Missing Someone You Don’t Even Know

Missing Someone You Don’t Even Know

I been feeling kinda funny all day.

I feel like I have something to say.

Yet, there is no one here to talk to.

So I just ignore it like I usually do.


I often dream of the perfect girl.

Someone who always gives me a thrill.

I dream she is always here with me.

It seems so real, I want her to be.


Then I realize what is happening with me.

How can you miss someone you don’t even know?

Someone you haven’t had a chance to see.

Someone I hope to meet at a future time

A girl who will end my loneliness & set me free.

But, she is just a product of my mind.

Still, I miss her down to my very soul.

Will the day come when she will be a part of me?


I have lived alone for a number of years.

I’ve dated a lot of girls,  remembering through my tears.

Nothing would last. They were slip sliding away.

I often found myself on my knees to pray.


I would pray and dream of the perfect girl.

One that would give my heart a whirl.

A girl who loved to have fun together.

Yet, would stick with me through any weather.


Then I realized what was happening to me.

How can you miss someone you don’t even know?

Someone you haven’t had a chance to see.

Someone I hope to meet at a future time.

A girl who will end my loneliness & set me free.

But, she is just a product of my mind.

Still, I miss her down to my very soul.

Will the day come when she will be a part of me??


I go about my usual evening at home.

Have dinner, watch a little TV, eat a scone.

Sometimes I will hear the phone ring.

A friend, a solicitor, or some other thing.


Then I am thinking about her once again.

I miss her more than a real close friend.

Living without her is no life at all.

Yet, in my mind she is at my call.


Then I realize what is happening to me.

How can you miss someone you don’t even know?

Someone you haven’t had a chance to see.

someone I hope to meet at a future time.

A girl who will end my loneliness & set me free.

But, she is just a product of my mind.

Still, I miss her down to my very soul.

Will the day come when she will be a part of me??

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)




Way Of The Wolf


      Way Of The Wolf

I saw her tracks there in the snow.

Into the woods, they did go.

I had been searching for an hour.

She was looking for a flower.

With the snow all flowers were gone.

Seeing her tracks, I followed on.

Up a slop and into the woods.

I sped  up as best I could.

It was getting close to dark.

This was not a walk in the park.

I worried about the wolves.

Other predators in the woods.

I was ready to call her name.

From the side, the two of them came.

A great wolf with my daughter.

Like a lamb led to the slaughter.

Her arm around his neck she stood.

Walking along as best she could.

She looked half asleep.

She was barely on her feet.

The wolf stopped & stared at me.

I stood still as I could be.

The wolf moved forward slowly.

He was walking right toward me.

He stopped and pulled his head out.

Then pushed her forward with his snout.

She looked up a & yelled “Daddy.”

Then she came running to me.

I caught her up into my arms.

She said “Doggie brought me to your arms.”

I said “Thank you!.” He whined & wagged his tail.

Then he turned & ran back up the trail.

She said “Where did he go?”

I said “I don’t know.”

As I looked toward the sky.

Tears were coming from my eyes.

“This much I’m sure I know.”

“Jesus was telling him where to go.”———-R. W. Johnson—–(2012)






Wolf Rescue


      Wolf Rescue

I trotted through the snow. My eyes and ears alert.

The snow, after the storm, was soft. My paws didn’t hurt.

My yellow eyes can pick out any movement at night.

There was a flicker in them from the star light.

My pack just made a kill. we all ate till we were full.

The others went their way to sleep off the lull.

I had picked up a slight sent on the light wind.

I loped along, trying to pick it up again.

There it was. A little stronger now.

It was human. Not a horse or a cow.

As I grew closer I could smell exhaustion and fear.

It grew much stronger as I grew near.

There, on a deserted snow covered road.

A female human  crawling on all fours like a toad.

I listened intently for any other sound.

All was quiet so closer I bound.

Wolves know that humans are our most feared enemy.

But, my senses told me this girl was no threat to me.

She looked up and saw me and just froze.

Waves of fear poured off her in droves.

I slowly came closer sniffing all the way.

She knew I wasn’t there to play.

It became apparent to me she was lost and stranded.

She wouldn’t last long. She was empty handed.

Some maternal instinct took over my actions.

I grabbed her sleeve and helped her get traction.

Once she was on her feet I pulled her along.

To the road where humans drive, she was drawn.

I kept her going for a mile or more.

She was cold down to her core.

Then we saw the lights of passing vehicles.

She was so relieved she started to giggle.

I made sure she made it to the road.

She said “Thank You, ”  breath fogging in the cold.

I watched from the trees as someone gave her a ride.

Then I turned & trotted off. Shaking the snow off my hide.

I am a wolf. A wild animal. But, I have instincts

given by God. I don’t comprehend what He thinks.

I only know the way of the wolf. As a creator made me.

But, God knows the way of all. Thank Him that He made me free.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)



A Lesson Well Learned

      Lesson Well Learned

It was hot. Well over 110 degrees.

The air was hot. No trace of a breeze.

Sand as far as the eye could see.

This could well be the end of me.

So thought the miner as he walked.

Alone in the desert with his thoughts.

He came to the desert looking for gold.

Rumors said it was there, so, on he rode.

Till his horse stepped in a hole.

It staggered then went into a roll.

The miner was thrown free.

The horse had broken it’s leg, you see.

The poor horse had to be shot.

The minor didn’t know if he could or not.

In the end he pulled the trigger.

‘Now, how do I get out of here?’, he figured.

He started walking West.

Occasionally stopping to get rest.

After a day or so, his water was running low.

He rested under a small out cropping.

A breeze blew the sand off the topping.

He looked at it, but, he couldn’t believe.

The out cropping was gold., if he wasn’t deceived.

He checked it out much more closely.

It was quartz with veins of gold mostly.

He was ecstatic!! He would stake a claim.

But, he didn’t know which way he came.

He didn’t know where he was

The wind was blowing with a buzz.

Soon the out cropping might disappear

under the sand and not reappear.

He decided to carry out all he could.

He worked hard where the quartz stood.

Exhausted, he finally had a large pile.

He decided to sit and rest for awhile.

He stuffed all the quartz in his pack.

It was really heavy on his back.

Then he realized, as it was told.

He couldn’t walk out with that much gold.

He buried most of it in the sand.

Then left with a couple pieces like a man.

He would have died if he hadn’t been found

face down in the sand with no one around.

He still nearly died from dehydration.

His life was saved by the Indian Nation.

The quartz paid for another horse and supplies.

Then, for the next 20 years he tried

to find that out cropping in the desert sand.

He covered every inch of that land.

He still thinks back to his decision time.

Carry out a lot of gold or leave some behind.

Though he never found the gold again.

He knows he made the choice to win.

For he finally realized that life is worth

all the gold there is on earth.——————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)





An ‘Acid Trip’ Outing

An ‘Acid Trip’ Outing

I told her not to go there

but, there are people that she knows there..

It’s a wild nightclub on the edge of town.

The women going in there looked like clowns.


The band is really happenen

as the dancers try for action.

The fiddler keeps on fiddling.

He was only fair to middling.


There’s  drinking and there’s dancing.

Not the best place to find romance in.

Most people get hammered & float on by.

The Johnny Walker wisdom’s running high.


Well, I swear it happened just like this.

A sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss.

The gates of love; they budged an inch.

I can’t say much has happened since.


Most people are getting plastered

till someone there spilled acid.

The whole darn place went crazy twice.

Once for the devil and once for Christ.


The women tore their blouses off.

The men, they danced on the polka dots.

It’s partner found and partner lost.

They would grab another at any cost.


Now things are getting pretty tight.

Then we were blinded in the light.

The boss don’t like these dizzy heights.

He said that’s it for you tonight.

It’s closing time.———————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2013)




A Deja Vu Happening

A Déjà Vu Happening

It happened again tonight when I saw you.

One more incident of déjà vu.

It has happened before when I’m with you.

What is causing this déjà vu?


I am thinking, in a past life

you were the love of my life.

You were my soul mate.

This way, I can relate.


My love for you transcends the grave.

To you my heart and soul I gave.

I know you feel the same about me.

Together our love can be set free.


There is no bounds or limits here.

Our love reaches to the stratosphere.

I die each day when you are gone.

I am reborn when you come along.


I’ve stretched our love till it is taut.

To play a love song when I want.

Our love will stretch but it won’t tear.

I am bound to you from anywhere.


We will transcend this mortal life.

We will race among the stars at night.

We will slide down rainbows bright.

We will always know that it is right.


Me into you and you into me.

That is how it will always be.

No one else will matter to me.

We will be together for eternity.————–R. W. Johnson—–(2013)

I Followed Her To Denver

I Followed HerTo Denver

I followed her to Denver.

It got cold there in the winter.

She said she’d never been there.

I don’t know who or what sent her.

I followed her to Tucson.

It got hot there in the summer.

How long now had she been gone?

Being here is a real bummer.

I followed her to Charleston.

It was nice there in the autumn.

She asked if she could borrow ten.

If I’d known, I could have bought them.

I followed her to Seattle.

It was wet there in the spring.

It was good for all the cattle.

All the grass was very green.

I followed her to Napa.

Good weather there all year around.

I guess I’m gonna hafta

ask her to finally settle down.

It’s great here in the city.

Good food, wine and the arts.

The vineyards are very pretty.

the grapes hauled in on carts.

We finally made a commitment.

We were married in the spring.

And to think I almost didn’t

follow her. It was quite a thing.—————-R. W. Johnson—–(2013)



Mother Earth

Mother Earth

On the darkest night or the brightest day.

She is always around to play.

Some act as they hate it with all their heart.

Others miss her when they are apart.


She sings us songs without words.

It’s the loveliest thing you ever heard.

It blends  with the colors in her dress.

As she turns & twirls without any rest.


She is valued above any other like her.

All her children want to be like her.

She shines like a bright diamond.

Yet,  covers herself in mystery blinded.


She was here through every age.

Each day she turns a new page.

She may cry and she may smile.

Sun shining bright all the while.


She gives life to everyone.

Yet, may turn sick without any sun.

She will fast & make herself well.

How long she can last,  only time will tell.—R. W. Johnson—–(2013)


A Radical Change


A Radical Change

Exercise is a real gas.

Sweat like a pig to reduce your ass.

Some people call it pretty rash.

But, it really is a real blast.


To do it right you must eat right too.

Healthy food is good for you.

Not talking hay, like in a zoo.

Fresh food that has good flavor too.


Soon your body starts to get toned.

You have your muscles really honed.

When beach is mentioned, you no longer moan.

You say yes instantly by voice or phone.


You worked for this look. Now show it off.

Don’t even think about the cost.

You’re looking good. Now you’re the boss.

Be proud to tell of your weight loss.


Tell others it wasn’t so bad.

The end result has made you glad.

The lifestyle change is really rad.

Sugar sucks!! —-So don’t be sad.————-R. W. Johnson—–(2013)


God’s Mysterious Ways


God’s Mysterious Ways

I was in the café reading a paperback.

Sipping my coffee and kicking back.

In came a couple and ordered breakfast..

Another customer was asking for his check.

I looked out the window. Rain had begun.

Here came in two more, on the run.

Soon it was crowded. Noise level was high.

Just an average morning I thought with a sigh.

Someone asked to join me in my booth.

I said sure. To refuse would be uncouth.

It was a woman about my age.

Her perfume reminded me of sage.

I sipped my coffee & continued to read.

She got out her cell phone & dialed on speed.

I guess she was talking to her boss.

She explained how the account was facing a loss.

I heard a lot of ‘squawking’ on the other end.

She politely hung up , then said “Sorry friend.

“No problem”, I said in reply.

“I didn’t mean to disturb your reading time.”

“Like me, you read when you can, or at least try.”

I only nodded and said it was fine.

“What ya reading?” she asked

“An apocalyptic science fiction story.”

“Oh, science fiction is my favorite blast.”

“What is the name of that story?”

I told her and we started to talk.

She told me about herself.

We had a lot in common. Who would of thought?

I told her some about myself.

She seemed to grow quiet when I mentioned my religion.

I didn’t say anymore as she seemed turned off.

Before long she excused herself & fluttered out like a pigeon.

I saw a problem so I came on soft.

I knew her name so added her to my prayer list.

I sipped my coffee & watched the rain.

God led her here. I was sure of this.

Now, the work was the Holy Spirit’s, that was plain.

God works in mysterious ways.

We cannot know what He has in mind.

Maybe soon, one of these days.

I will meet her again, which will be fine.—–R. W. Johnson—–(2013)