So Simple, Yet So Difficult

      So Simple, Yet So Difficult

It took some time, but I’m beginning to see.

Women really do differ from me.

I’m not talking about the physical attributes.

I am talking more absolutes.

The way they look at everything.

Their definition of having a fling.

What turns them on and what doesn’t.

Thinking what she  wanted,—- wasn’t.

Something simple is seen differently.

Even if we both pretend to agree.

She sees one thing. I see another.

The one more like me is my brother.

Communication becomes very hard.

She doesn’t talk like she came from Mars.

She talks like she came from Venus.

I hope that book doesn’t come between us.

But, what it says seems to be true.

Has this ever happened to you?

Arguing when we are saying the same thing.

Her approach is hard to be seen.

She says: “Men, they are all alike.”

Sometimes I think she says it for spite.

Women are the true mystery of nature.

Man is easy to understand. Not a satyr.

Does a transgender have problems here?

For the rest of us,  it is never clear.

Is anyone willing to translate?

There is just no help when you are on a date.

How about maybe asking your mother?

That’s as embarrassing as telling your brother.

No one wants to look stupid about this.

Yet, it is all that stands in the way of bliss.

—————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




Loneliness Here To Stay

      Loneliness Here To Stay

He saw the man sitting on the park bench.

He looked so lonely it made his teeth clench.

He wished he could wipe out all loneliness.

If he could he wouldn’t stop at only this.



But, how could such a thing ever be done?

A general solution may not work for some.

Probably what each one needed was a friend.

He couldn’t be friend to all. Why pretend.


Maybe each lonely person needed God.

That solution would not be too odd.

But, not everyone wants a religious life.

Though it would help them get things right.


Finally,  he reached a final conclusion.

There is no universal fix. It’s a delusion.

Now he was becoming depressed himself.

He wished he had magic,—- like an elf.


Wait a minute!! He just had an idea.

One didn’t come often. Not like diarrhea.

If lonely, you could read poetry & books.

It would be great if that’s all it took.


Creating their own world, they wouldn’t be lonely.

They could read and write. Create a pony.

Create an imaginary world that had friends.

Maybe that could work. It all depends.


Would it be enough to delete the lonely feeling?

Or would it turn them into a different being?

Someone lost in the world of imagination.

Getting back may take some creation.


I had better lay this one to rest.

I think that would be for the best.

There is no universal cure.

If there are people, the lonely will be here.

———————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)



Seperation Sucks!!

      Separation Sucks!!

She is coming home today.

For awhile, she has been away.

I missed her more each day.

Ever since she has been away.


The homecoming is an important thing.

It is something that makes me sing.

Good times will be happening again.

It’s like getting back a long lost friend.


Time goes by. Be it long or short.

Either brings on feelings, I can report.

Feelings of loneliness and fear.

Will she ever again be near?


Though it is a planned business trip.

The whole time away she is missed.

When she gets home we’ll celebrate.

It will be like our very first date.


It will end in a climax of love.

We will be closer than 2 turtle doves.

A day to remember from our past.

One whose memories will really last.


At times, being apart, we can’t avoid.

These are times I’d like to destroy.

But, when we are together again.

A greater gift I could not win.


Let’s make the most of when we are together.

In the future, there may be bad weather.

That would be when either must be away.

I would prefer that we could always stay.


Yes, being apart is a real bummer.

Not much to do here but, slumber.

But, the day comes when we are together again.

Then we can party like it will never end.

—————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)





Poor Choices, Lack Of Voices


      Poor Choices, Lack Of Voices

There was a way before the fall.

If there was any way at all.

It was a time. There was a choice.

A time back when you had a voice.

You could choose right. It was allowed.

Many did. They had avowed.

Others didn’t. They still complain.

They thought life was such a pain.

They wanted more but, they got less.

There was no way they felt blessed.

They are not sorry for their choice.

They felt they, then, had a voice.

Yet, the results are totally wrong.

Seems they waited way too long.

Now they are ruled with an iron hand.

There is no freedom in the land.

Now, no matter what choice you make,

It will be a big mistake.

The government has total control.

They say what to do and where to go.

You no longer have a will.

You are so mad, you could kill.

Actually, you have nothing at all.

But, you were the one who made that call.

Now, there is little but, feeling blue.

The big “S” will tell you what to do.

——————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)



Days Of Love Gone

      Days Of Love Gone

I can’t take things the way they are.

I can feel every cut and scar.

Be it literal, or on the heart.

The end result is tearing us apart.


I remember much smoother days.

Making love was the popular craze.

Flower children pushed ‘flower power.’

How did we get to this crazy hour?


We need to start all over. Start all over.

Go back to kissing and smelling the clover.

Go back to loving and caring for others.

Our greatest work was under the covers.

We preached love and all it involved.

We were happy to be part of the crowd.


Today, trust no one, is a no brainer.

Who does the government have on retainer?

No one depends on one another,

only on the government. That’s a blunder.


We are becoming a nation of sheep.

We are organic robitoids in the keep.

The government tells us what to do.

I wouldn’t do that if I were you.


We need to start all over. Start all over.

Go back to kissing and smelling the clover.

Go back to loving and caring for others.

Our greatest work was under the covers.

We preached love and all it involved.

We were happy to be part of the crowd.


The hand writing is on the wall.

We can’t stand. We have to crawl.

We have no backbone of our own.

This is killing me to the bone.


There has got to be a better day.

Let’s go psychedelic all the way.

Bring back the flowers and the love.

Bring back the loving turtle dove.

——————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)








Our Forefather’s Knew The Way


Our Forefathers Knew The Way

There is a room full of people

but, there is nothing inside.

Their attempt at caring is feeble.

Very few of them even cried.


It all is much too common.

Horrendous tragedies daily.

Yet, they stand there, yawning

What more is there to say?


We are barraged daily with the news.

More horrible stories and killing.

It’s all enough to give you the blues.

We could stop it, if we are willing.


But, the answer makes people upset.

They don’t want to hear about it.

Oh, how quickly they seem to forget.

Our country was founded by wit.


Our forefathers were very wise.

They saw the light and lived by it.

They saw the world open before their eyes.

The constitution was just a bit.


A small part of the wisdom they had.

They could see what would be coming.

It lasted over 200 years & I am glad.

But, today, people are running.


They don’t know what from.

They are scared and forgotten the way.

I think it is time for the ‘kingdom come.’

But, people won’t listen to what I say.


The end is coming. Nothing will stop it.

A time like there never was before.

More trouble than the daily news bit.

Unimaginable, striking right at our core.


The way out is so simple. It’s on our money.

‘Trust in God.’ It is the only way.

Those forefathers were not being funny.

They had the wisdom. They had the say.

————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)





Loss Of A Friend

      Loss Of A Friend

The Sounds Of Silence have come and gone.

Now, they’re singing a new kind of song.

A song with a message that’s gonna hurt.

They think it’s freedom but, it is just dirt.


Share your wealth with those who do not.

When the most they’ve done is blow snot.

They whine and cry and say it’s not fair.

The only thing they want is for you to share.


What has happened to the ‘American Dream?’

Capitalism is not what they say it seems.

They have corrupted all it stands for.

I fear our old way of life is out the door.


We need a savior. One with the courage

to make the changes needed in a hurry.

While there still is some ray of hope

to be seen through all the MJ smoke.


Our political system is as corrupt as the mob.

No one is motivated to go out and get a job.

Is there any chance to turn it around in time?

Soon speaking your own mind will be a crime.


I guess you just have to call it a sign of the end.

Time to say goodbye to your long lost friend.

I am talking about liberty and pursuit of happiness.

All will be gone. Only thing left will be the big ’S’.

————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)

Your Birthday

      Your Birthday

A birthday comes but once a year.

There is really nothing to fear.

A birthday means you are still alive.

If they stop it means you’ve died.

All your friends will wish you well.

They hope you are doing swell.

They say you’re as old as you feel.

Hopefully, you are still able to kneel.

Bow down and give thanks to God.

Thank Him for another year. It’s not odd.

Take time to party with friends and family.

I hope things are as good as they can be.

I always say I am as young as my mind.

I have enjoyed childhood a long, long time.

Life is what you make it to be.

Keep a positive outlook and you will see.

Wonderful things will come your way.

You will enjoy every single day.

A birthday is icing on the cake.

So make the most of it. It’s what it takes.

It is your personal holiday, just for you.

Make the most of it. I will too.

————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)


Time Running Out

      Time Running Out

Coming on strong.

I feel it won’t be long.

Coming on strong.

Time to sing a new song.


We are nearing the end.

I can feel it within.

We are nearing the end.

Only one way we can win.


I feel it coming down.

No use wearing a frown.

I feel it coming down.

Will it end with a crown?


Are you prepared?

Have you really cared?

Are you prepared?

You should not be scared.


He loves us all.

He’ll help us through the fall.

He loves us all.

All who keep His law.


Get ready now!!

Repent & bow.

Get ready now!!

Trust that He knows how.


Bend the knee to Him.

Confess all sin.

Bend knee to Him.

He is how you can win.


It’s not too late.

Time to seal your fate.

It’s not too late.

Next stop. The pearly gates

—————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




Loved Before I Was Here

      Loved Before I Was Here

I’ve been sitting in my room.

I know noon is coming soon.

Could it be the end of free?

Maybe it’s the end of me?


One time—– long ago,

I had nowhere to go.

You came by & set me free.

You said be all that I can be.


I’ve been on my own since then.

I never had a real close friend.

I just wandered here and there.

I’ve been almost everywhere.


I have seen & done it all.

Nothing saved me from the fall.

I know it is coming soon.

Because it is almost noon.


Maybe I am all mixed up.

Or, maybe I am in a rut.

Maybe it is midnight, not noon.

Both of them are coming soon.


There is nowhere I can run.

No more days of partying & fun.

If I run to the sea, it will be boiling.

If I ask for shelter it brings recoiling.


So, I sit here in my room.

Looking around at all the gloom.

Is there no way to escape my fate?

I should have repented. Now it’s too late.


The line has been drawn in the sand.

I should have crossed it & been the man.

Confessed my sins and surrendered my soul.

I am so sorry God. Only you could know.


Suddenly, a bright light all around.

I sit staring. Not making a sound.

A voice says. “My son, I have waited so long.”

“Do not fear. Just come along.”


Tears flood my eyes. It is not too late.

I have finally found my fate.

Why, oh why did I wait so long.

All this love cannot be wrong.


Praise the Lord for His long patience.

For His agape love. His elation.

He loved me before I was here.

Now, I will love Him without any fear.

————————————-  R. W. Johnson—–(2015)