Siran, and Asglow were the best.
Yet, they have never competed in a test.
Asglow decided to learn all about Kronos.
Everything he did and knows.
Much was forbidden because it was black magic.
Considered negative power. It was tragic.
He found a way to obtain all the files on it.
The more he learned, the more he was drawn to it.
He made a trip to earth, to Kronos ruined castle.
He found a way in after a lot of hassle.
He found Kronos throne room and something more.
He found Kronos diary hidden in a secret drawer.
It revealed Kronos greatest attempt.
To manipulate time itself to his own event.
Asglow was suddenly overtaken with what he found.
He had the power to become greatest around.
Kronos will be a footnote in history when he was done.
The raise of Asglow, who will be the greatest one.
What he does is yet to be told.
Keep reading, try to be bold.

————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Other Side

The Other Side

I felt like the walls were closing in.
How the hell did all this begin?
I have to break through to the other side.
Then, I have to find a place to hide.
It is dark. I have to break through to light.
I will try with all my might.

You can run and you can hide.
It won’t help because you know he lied.
But, you will know at least you tried.
You have to break through to the other side.

It happened on that horrible day.
That day that I tried to run away.
He had me, there was no escape.
What he did was worse than rape.
Must break away to the other side.
It’s the only way to save my hide.

You can run and you can hide.
It won’t help because you know he lied.
But, you will know at least you tried.
You have to break through to the other side.

They say I had a psychotic break.
They say it was more than I can take.
You needed a way to get away.
Your mind escaped the easy way.
A mind excursion, what a ride.
I finally broke through to the other side.

——————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Facts Of Life

The Facts Of life

You woke me up early when you said goodbye.
You said you loved me, but I didn’t know why.
I was still drowsy and went back to sleep.
Now I am awake and in utter defeat.
The note you left me on the kitchen table
said you were sorry, but you were no longer able.
Able to pretend everything was all right.
You had not said why to prevent a fight.
You had met another. You know how it goes.
One thing led to another. My heart was exposed.
Before long, I knew it could only be him.
I long for another so why should I pretend.
My heart was awake now and in a real hurt.
It was broken and stomped into the dirt.
I paced around with nothing else to do.
I watched some TV, but kept thinking of you.
I counted flowers on the wall.
It did nothing for me at all.
I played catch with the dog.
I drove in circles in the fog.
I had no idea where you were.
To check at your work didn’t occur.
Days later, the idea came.
You had quit your job, no reason to claim.
FBI relocation would be easier to trace.
You had totally vanished from this place.
Therapy, antidepressants and a lot of time.
I am finally able to say the fault wasn’t mine.
It is something no one wants to go through.
I hope this never happens to you.

—————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

September 1963 What A Night

September 1963 What A Night

It was late in June 1964.
Bad news came to my door.
9 months after September 1963
Oh, what a night for you and me.
Something happened, unplanned for.
An income tax deduction, and more.
It all came to a head in 1964.
This has hurt me to the very core.
Just one night in September 1963.
I haven’t seen you since, you see.
That is until the paternity suit.
Too deny it would be moot.
DNA tests say he is mine.
What a way to spend my dime.
Fatherhood is something new.
Does this mean I should marry you?
Oh, what a lady, what a night.
It has led to this nightmare fight.
Shared custody seems the way to go.
I guess we should have taken it slow.
Have you given him a name?
Tell me. Quit driving me insane.
This has been a lesson to me.
Don’t fool around if you want to be free.
I hope others learn this lesson.
The end results isn’t worth the messing.

—————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)