The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 9)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 9)

A couple of centuries, or more passed.
They were making real progress, at last.
Then, the realization set in.
There was no way to pull it off & win.
The closer they got to being done,
the closer the demons watched everyone.
They were so nervous, they were sweating bullets.
But, they didn’t want the demons to know it.
Then, ‘The Shadow’ said “I have an idea.”
“I will be back in a day or two. See ya.”
‘The Shadow’ was gone, if he was even there.
They often wondered about it. I swear.
Two days later, ‘The Shadow’ was back.
“I think this will do it. It’s a fact.”
“As you know, I am a magician too.”
“So, I am a master illusionist. It’s true.”
“ I can use this skill to fool these arrogant demons.”
“These foul scoundrels, without any feelings.”
Kronos said “Illusions? That is a bunch of crap.”
“I thought you would say just  that.”
‘The Shadow’ pulled out a deck of cards.
After several card tricks, Kronos got hard.
He shot out a beam & burned up the cards.
‘The Shadow’ said ”How about this?”
Suddenly, demons appeared, out of some mist.
“What the hell!!” Kronos roared, jumping back.
“Smack them in the chops.” ‘The Shadow’ spat.
Kronos shrugged & took a swing.
His hand passed right through. Not demons, it seemed.
“I would have swore they were real.” Kronos said.
“Nope, just illusion. All from my head.”
“O.K., what exactly do you have in mind.”
“I will work an illusion. The demons will be mine.”
“What do you mean by that?” Asglow asked.
“I will tell you what I expect to pass.”
“We will complete the matrix to our plans.”
“Then, tell the demons we have completed their plan.”
“They will come to check it & will only see what they wanted.”
“I will use an illusion to hide the real gauntlet.”
“You will mislead them by showing great fear.”
“We don’t want the universe to disappear.”
“Because, if it does, we disappear too.”
“We are not stupid & anyone’s fool.”
“That sounds fantastic, except for one thing.”
“We are totally trusting you & all that you bring.”
“If your illusion won’t fool the demons,
panthers will rip me up for treason.”
“Have no fear. I haven’t let you down yet.”
“There hasn’t been a challenge I haven’t met.”
“But, the final deception will depend on you.”
“You must convince the demons what they see is true.”
“It seems I will become The Great Deceiver then.”
“Too bad Anika isn’t here to see the end.”
With the plans all made, all they had to do is
complete the matrix & make sure it doesn’t fizz.
Will they be successful? I yet don’t know.
When I do, it will be quite a show.
Keep reading & wait for the end.
If it goes wrong, nice knowing you, friend.

————————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 8)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 8)

As they all gathered around,
‘The Shadow’ had them all sit down.
“I talked with Merlyn just recently.”
“He told me this with certainty.”
“They have located a dozen or more.”
“Other Warlocks preparing for war.”
“All are in the same boat as we are.”
“Working for demons to avoid a scar.”
“All are badgered & belittled with threats.”
“The demons making sure they pass the test.”
“All are working on different topics.”
“From wiping out all food to destroying the tropics.”
“All want to bring an end to the demons.”
“Most think of them as no more than cretins.”
“All will work to secretly reverse what they do.”
“It will come back on the demons, not me & you.”
“But, it seems we are the main distraction.”
“ If we succeed, it will be quite an attraction.”
“The others will then immediately activate their curses.”
“All going back to the demons, who deserve it.”
Kronos said “Toil & boil, double trouble.”
“It looks like we are going to burst the demon’s bubble.”
Kronos laughed. They all laughed too.
Then, a demon popped in. “Something funny monkey poos?”
“No, just conversing among ourselves.”
“Well, get those books down from the shelves.”
“It seems you still have a lot of work to do.”
“We may be stepping up the time table on you.”
“Hey, what the hell do you mean by that?”
“Nothing yet. I should have kept it under my hat.”
“Just some rumors that have started to flow.”
“But, you are all on a need to know.”
“So, back to work, humanoid trash.”
With that, he was gone in a flash.
“That is not good” ‘The Shadow’ said.
“I hope it doesn’t start messing with our heads.”
“We have to have the matrix come out just right.”
“The whole universe could vanish out of sight.”
“We know all that is at stake here.” Asglow said.
“It’s not just a nightmare seen while in our bed.”
“This has to be done just right, or not at all.”
“The demons will be checking it before the fall.”
“Then, somehow, we have to sabotage it.”
“Bringing it all down on the demons, without a slip.”
“Well, we have a long way to go to achieve that.”
“Many years. To shorten the time would be crap.”
Several months went by without a change.
The demon remained an ass. A real pain.
But, he said nothing further about rushing it.
They were thinking, it might have been a trick.
Then, one day, the demon appeared.
“Many others are working on many tiers.”
“One of them messed up, plotting against us.”
“Now, he is nothing but a pile of dust.”
“Keep that in mind as you keep on working.”
“The panthers are ready & it will keep on hurting.”
With that the demon was gone again.
That left them all wondering who it could have been?
‘The Shadow’ said he would try to find out.
“I will be back when I find what it is about.”
He was gone in an instant, like he was never there.
They were never sure if he was anywhere.
‘The Shadow’ had abilities that mystified.
They were just glad he was on their side.
Asglow & Farrah were in the deepest library.
Where Asglow had his books for inquiry
Into white magic that he knew how to control.
Farrah wanted to try to put on a show.
She had never handled white magic before.
Asglow warned her before they went in the door.
She tried a spell & the castle shook.
“What the hell?” Kronos yelled. “Let’s take a look.”
They found Farrah rubbing her ass.
The spell backfired as she tried to melt glass.
“She burned her butt” Asglow said.
“White magic can be dangerous” he said.
“I have to teach her better control.”
Kronos said “First, take it a little slow.”
They laughed and helped Farrah up.
Asglow cast a spell & healed her butt.”
Then, Kronos said “I have an idea.”
“I think this one will please ya.”
He said to the two women, who were looking fine.
“Asglow & I do not age do to a spell of mine.”
“I will put this spell on you, if you don’t mind.”
The women were very happy about that.
Kronos did his thing & they tipped their hat.
Both felt younger with more energy.
Zela would reward him. That was plain to see.
A few days later, ‘The Shadow’ was back.
He said one of the Warlocks in Arabia did that.
He was caught plotting against the demons.
Now, he is sand, or so it would seem to us.
This made all of them somewhat nervous too.
They didn’t want that happening to them too.
They proceeded with great caution after that.
Making sure they had all down pat.
Further news of them, I do not know now.
All I know is I smell something foul.
When I can get a breath of fresh air.
I will have more news. So, till then, take care.

——————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 7)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 7)

Time passed by, as it always does.
The four of them created quite a buzz.
‘The Shadow’ remained in the background.
The girls were unaware of that sound.
When things looked to be getting hot.
‘The Shadow’ was right on the spot.
He said “I have something for you.”
Kronos said “What is this supposed to do.?”
“It is a box of Trojan’s from my time.”
“Put one on your penis to prevent a crime.”
“What!! Is this some kind of a joke?”
“No. It prevents pregnancy. No joke.”
“The sex will still feel good, like it should.”
“But, you will have no fear of fatherhood.”
“Wouldn’t a spell work just as well?”
“Oops, I hadn’t thought of that. Oh well.”
“You nincompoop. Don’t spoil; my sex.”
“Just forget it. It was not a hex.”
Kronos grunted and walked away.
‘I guess things are different back in this day.’
‘The Shadow’ thought, as he disappeared.
Such occurrences for ‘The Shadow’ were not weird.
He came from a totally different time.
Yet, being back in this age did give him peace of mind.
Several months later, things were moving right along.
Zela said “I have many books that cover this. It’s wrong.”
She was referring to a certain reference gone amiss.
“I am sure it should be different than this.”
“Maybe we could have them all brought here.”
“How? We can’t leave. That much is clear.”
“No, but one other can.” Kronos realized he had slipped.
“What exactly is this? Something I haven’t gripped?”
Kronos explained about ‘The Shadow’ with caution.
‘The Shadow’ appeared, like raising from a coffin.
She could see him,— yet she really couldn’t.
She felt almost like she shouldn’t.
“What the hell is going on here?“ she asked.
It was explained how ‘The Shadow’ could travel in between.
How he could not be detected, even by demons, it seemed.
He could select who he would let see him.
Even then, seeing him was very thin.
Zela nor Farrah could not believe it.
Then they seemed to go into a snit.
“You have watched us having sex? You pervert.”
“No, no. I would not do anything so berserk.”
After awhile, things settled down.
‘The Shadow’ said he could bring Zela’s books from town.
So, the research continued & progress was made.
That is, till a demon popped in, to their dismay.
“ What’s up, sex starved humanoids?”
“You should be so lucky, sex starved demonoid.”
“I’ll have you know demons are asexual.”
“We don’t dwell on sex. Were intellectuals.”
Both Kronos & Asglow choked down laughs.
“If you haven’t made progress, your sex won’t last.”
“We have made progress. Compared to the past.”
The demon looked over what they had done.
“Well, I guess you get to keep on having your ‘fun’.”
With that, the demon vanished again.
“I would like to choke the living shit out of him.”
“Me too.” “ That goes for both of us too.”
“But, the risk is too high. I am not a fool.”
They all sighed & shook their heads.
They decided to return to work instead.
A week, or so later, ‘The Shadow’ popped in.
“I have news from the forefront. Shall we begin?”
Exactly what that news is, I don’t know yet.
As soon as I know, you can bet
I will pass it along to you.
But, it may not be easy for me to do.
Until then, just hang on tight.
The end is coming, but it’s still out of sight.

———————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 6)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 6)

They discussed the details of ‘The Shadow’s’ plan a little more.
Kronos wondered how it would be to have a whore.
‘The Shadow’ thought one more substantial would be better.
Someone with some brains & a real go getter.
“Two women who will support you in your work.”
“Ones who won’t think being here is a quirk.”
“They could possibly help with the endless research.”
“Much better than someone who might go berserk.”
So, they waited for a demon to pop in again.
In a few days, one came popping in.
“Hello magical shams. How are my little lambs?”
“We are not your lambs & we are not shams.”
“Well, pardon me humanoid scum’s.”
“Tell me now what you’ve done?”
“We have done very little of late.”
“We are human, we need a date.”
“What the hell are you whining about now?”
“We need female companionship. We are not cows.”
“Ohh, feeling a little ‘horny’ now, are we?”
“Having women around makes us feel free.”
“But, we want women with brains to be a helpmate.”
“Is that too much for you to relate?”
“Don’t get wise assed with a demon, nut sack.”
“I might find you some women, if you take that back.”
“All right, all right. We apologize.”
“Fine. You shall have women. It will be my surprise.”
With that, the demon was gone.
Kronos & Asglow wondered what went wrong.
“I don’t think anything went wrong” ‘The Shadow’ said.
“I think he let the apology go to his head.”
So, they waited, but the demon didn’t return.
Kronos said “Just as I thought. Worthless as a worm.”
“Give him time. He may come through.”
A day or two later the demon proved his word true.
“I am back with a couple of wenches.”
“Wait awhile before you go into clinches.”
He had a shapely blonde & brunette with him.
They didn’t look happy. There was no grin.
“This is Zela & this one is Farrah.”
“Be warned, she’ll try to pull your hair, ahh.”
“They are both Sorceresses, good at their craft.”
“ They know black magic like a book of math.”
“I hate math” Kronos said.
“Most monkeys do” the demon said.
Just like that, the demon vanished.
Kronos asked the girls if they were famished.
“Why, yes. We are.” said the blonde.
“He didn’t like ask us to come along.”
“Let’s eat & you can tell us all about it.”
In the dining room, he told them to sit.
Kronos & Asglow whipped up a real tasty meal.
They all ate as the girls told of their ordeal.
“Demons are foul & have no sense of humor.”
“He told us what would happen without a glimmer.”
“We haven’t a clue why we are here?”
Asglow said “Let us enlighten you, my dear.”
They told the girls the whole story.
Every detail, in all of its glory.
The girls told of how the demon threatened them.
Not wanting to admit how much they were afraid of him.
“The demon has us all by the short hairs.” Kronos said.
They all laughed, even though it was true what was said.
After dinner they sat and talked a lot.
Getting better aquatinted helped their spot.
The girls said they would help all they could.
It was decided that maybe they should.
‘The Shadow’ whispered to Kronos to not pressure them.
“Before long, they will be like next of kin.”
Kronos said “I wouldn’t go to bed with my sister.”
“No, no. I didn’t mean it like that”. ‘The Shadow’ whispered.
“I certainly wouldn’t expect you to go to bed with your sister.”
“That would be kinky & we don’t want a twister.”
Kronos didn’t understand all he said, but he didn’t respond.
Besides, Kronos found the blond likeable. He was growing fond.
Several days later, they were getting along well.
Asglow & Kronos found the girls knew a lot about spells.
Slowly, Kronos started them out on research first.
He found, for good drink, they had a thirst.
As time passed by, he found they made a good team.
The girls made time pass by faster, or so it seemed.
Kronos had never really been in love before.
He had one mate that he poisoned to prevent gore.
He didn’t intend to share his dominion with her.
He conned her for her talents, that’s for sure.
She was a little more than a good friend.
Yet, he ended up killing her in the end.
Kronos soon found he felt different about Zela.
Asglow said Farrah made him feel—-free, ya.
Seems there may be some serious feelings brewing here.
Given then situation, it wouldn’t be queer.
What develops form here, I am not sure of.
As soon as I know, I will send it by dove. (pun)
Until then,— just hang on tight.
You know how it is when you have a wife.

————————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 5)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 5)

“Do you think there are others under demon control?”
“Yes.” ‘The Shadow’ said. “But, there’s no need to know”
“Let me lay it out to you, plain and simple.”
“This will be fun, like popping a pimple.”
“Do you remember what you said Kronos?”
“About what the demons wanted to control most?”
“Yes, I said they wanted to control the will of God.”
“By that means, avoiding the punishment of God.’
“Which, we think, is that lake of fire.”
“That’s right. Now you’re preaching to the choir.”
“What? What the hell does that mean?”
“Just forget it. It’s just a modern slang thing.”
“O.K., well, tell us about your plan.”
‘The Shadow’ said “I will try to, if I can.”
“ As you know, it takes a balance of magic to work.”
“Both black & white magic equally. It’s no quirk.”
“But, let’s say there was more white magic in play.”
“The magical matrix wouldn’t work per se.”
“The demons would activate the matrix .”
“The backlash of white magic would erase it.”
“Meaning, it would wipe out the demons. Hooray!”
“They would become the crispy critters that day.”
“Merlyn thinks he can do likewise to control their will.”
“ Once it starts, they will be unable to avoid the kill.”
“Xing Lo said he could bring the pain to them.”
“No way then for them to escape and win.”
“That sounds fantastic! It will take centuries to perfect.”
“In all cases mentioned, that is correct.”
“The demons expect it to take that long to have it ready.”
“The hard part will be not to make any eddies.”
“We can’t let them know what is going on”
“They will check the finished matrix to see if it’s wrong.”
“After they do, you must make the change.”
“Allowing the white magic to take the reins.”
“Then, there is nothing they can do.”
“Their doom will depend on you.”
“I have some ideas on how to keep them distracted.”
“You must ask for female companionship. Ask it.”
“Say your nature demands a female around.”
“You cannot concentrate unless one is found.”
“The demon will get the idea. I think they will comply.”
“This will be a distraction in their eye.”
“But, if they think you will perform better.”
“One will be provided, right to the letter.”
“Uh, I think I would make that two.” Kronos said.
“Ahh, yes”. ‘The Shadow’ said. “One for each bed.”
What will happen when they make such a request?
They have to make clear, they want to feather their nest.
What will happen is not clear now.
When it is, I will continue somehow.

—————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 4)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 4)

“How about you? What is your history?” Kronos said.
‘The Shadow’ looked a little surprised instead.
“You want to know my history? Let me see.”
“I was born many years from now in 1993.”
“My dad was a magician. Sleight of hand type.”
“Illusion was his specialty. No real magic in sight.”
“My mother was his assistant. They made good money.”
“100 % entertainment. I could do it all by age twenty.”
“I got a degree in metaphorical physics, you see.”
“In my research, I found plenty of references per se.”
“I soon realized, maybe magic was actually real.”
“I needed to learn how to tap into it. Then, it was revealed.”
“I found an ancient manuscript that showed me how.”
“My studies into real magic began. I’m still learning now.”
“First, after years, I learned how to travel in the in between.”
“I decided to go back in time, when real magic was king.”
“By then, I was well established as ‘The Shadow.’”
“I became Kronos’s acolyte. He knew I wouldn’t tattle.”
“The rest is history you pretty much know.”
“I have an advantage of being from the future, you know.”
“ Going beyond my time into the future is a big gamble.”
“But, anytime in the past, I can handle.”
“This is going to help us in our plans with the demons.”
“They will be fooled. Keep it between us.”
“My next plan is the first warlock of Genghis Khan, plus.”
“He was killed. Ripped apart by the people he ruled.”
“But, I think he was brought back. Don’t be fooled.”
“I believe he is now working for the demons.”
“I will see what they have him doing to prevent screaming.”
With that, ‘The Shadow’ was gone. Their work continued on.
In a day, or so, ‘The Shadow’ was back.
He was looking a little gray, as a fact.
“That Xing Lo is the cruelest of men.
“His specialty in life was magical torture of men.”
“That is why he was hated so.”
“He was ripped apart by his own people, you know.”
“He was in hell for many years, living it over & over.”
Kronos shuddered, but he tried to act bolder.
“That is how the demons control him.”
“He will be sent back to have it start over again.”
“They have him working on the ultimate magical torture.”
“So horrible, I can’t even mention any more here.”
“It will take him much time to come up with what they want.’
“They harass him & him, they will taunt.”
“They think if he is pissed off, he will do better.”
“He would love to take the demons to the letter.”
“Xing Lo? I have never heard of him.”
“Just as well. He is a monster among men.”
“At least, Kronos, you have some dignity.”
“He uses only black magic.”
“ He knows nothing about white magic.”
“But, white magic will be the demons downfall.”
“Black magic too. They have to take it all.”
What ‘The Shadow’ meant by that is not known yet.
I will learn all that I can get.
As soon as I have it, you will know too.
I will try my best to keep it coming to you.

———————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 3)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 3)

‘The Shadow’ had been at Castle Kronos for awhile now.
He was trying to figure out this whole demon thing somehow.
One day Kronos said “Tell us more about what the Bible said.”
‘The Shadow’ looked at him & bowed his head.
“There is much it says. But, it can be interpreted many ways.”
“Apparently, a war, named Armageddon, will happen someday.”
“It will be the final war. Good against evil to the death.”
“The demons will be fighting heavenly angels, I expect.”
“Man will also take sides. The outcome is already set.”
“Evil loses and good wins. Then comes the lake of fire.”
“All will be burned till nothing is left. No more liars.”
“Lake of fire? What exactly does that mean?”
“It is unclear if it is literal or symbolic, it seems.”
“Whatever it is, the demons fear it. Their nightmare dreams.”
“No wonder they have all of us working so hard.”
“They must win, or become sizzling lard.”
“That would be a major motivation for them.”
“They have to come up with a plan to win.”
“I am not religious, but, I hope they lose big.”
“They consider us no better than a pig.”
“There has to be a way to disrupt their plans.”
“If possible, we will do it, if we can.”
The conversation drifted off to other subjects.
Then, ‘The Shadow’ asked Kronos a subject.
“What was your father like when he was alive.”
“In the golden years of magic, he did thrive.”
“He was probably the greatest warlock alive.”
“He had a huge following that called him king.”
“Why? Because he could do almost anything.”
“He met his demise in a foolish way.”
“Anathea, The Great Deceiver, had the final say.”
“My father had her captured, but she escaped.”
“He had been working on a spell to overtake.”
“But, going against her spear/wand was a mistake.”
“He had made an error in his spell.”
“The spear overtook him & sent him to hell.”
“Later, I found the error he had made.”
“He couldn’t fight white magic with only a blade.”
“I reworked the spell to make it reverse the spear.”
“She would destroy herself if she used the spear.”
“But, Anathea was gone. It was too late.”
“I wanted to use it against Anika, a justified fate.”
‘But, she never used the wand/spear?”
“If she had, she wouldn’t be here.”
“Or there, so to speak.”
“Her power would be reversed on her for her defeat.”
“My father trained me from the crib.”
“To take his place, which I obviously did.”
“Over 800 years, I ruled with an iron hand.”
“Until Anika, the new Deceiver, tipped my hand.”
”The rest is known history”
“I reread the history after your death.” ‘The Shadow’ said.
“A plan has been coming into my head”
“I think the demons gave you that book to set you up.”
“They wanted you to bring Asglow back, with luck.”
“They could have done it, but if you did, you’d care.”
“Then you two would work better as a pair.”
“Why would they want that? Because of positive magic.”
“Only Asglow knew how to handle both kinds of magic.”
“The demons cannot use positive or white magic.”
“If they tried to, the results would be tragic.”
“Only God knows the beginning from the end.”
“I am sure he has told the demons their tragic end.”
“They want to change that ending if they possibly can.”
“That is why such an elaborate plan.”
“You are only pawns in their master scheme.”
“Even if it leads to the end of everything.”
“Maybe the lake of fire is the demons own doing.”
“The Bible does say that after, a new heaven & earth are made.”
“Maybe because of the mess the demons have made.”
“Something is slowly coming to mind right now.”
“Just how we can make sure that’s how it happens somehow.”
“I can’t talk more about it just yet.”
“I have a lot more planning & research to get.”
“When I am ready I will fill you in.”
Until that happens I must leave till then.
But, when ready, I will be back.
To tell more chronicles. That is a fact.

—————————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 2)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 2)

Kronos & Asglow continued to work on phase III.
‘The Shadow’ worked on helping them get free.
One day ‘The Shadow’ asked them, searching.
“Did you say the demons had others researching?”
“Once, they said others were doing the same.”
“Working on other projects. That was plain”
“Others brought back to life or still alive.”
“Made to serve them, or face a horrible demise.”
“Did they mention who or where they were?”
“No, just that they were all over the earth.”
“I think I have a way to find some of them.”
“If I can, it will help us to make friends.”
“You won’t be able to meet them yet.”
“But, if my idea is right, you will, you bet.”
With that, ‘The Shadow’ was gone in a blink.
Kronos and Asglow didn’t know what to think.
They continued on with their research each day.
‘The Shadow’ was gone. Where? Who could say?
When, he had left, seemed like months ago,
‘The Shadow’ returned with someone in tow.
“Greetings friends. Meet Merlin, my new friend.”
“It seems he has been forced to work to the same end.”
“He is a Warlock of great renown.”
“He is from England, where he influenced the crown.”
“The demons have had him under their control
for a couple hundred years, or so.”
“That is about how long we have been in the same fix.”
Kronos said as he shook his fist.
“How did they get control of you?” Asglow asked.
“Threatened me with a severe demise”, he spat.
“I won’t go into the details. They are gruesome.”
“I hate doing their work. It is a major nuisance.”
“We know what you mean. Same for us, it seems.”
“How were you able to come here unseen?”
“’The Shadow’ helped with that. It seems,
he knows how to travel in the in-between.”
They didn’t bother asking what that meant.
“Won’t the demons miss you when you went.?”
“They may, if I don’t return fairly soon.”
“They won’t bother me on the day of the moon.”
“’The Shadow told me what you are working on.”
“It is something else I have been working on.”
“Mind control. It is my specialty, to a certain extent.”
“What they want from me is more than its meant.”
“Way beyond what I had ever imagined.”
“Complete control of the entire world, in a fashion.”
“What!! Is such a thing even possible??”
“I didn’t think so, but they have phases.”
“Each step brings me closer. I’ve completed two phases.”
“Let me guess. All on a need to know basis.”
“Yes, how was you ever able to guess?”
“It’s the same for us. They have a master plan.”
“We intend to discover it, if we are smart.”
“Then, we may upset their apple cart.”
“Count me in.” said Merlin, with a grin.
“I would like to punch a demon on the chin.”
“Well,—- I am on my way for now.”
“We don’t want those demons finding out somehow.”
With that, both Merlin & ‘The Shadow’ zapped away.
Soon, ‘The Shadow’ was back to stay.
“What have you got to say about that?”
Kronos said “I liked him. I give him my hat.”
“I meant what the demons have him doing.”
“Totally different than us. Something big is brewing.”
“That seems to be exactly right.” ‘The Shadow said.
“There are others. I’m not sure how many.” He said.
“All are working on different things, for sure.”
“All controlled by severe threats to occur.”
“That is, if they don’t do as told when told”
“Those demons are damn brazen, if I may be so bold.”
“So, where do we go from here?”
“Let me think on it to get things clear.”
What ‘The Shadow’ comes up with is not known.
When I know, I will continue to make it shown.
Until then, pray for the best.
I hope I will want to tell the rest.

————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 1)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume 2 (Chapter 1)

The 3 of them discussed the situation.
None of them knew what had been awakened.
Asglow said “What if a demon pops in?”
“How will we explain you then?”
‘The Shadow’ laughed. “Have no fear of that.”
“Even a demon can’t detect me, for a fact.”
“They don’t call me ‘The Shadow’ for nothing.”
“Trying to detect me can be a rough thing.”
With that said, a demon did pop into view.
“Well, my little knuckleheads. What’s new?”
Both Kronos & Asglow jumped up in fright.
“Could you give warning of your demonic flight!”
“Oh, did I scare the two little humanoids?”
“You two yelled like you have hemorrhoids.”
“Have you made progress on phase III?”
“No, not a bit. It will take centuries, you see.”
“I really didn’t expect more.” the demon said.
“I was just making sure you weren’t in bed.”
Then, poof, he was gone again,
leaving Kronos and Asglow looking grim.
“See, he didn’t detect me at all.” ‘The Shadow’ said.
“He was a sarcastic little fart.” ‘The Shadow’ said.
“He, or they always are” they said in despair.
“Talking to them won’t get us anywhere.”
“Only on a need to know basis is all they say.”
“Are they waiting for a rainy day?’
“I must talk to a physicist friend of mine.”
“Again, I must zap back to what is my time.”
“A physi-what??” Kronos asked?
“I will explain when I get back”
With that, he was gone with a zap.
“Well, what do we do now?” Asglow asked.
“Not much we can do till he gets back.”
They decided they would eat some lunch.
They used magic to whip up a bunch.
They were just getting ready for dessert
when ‘The Shadow’ said “Alert!”
“I am back with a lot of news.”
“But, first I would like to try some of that goo.”
“Goo? This is my famous upside down drool.”
“Sounds yummy. Give me a bowl.”
“Sure. You want it hot or cold?”
“Whatever you think is best” ‘the Shadow’ said
“Half a bowl cold. Too much & you’ll wet the bed.”
After ‘The Shadow’ had finished his snack
he told them what he learned & hacked.
“What is hacked?” they both asked.
“Computer terms. Don’t ask about that.”
He told them what a physicist was.
It didn’t help. They didn’t know what science was.
After filling them in a little, keeping it simple,
to prevent them getting resentful.
He said they call magic flux dark matter.
Not knowing what it is or what it does, for that matter.
Except, they know it is everywhere in the universe.
“I asked him, theoretically, what if it all would blow.?”
“He said,—BOOM!!—big bang theory again, you know.”
“It would destroy all that we know. The end of all.”
He said “I would call it Chainfire, a term seldom used.”
“ The thought of such a thing would be horrible news.”
“Would it be possible to control it in any way?”
“We don’t even know what dark matter is per say.”
“If we did, controlling it would be impossible.”
“Chainfire is a fear of all scientists. It is unstoppable.”
“Then what the hell is phase IV?” Kronos enquired.
“It has to be something that can control the fire.”
“But, your physicist said such a thing cannot be done.”
“There lies the problem. Thy will be done.”
“What do you mean by that statement, son?”
“Simply, let the will of God be done.”
“The will of God? Wait a minute.” Kronos said.
“I just had an idea shoot through my head.”
“What if that is exactly what phase IV is.”
“The Dark Lord wants to turn God’s will to his.”
“What better way to do this than threaten
to destroy earth, the universe, even heaven.”
“WOW!! Talk about an ambitious idea.”
“Do as I say, or else—I’ll see ya.”
As the 3 of them ponder over these new thoughts,
I will leave them for a different spot.
I was thinking, maybe church, it shouldn’t hurt.
As I wait for more news. For what it’s worth.

————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

Killing Nature

Killing Nature

Birds are free to fly where they want.
But, not in zoo’s for people to taunt.
Animals in nature will do their own thing.
Till man arrives with the problems they bring.
Sea going creatures seem to do fine.
Till man arrives with garbage and grime.
Even trees grow & strive to be free.
Till they breathe foul air that kills the tree.
Same with plants, grasses & bushes too.
Put to their end by the likes of you.
A picture seems to be forming here.
We are killing the planet without fear.
It is time to wake up & take notice.
Or, soon, your flower will be a lotus.

————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)