The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter Three

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter Three

As ‘Fake’ Kronos continued to spread terror all around,
the three heavenly amigos were earthly bound.
They immediately returned to Kronos’s castle.
They would try to talk to it, without any hassle.
‘Fake’ Kronos was there when they popped into view.
That is everyone except ‘The Shadow.’ Who knew?
“What the hell?? What are you scumbags doing here?”
“I thought all of you were dead. Guess that’s not clear.”
“No, were alive. We came to talk to you.”
“Like hell you did.—– I am no fool.”
As Kronos tried to explain why they were there,
he was suddenly elevated into the air.
Then slammed back down to the floor.
‘Fake’ Kronos chuckled. Then laughed some more.
It was about to do more when Kronos acted.
Pointed his wand , then over reacted.
He had ‘Fake’ Kronos standing on its head.
Then flipped it over & had it play dead.
“Enough parlor games!!” ‘Fake’ Kronos roared.
“What the hell are you nincompoops here for?”
“We want you to change your ways.” Asglow said.
“Quit killing & harassing the humans.” He said.
‘’Fake’ Kronos laughed. “No way in hell!”
“I do what I want, when I want. I do it well.”
“I was created to live forever.” It said.
“It’s my world now, till all are dead.”
“Try and stop me and you will lose.”
“ I can make the pain last a long time, if you choose.”
With that ‘Fake’ Kronos vanished before their sight.
They all knew they were in for a hell of a fight.
They traced ‘Fake’ Kronos to a small village.
Kronos hit it with wizard fire before it could pillage.
‘Fake’ Kronos pulled out a cigarette & lit it off the fire.
The fire not penetrating its shield. They had to admire.
Then Asglow joined in with fire of his own.
“A little more heat on the back” it said with a groan.
‘Fake’ Kronos sent out a lightning bolt
It had them jumping like a young colt.
Suddenly, ‘Fake’ Kronos was wrapped in magical rope.
It came from nowhere. Tight enough to make it croak.
It mumbled some words & managed to break lose .
“Did you think I was done for, like a goose?”
‘Fake’ Kronos laughed and spun a web.
The web flew toward them, then went over their heads.
The web flew back again, like it was a fad.
It covered ‘Fake’ Kronos and made it mad.
The web burned away and fell like ashes.
Then it took off, like super fast dashes.
‘Fake’ Kronos moved with incredible speed.
It went into a store where they sold seed.
It immediately appeared again with a child.
“Back off, or what I do to it won’t be mild.”
Kronos & Asglow immediately disappeared.
‘The Shadow’ didn’t leave, or so it appeared.
‘The Shadow’ kept track of what it did next.
In case it tried to hurt the child, He would vex.
It flung the child aside and then it was gone.
‘The Shadow’ followed. Nothing went wrong.
‘Fake’ Kronos paced and ranted in its castle.
‘The Shadow didn’t give it a hassle.
‘The Shadow’ zapped off to join Kronos & Asglow.
“This is going to be a tough one” Kronos said.
“Just don’t let it get inside your head.”
“Remember it thinks just like you do.”
“For it is virtually an evil version of you.”
“Egor used positive & negative magic in its creation.
“Creating something that has no nation.”
Asglow said “It is a monster all to itself.”
“We have to come up with something else.”
Kronos said “I think I have an idea about that.”
“Back to heaven to build a better mouse trap.”
What exactly was Kronos talking about?
It has to be something with a lot of clout.
Tune in again to find out what it is.
I hope his new idea doesn’t fizz.

————————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter Two

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter Two

‘Fake’ Kronos put its plan into action.
It would push it through, without any retractions.
Representatives were sent to all corners of the earth.
Human pipsqueaks. That’s all they were worth.
But, with promises, not intending to keep.
It got their cooperation without a squeak.
They declared it the New Emperor Of Earth.
All would pay 10% of their worth.
Immediately, they were ridiculed or jailed.
‘Fake’ Kronos would then come & see them impaled.
Meaning those who didn’t believe its messengers.
All knew they had fallen under a wreck less curse.
In a matter of months, it ruled the whole world.
Every country learned to give it herald.
All persons with magical gifts came to it.
It made them rulers under it.
“Feel free to torture, kill, & maim whoever you like.”
“Show the peons your powers with all your might.”
The whole earth became a living hell.
Complaining did no good. There was no one to tell.
The people moaned and cried out in their agony.
They cried out to heaven. Yelling “Why me?”
“How long must we suffer under this monsters rule?”
“If we sinned, we beg for forgiveness. Were no fools.”
Many, many times people tried to kill the vile thing
resulting in the most horrible deaths it could bring.
‘Fake’ Kronos loved for them to try.
It was all entertainment in its eye.
One knight tried to impale him with a sword.
‘Fake’ Kronos boiled him in his armor, like a gourd.
It also forced people to do foul, disgusting things.
Usually in public, just to hear the screams.
It spewed out verbal vomit upon its subjects.
A foul, vile mouthed animal in public.
It banned all churches and any form of religion.
“Only I can be worshipped.” It wasn’t kiddin.
‘Fake’ Kronos knew what God had done to it in the past.
Lately, it felt like it wanted to beat God’s ass.
Its blasphemy reached to the very gates of heaven.
God called together Kronos & Asglow for leaven.
God said the vile ‘Fake’ Kronos must be stopped.
“I will send you two to earth to get it to stop.”
They asked that ‘The Shadow’ be allowed to come.
God agreed. “You can bring anyone.”
What they will do when they reach earth?
We will wait. Then see what the wait was worth.

—————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter One

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Chapter One

The first thing ‘fake’ Kronos decided to do
was to send the local villagers to school.
Not a school of higher learning, you see.
But, a school of hard knocks. See them flee.
It immediately laid down the law to them.
“You’ll pay me taxes. It won’t be a whim.”
“You’ll do exactly what I tell you to do.”
“If you don’t, I’ll make a crispy critter out of you.”
As proof, it burned a couple of them to ash.
Then dumped their remains in the local trash.
The villagers were shaking in their boots.
One objected. It ripped her hair out by the roots.
‘Fake’ Kronos laughed a big belly laugh.
“Anymore objections?” “Don’t give me any sass.”
“I’ll be back to collect in a week. Be ready.”
“10% of all you have. Don’t try to be petty.”
With that, ‘fake’ Kronos was gone.
Back to its castle. But, not for long.
Soon, it did a repeat performance in another village.
Same demands, along with what it could pillage.
It had fun boiling the blood of someone.
While the blood was still in their body, for fun.
It liked to see people cower and squirm.
It made others crawl through cow shit, like a worm.
It laughed at their suffering & had a ball.
It made it feel like it was ten feet tall.
A more vile creature, the world had never known.
And, over time, it only got worse, it was shown.
It would experiment with new magical spells.
Always on the innocent, with tragic results. No quells.
The people offered sacrifices to be left alone.
It said “No.”, then kill them. The people would moan.
‘Fake’ Kronos would laugh and laugh.
Then yell “You all stink!! Take a bath!”
‘Fake’ Kronos prided itself on new & different ways
to torture the people and make them slaves.
It wasn’t above killing babies.
It would do it without any maybes.
It spread its reign of terror over larger areas of land.
Some villages tried to fight, but were destroyed to the man.
Word of the creature & its monstrous ways
spread across all the land in a few days.
It was a dark time in the history of man.
They said it couldn’t be killed. Try if you can.
‘Fake’ Kronos sang, as it fixed a sandwich for lunch.
A bloody piece of meat on which it did munch.
Things were well. But, they could be better.
It had plans to be Emperor Of Earth. Much better.
It would take a little while to plan.
Might as well have all the fun it can.
It looks like there will be no end to this reign of terror.
Is there not a hero alive in the world anywhere?
We will check back again a little later.
To see what we can learn as a spectator.

——————————————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Preface

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume III Preface

The so called ‘fake’ Kronos does exist.
It was created by Egor using magic bliss.
He had a drop of Kronos’s blood to use.
He could create a duplicate he would use.
The problem with creating such a curse.
The creature had no soul. That made it worse.
It was as nasty as Kronos ever could be.
Even worse, with no conscience, don’t you see.
It had no love for any other.
It had no sister, not even a brother.
It was a singular, vile thing.
A creature from hell, without any wings.
In general appearance, it looked like Kronos.
It had the memories and mind of Kronos.
But, it had no internal controls.
Evil was all its mind would hold.
It was cast into outer darkness by God himself.
Alone, & in utter darkness, it did dwell.
Till Phase III was activated by Satan himself.
It created a vacuum reaching where it dwelt.
A vacuum in the magical flux.
A vacuum that drew it back to earth in a rush.
Back to its castle, to exist once more.
Back where it was created, in all its lore.
It recognized the place when it did arrive.
No one was there that was alive.
It had no idea what had happened there.
There were ashes spread around everywhere.
It did some cussing & stomping around.
Then, it saw something on the ground.
A book lying there caught its eye.
The History Of Kronos Since He Did Die.
It read it from beginning to end.
It seemed to know, this was the end.
“Not for me’, it thought to itself.
“Now I can raise hell & gather wealth.”
It sent out a searching eye.
By way of a pigeon that caught its eye.
Through a fast concocted spell.
It could see through the bird’s eyes very well.
It commanded the bird to fly around.
Humans were still living, it had found.
‘I will rule them with an iron hand.’
‘I will rule in every land.’
‘There is nothing to stop me now.’
‘I will be the only master here somehow.’
‘I just might make myself their god.’
‘Kronos The Mighty!! Now that’s not odd!!’
So fake Kronos planned its reign of terror.
It would rip ass everywhere.
No one was here to stop it now.
It would become a sacred cow.
‘I was created to live for eternity.’
‘From now on Kronos is all they will see.’
This meant a trouble like there never was.
The inhabitants of earth cried to God, because,
they knew nowhere else to turn.
It was a hard lesson for them to learn.
Stay tuned to see what transpires.
‘Fake’ Kronos will become a real live wire.

————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Queen Bee

The Queen Bee

I remember a story once told to me.
About a woman who was a queen bee.
Do you have any idea what that is?
Neither did I, till it came to this:
A queen bee ran the roost, you see.
She wouldn’t listen to anyone like me.
To her, I was just a worker bee.
Doing her bidding, as she may see.
I didn’t dare give her any lip.
If I did, I would be in deep s—t.
It was known, she had a deadly stinger.
She would use it with a point of her finger.
Now, you would think a bee would produce honey.
In her case, she was only interested in money.
The more I made, the happier she was.
She would deck herself out in anything but love.
I wanted out of this crazy overbearing hive.
Too escape, I would have to die.
I faked my death just to get away.
I always fear she will find me someday.
I’m sure she cashed in on the life insurance.
Just a way to increase her endurance.
She needs another worker bee for her hive.
Are there any volunteers that are alive?
She will take you under her wing.
Misbehave & she’ll give you a hell of a sting.
Well, that’s the story, as told to me.
The guy that told it was the worker bee.
He only told the story under hypnosis.
When awake, he only says “How goes it?”
Name withheld for patient confidentiality.
Would you want to be known in reality?
Today’s lesson, from what I can see.
Don’t get trapped by a queen bee.

—————————————–R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

Lose ‘High Hopes’, Gain A Sister

Lose ‘High Hopes’, Gain A Sister

When I first saw you, I was thunder struck.
You were driving by in a flat bed truck.
Sun burst blonde hair falling free.
The prettiest sight I could ever see.
You pulled into a restaurant parking lot.
You got out and you were looking hot.
I pulled in and parked there too.
No, I wasn’t really following you.
I was only going in for a bite to eat.
It seemed my heart was following my feet.
When I got in, you were at the counter.
I sat next to you. My heart did flounder.
You said “Good morning.” I almost passed out.
I stammered a reply, trying not to shout.
You had eyes so blue I almost drowned.
How did I live without you around.
We started talking, one to another.
You said you were looking for your brother.
You both were adopted by others when young.
You traced him to here, Licking your lips with your tongue.
You said “Maybe you might know him?”
You told me his name.—- I was frozen.
You had said my name. I fell through the floor.
How can this be? It cut to my core.
“That, that is my name. Are you sure?”
I just sat and stared at her.
She did have my color hair and eyes.
She smiled like me.—- No surprise.
She said “Holy cow!! Can it really be you?”
I sheepishly said “Your mama was no fool.”
In a matter of seconds, there was a change.
My ‘high hopes’ suddenly shared my last name.
Don’t get me wrong. I love her dearly now.
But, I still wish it had worked out somehow.

——————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

A Mystery In Everything

A Mystery In Everything

I have learned a special thing.
There is a mystery in everything.
It doesn’t matter what it may be.
It is something you can’t quite see.
The answer isn’t quite there.
The answer could be anywhere.
Pick a topic or subject now.
Something that censors will allow.
Something you know all about.
I know all this, you want to shout.
Take a second look right now.
Is there something that is not foul.
Something you didn’t notice before.
A mystery perhaps, a hidden door.
A different way to look at things.
Maybe all is not what it seems.
It doesn’t have to be a cover up.
It doesn’t have to really disrupt.
Just a different way to think.
Pushing it down the kitchen sink
will not change what you may think.
It does not mean you need a shrink.
You’re outside the box & in the pink.
Nothing is what it really seems.
There is a mystery in everything.

——————-R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Epilog)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Epilog)

It seems all of them ended up in heaven.
They all made it without any leaven.
They couldn’t believe the wonderful sights.
It raised their excitement to new heights.
Kronos & Zela had a beautiful mansion.
Next door was Asglow & Farrah’s mansion.
They got to eat from the tree of life.
Zela now became Kronos’s wife.
Farrah became Asglow’s wife too.
I will leave what it was like up to you.
Kronos was happier than he had ever been on earth.
He thinks back now about what it was worth.
He lost nothing and gained everything.
He had so much more than what money could bring.
Then, one day, he met Anika and friends.
He loved her dearly, why pretend.
She could never be his enemy here.
He hugged her and kissed her through his tears.
He told her about how he became The Great Deceiver.
She said she knew. “All heaven was watching.” Believe her.
“There is no limit to what God can do.”
“Imagine me, being here with you.”
Then, the question of ‘The Shadow’ came up.
“Did someone mention me?”— quite abrupt.
They all jumped and looked around.
‘The Shadow’ was an angel, flying around.
“What?? Were you an angel the whole time? Holy cow!!”
“Let’s just say,—- I am an angel now.”
So, ‘The Shadow’ continued his mysterious ways.
It seems to be the way he likes it, so it will stay.
Anika gave Kronos a gift.
Her two pet panthers. He almost shit.
But, the panthers loved him and licked him all over.
He loved rolling around with them in the clover.
Now, you may ask ‘How can this be?’
Satan & demons are still around to harass me.
Have you forgotten, there are many futures.
Kronos is in a different one than our past, or future.
There is a lot of similarities between the two.
So, his story is simply entertaining for you.
No connection to our frame of reference.
Yet, Kronos is a legend, here or there, no difference.
So what happened to the imposter Kronos?
The one created by Igor to replace Kronos?
He was cast into the realm of outer darkness by God.
He would have remained there, except for something odd.
When phase III was activated, it created
A vacuum in the magnetic flux, which terminated
At the place phase III was activated.
This vacuum drew the imposter Kronos, elated,
back to his home at the castle.
He was still nasty as hell and still a hassle.
He has no soul, so he cannot be saved.
He is an abomination that will rant and rave.
So, is the Kronos story over yet?
Take a guess.—– The stage is set.

——————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 11)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 11)

It seems that Kronos was not the only one to pray.
They all had prayed & repented in their own way.
Each keeping their decisions to themselves.
They weren’t organic robitoids, or elves.
They each made the choices for themselves.
Knowing, with what was coming, they needed help.
They all continued to work each day.
Life went on in the usual way.
Until, one day, Asgard said we are almost finished.
All were prepared for the final skirmish.
They had waited for that ill fated day.
When another demon would come their way.
It did not take long for one to pop in.
“What sort of verbal vomit have you been in?”
“You human parasites of a cowardly God.”
“You are almost worthless, which isn’t odd.”
“Maybe you won’t say that when you hear our news. “
“Phase III is finally finished. Try it, if you choose.”
“I will call several others & we’ll check it out.”
“We will quickly find out what this is all about.”
“You seem to have finished years ahead of time.”
“Not to bad for you human slimes.”
Soon, several more demons appeared.
Looking like they expected something weird.
“These humanoid halfwits say they finished phase III”
“We have to carefully check it out and see.”
The demons were carefully going over the matrix formula.
They finally found it complete, without anything wrong. Hurrah.
“You peons have done well. Now, you may go back to hell.”
“Wait a minute. What about phase IV?”
“That concerns us, not you. It is NOT what you’re here for.”
“Exactly when do you intend to use phase III?”
“Not for some time yet. You won’t be here to see.”
“I am afraid I cannot allow such a thing to happen.”
“WHAT!! You are threatening us with some crap then?”
“I am a representative of the one & true God.”
“He draws the line right here. Now that’s not odd.”
If demons could really laugh, they would be now.
“We will send you back to hell right now!!”
They hit Krnos with a beam of red light.
It had zero affect on him that night.
“I am protected by the whole armor of God.”
“You cannot harm me. I carry the rod.”
All demons present hit him with multiple zaps.
He still stood there unharmed. It’s a fact.
The demons couldn’t believe their eyes.
A ruckus started between them, yelling lies.
Suddenly, the room became VERY bright!!
An angelic demon appeared in the light.
All demons prostrated themselves on the floor.
“Praise the Dark Lord” from their very cores.
“What is going on here!!” came a commanding voice.
The demons answered. They had no choice.
“This puny human dares to defy us.” They mumbled.
“He says he is a representative of God.” Humbled.
“I am the only ‘God’ that commands here.”
“You will do as commanded. Is that clear!”
Kronos said “The Lord God says it stops here.”
“Let’s see what he says when you are a smear.”
The Dark Lord hit him with a zap that shook the castle.
Kronos didn’t move, but pulled the Bible out of a satchel.
“Where did you get such a book” The Dark Lord roared.
Kronos held it up & said. “It says you lose.” Was his retort.
“He won’t allow you to activate phase III”
“Oh yeah, well, just watch and see.” Satan screamed.
He started mumbling the correct chant, it would seem.
When he said the final words, ‘The Shadow’ acted next.
Through the in between he sent the awaited text.
All warlocks under demon control,
activated their matrix as a whole.
Each one was to work on the demons only.
Each one did just that. It was unholy.
Then, phase III kicked in.
Each demon started burning from within.
They screamed & thrashed & rolled around.
Making a bloody, gooey mess on the ground.
They burned till every single trace was gone.
Satan burned the longest. Never screaming he was wrong.
When it was over, a loud, loving voice was heard.
“Kronos, you will be in heaven with me. You have my word.”
With that, everyone & everything disappeared.
It was like nothing had ever been there. Weird.
So ends the Chronicles Of Kronos in that day.
The only human to have been in hell, yet, was saved.
Kronos has an eternity ahead for him now.
It will be much better than he ever thought how.
We wish him the best.
He stood his ground & passed the test.
You see, God answered his prayer that night.
Told him how He would end the fight.
Kronos would be His knight in shining armor.
He would end it all with much honor.

————————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume Two (Chapter 10)

The Chronicles Of Kronos Volume 2 (Chapter 10)

As time passed by & they got closer to the end,
things were changing with Kronos & his friends.
Kronos was now deeply in love with Zela.
Zela felt the same for Kronos. They had free love.
Asglow & Farrah were on the same path.
Both of them knew that it would last.
Kronos had slowly changed in other ways.
He had been spending more & more days
devoted to studying the Bible now, it seems.
He soon realized he was caught in between.
He never gave thought to religion in the past.
He had heard of God, &, of course, the demon trash.
But, he never considered where they were from.
Now, he wondered why? It seemed pretty dumb.
As he studied, he realized he was a sinner.
Bound for hell, be he loser or winner.
He learned of how the demons rebelled against God.
The fallen angels became demons. Now, that’s not odd.
Then he learned he could be saved.
Just repent and God would change his ways.
He never thought he would ever feel this way.
He had died & gone to hell; it may be too late today.
Kronos was a changed, yet confused man.
He had never prayed. He even wondered if he can.
Secretly, he tried before going to bed.
He wanted a sign to know God heard what he said.
What Kronos didn’t know was that in the end,
his ‘new’ change of heart would save all men.
But, we are not ready for that story just yet.
Things are still happening to have the scene set.
‘The Shadow’ said all other Warlocks under
demon control were ready to release thunder.
Their code word for their master plan.
To activate, they were waiting for the man.
The man being Kronos, & the rest of his team.
The time was getting close. Get ready to scream.
The demons would, more frequently, pop in.
They would check the matrix plans within.
They wanted to make sure the balance was right.
Both white & black magic. The perfect light.
Each time ‘The Shadow’ would work his illusion.
The demons were not wise to the collusion.
The matrix was the work of hundreds of years.
Such precision would take much heartache & tears.
One little slip would condem them all.
The demons continued to be insulting through it all.
The more Kronos thought about the spot he was in,
the more nervous he got. New feelings from within.
In the past. Kronos didn’t give a hoot about anyone.
That had changed now. Kronos loved someone.
One day Kronos & Asglow were talking.
They were both feeling their knees knocking.
Asglow said “I don’t want any of us to end up dead.”
Kronos said “I feel the same way. All in my head.”
“I feel like I would risk the panthers for Zela’s sake.”
“That is one heck of a lot for me to take.”
“As I would risk the time loop again for Farrah.”
“I guess all this means we really care. Ya.”
Then, ‘The Shadow’ said “I have feelings too.”
“My feelings are concern for all of you.”
“I have fooled the demons so far on inspection.”
“I have no fear in passing the final inspection.”
“My only fear is when the demons intend to use it.”
“Or, do they only want it to use as a threat?”
Kronos said “I have a plan that might assure they act.”
“In fact, I can almost guarantee the fact.”
“What is this plan of yours?” ‘The Shadow’ said.
“For now, I am keeping it in my head.”
“That way no one can talk me out of it.”
“It is the best way to guarantee my wit.”
What was it that Kronos was planning?
I have no idea. Prepare for a landing.
It may be a rough road ahead.
When I know,—- it will be said.

————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2019)