1,000 With More To Come

1,000 With More To Come

The day has come, it’s finally here
The 1.000th poem will now appear.
It has taken quite awhile.
Hopefully, it will make you smile.
Yes, there will be more poems to come.
It may all seem a waste to some.
But, others will enjoy them a lot.
Not trying to pin you to the spot.
I write poems to pass the time.
I write poems. Is that a crime?
I write poems to provoke thought.
Better to consider than to not.
I write poems to say who I am.
I write poems because I can.
I write poems as a hobby.
Sometimes, while drinking a hot toddy.
I write story poems to entertain.
I write humor to keep myself sane.
Some have said these aren’t really poems.
That’s like saying are pennies really coins?
They are not worth much, but they add up.
1,000 is a good start to shut them up.
Sometimes poems are a real challenge.
Other times, they roll right out while I lounge.
Many poems take a lot of thought.
Other poems may be better forgot.
But, if it brings entertainment and joy to one.
Then, it is worth it to make sure they come.

———————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Influences Of Others And Yourself

Influences Of Others And Yourself

People come and people go.
It is like a river’s flow.
They pass through your life.
Some quickly, with little strife.
Others stay and become friends.
You will know them till the end.
Family members mostly stay.
That is unless they move away.
All influence who we are.
Many influence who we will be.
Like a butterfly or a flea.
Beautiful, or irritating, or both.
Some can really get your goat.
Teachers can mold your mind.
Preachers can help keep you in line.
Take time to think of yourself.
What’s your influence or help?
How do you affect the lives of others?
Do they love you or have their druthers?
Others know us for who we are.
To others, make yourself a star.
Leave a good impression that will not fade.
Don’t sit back, join the parade.
Be someone who leaves a mark.
Be respected, right from the start.
Someone else will need that from you.
So they can be a better person too.

——————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

He Stayed On The Bus

He Stayed On The Bus

He saw what was going on.
He saw it from the bus he was on.
Three thugs beating the hell out of a guy.
He just sat there and wondered why?

He just stayed on the bus.
He didn’t yell to stop the fuss.
He didn’t get off to try and help.
Was he worried about himself?
He just stayed on the bus.
He was just like most of us.

Soon, the one fell to the ground.
They started kicking him all around.
He was bleeding from mouth and ears.
Gasping for breath between his tears.

He didn’t get off the bus.
He didn’t try to stop the fuss.
He was just like most of us.
He did call 911 in a rush.
Hopefully, help will come in time.
Otherwise, he paid no mind.

They kicked him till he didn’t move.
Then they robbed him of his shoes.
They took his wallet and his watch.
Then, they kicked him in the crotch.

He just stayed on the bus.
He didn’t yell to stop the fuss.
He didn’t get off to try and help.
Was he worried about himself?
He just stayed on the bus.
He was just like most of us.

The bus pulled away from the curb.
A siren was the last he heard.
He heard later a man was killed.
It did give him a little chill.

———————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)



Oliver, everyone is waiting for you.
Soon, you’ll arrive, all pink and new.
You will be surrounded by love.
You’ll be blessed by the Father above.
You will be nurtured as you grow.
Helped with all you’ll learn and know.
Before we know it, you will walk.
You will also learn to talk.
Time will fly by very fast.
Though we will want it to last.
The teen age years will come and go.
Then adulthood, but you’ll still grow.
You will accomplish much in time.
We know that you will turn out fine.
Because you were loved from the start.
For that, all of us are a part.
But, especially your proud parents.
Who will love you and all your descendants.
It is all called the circle of life.
Included in that will be your wife.
But, that is a ways off yet.
First you must arrive, then all is set.

——————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

The Commitment

The Commitment

We made a commitment to God above.
Know that the rain won’t stop our love.
Sunny days will be coming again.
Know that you are more than a friend.
See the birds flying way up high.
That’s our love seen through my eye.
The flowers all bloom just for you.
A bouquet of them will get us through.
With you around, there is no other.
I want my kids to call you mother.
There is only one way and we have found it.
So much love, we just may drown in it.
It may not be easy at all times.
I knew that when I made you mine.
But, until we part due to death.
I’ll still love you in eternal rest.

——————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Beyond Reality

Beyond Reality

Beyond reality are things unexplained.
Yet, they happened just the same.
If you can’t wrap your mind around the facts.
Further investigation is stopped in its tracks.
Depending on what it is that happened.
A miracle, it seems, soon becomes fact then.
Or, it is credited to the paranormal realm.
‘The unknown’ seems to be at the helm.
Often, it is explained through religious faith.
This answer is jumped to, often in haste.
If seen, believe it,—- if not, it’s a myth.
Seeing the answer is considered a gift.
Often, it is chalked up to a hoax.
Especially, if you happen to see a ghost.
So, where do we go from here?
The unexplained is nothing to fear.
It simply means more study is needed.
Knowledge is gained when such acts are repeated.
When the real truth is known what then?
There will be others on which to begin.

——————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Life, And A Little More

Life, And A Little More

We had help from the angels above.
I thought it was all based on love.
That was just the way it was.
It was always the local buzz.
Then, something seemed to change.
Things were no longer the same.
People blamed it on evil and sin.
The devil made me do it again.
Is it always so cut and dry?
If things do not meet your eye.
Blame it on Satan and his demons.
What a nightmare. I must be dreaming.
Let’s search for other answers here.
Maybe it is caused by fear?
Maybe it is the early training.
Spare the paddle. I’m not complaining.
The final answer is up to you.
You will do what you want to do.
You can follow the guidelines of life.
Or, do your own thing, despite the strife.
I guess there is much in the golden rule.
Do unto others as you want done to you.
The final result, good or bad.
Is what you make it. That could be sad.
Motivation is the name of the game.
Say it simple, say it plain.
Nobody said life would be easy.
In fact, usually, it’s kind of cheesy.
But, with the right condiments included.
Life can be all that it is eluded.

————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

That’s How They Say It Goes

That’s How They Say It Goes

Yesterday a funny thing happened.
I was walking along a street in town.
I guy yelled “I’d feel like crap then.”
I looked his way with a frown.
He was talking to his girlfriend.
Seems he didn’t like what she said.
“Too bad!!” Her voice sounded shrill then.
I am assuming that they were not wed.
He immediately began to apologize.
For what?, I couldn’t tell for sure.
They quieted, keeping it localized.
Isn’t that how they say it goes with her.
You’re the bad guy right from the go.
Whatever it was about, he took the blame.
Maybe he deserved it, I just don’t know.
But, mostly, it is a crying shame.
The guy MUST give in, or it’s over.
There is no yes, no , or maybe.
It is cut and dried as day old clover.
He has cowed down. He’s yours now baby.
Feelings must be taken into consideration.
Circumstances must also play a part.
But, somewhere, there must be the realization
that she can occasionally be wrong from the start.
The old adage; women are never wrong.
Is often over-stated and not true.
Men foul up. It usually doesn’t take long.
But, women do too, but won’t admit it to you.
In a perfect world, all would take their blame.
Hopefully, the results would be more rewarding.
At least, the results wouldn’t be the same.
But, that’s in a perfect world.

——————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2018)

Thinking Back

             Thinking Back

A simple time, a simple place.

It brought a smile to my face.

Thinking back when I was a kid.

Pressures now will flip your lid.

Back then, things were better.

No computers. We wrote letters.

I can remember my first kiss.

Now, what made me think of this?

Probably what I saw on T.V.

It was quite vulgar, you see.

Not a simple childhood kiss.

For that, I am not remiss.

There is no way to go back.

Or, I’d be there. It’s a fact.

I didn’t know what I had back then.

I do now.—– Let me begin.

I wouldn’t trade those times for the world.

The memories are great. They have held.

Nothing like being able to reminisce.

Thinking back on doing the twist.

Watching American Bandstand on T.V.

Listening to the old songs. You and me.

We always knew Father Knows Best.

My Little Margie knew the rest.

Hi Yo Silver was the weekend cry.

Along with The Cisco Kid and I.

Cartoons were funny, not gory.

Servicemen got all our glory.

We were kids just having fun.

None of us had to carry a gun.

Violence was for boxing.

And Texas Wrestling. Not mocking.

Just saying things were better then.

I think it’s time we make amends.

———————————R.W. Johnson—–(2017)




There Is Hope With Grace

      There Is Hope With Grace

I took a trip to my hometown.

All I wanted was to look around.

I couldn’t believe all that I saw.

It seems my town has taken a fall.

It’s like Sodom and Gomorrah.

If your ‘normal’, people ignore ya.

You must be gay and go all the way.

Be ready for any type of play.

This kind of stuff is not for me.

Only one thing, I gotta flee.

For sure, I will not be looking back.

No pillar of salt. That’s a fact.

The country life is for me.

Walk around and feel free.

Church each week to stay in line.

Always keep God on my mind.

Pray for those who are truly lost.

Suffer them, at any cost.

Except for the grace of God, go I.

Any less and I’d rather die.

There is a major work to do.

It’s too much for me or you.

But, with the power of God to help,

any heart will be brought to melt.

The blinders will fall away.

They will be reborn that day.

———————-R.W. Johnson—–(2017)