Save Mother Earth

      Save Mother Earth

Behold, the beauty of a tree.

Then a dog has to pee.

Maybe the beauty of a sparkling brook.

Till pollution destroys the nook.

Let’s be real, there are still the forests.

Till someone starts a fire, of course.

How about a lovely blue sky.

Polluted with smog, bad enough to cry.

There are animals in nature running free.

Before they become extinct, you see.

Think of the oceans & all its life.

Till pollution kills them like a knife.

You say what is the matter with me?

The negative side is all that I see.

It is all a sign of the times.

Man is almost finished with his crime.

The crime of killing mother earth.

Now, you tell me what it’s worth?

A burned out planet that can’t support life.

I say what I say to avoid this strife.

Maybe my words will wake people up.

Stop this insanity before it erupts.

Save the earth and all life on it.

Grow up people. This is not a sonnet.

It is a brief message of the state of things.

Too bad we all don’t have wings.

So we could fly off to somewhere new.

Like the fairies do when trouble brews.

Nice fantasy thinking but, it don’t fly.

Instead of sitting around getting high.

Get out there and spread the word.

Make sure your voice is heard.

Before we reach the point of no return.

By then we will all deserve to burn.

————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)














In the land before time.

There was a frog who was a mime.

Eons passed, and he was still around.

He still did mimes & played a clown.

Finally, here comes modern times.

Where is that frog who mime’s?

I saw him on the WB.

Doing commercials for the network, see.

He wears a top hat & has a cane.

But, his act is much the same.

He jumps and dances around.

He kind of looks like a little clown.

What has this world come to?

Where a frog can entertain you.

But, a lot of animals are stars today.

Not much left for us to say.

Animals have moved up the chain.

While humans have become too vain.

If you are entertained by a talking frog.

How much longer till you’re in a fog.

Unable to think for yourself.

An organic robitoid, with a little wealth.

You’ll probably be a liberal without thought.

Look around and see what you have wrought

Bring back the frog who was a mime.

At least, he was quiet all of the time.—-R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




A Swan’s Dilemma


      A Swan’s Dilemma

Two swans fly over a serene mountain lake.

They circle and decide to land, eat, & rest.

All they see are a few ducks. They are bait.

The swans ignore this, as you might guess.

They are rummaging around in the tulles.

Something to eat. Maybe some minnows.

Suddenly, a loud bang shakes the tulles.

The ducks take off like bugs out a window.

The swans take flight. The female swerves.

She is hit in the foot by a shotgun pellet.

Her mate flies close to steady her nerves.

Her foot is bleeding. They can smell it.

Soon, they are safely out of range.

They find a small creek in which to land.

The female is limping, due to the pain.

It looks like it will heal ok if given a hand.

Her mate helps her all he can with food & drink.

Why would anyone shoot poor innocent ducks?

Swans are protected. Collateral damage, they think.

We are birds. So are ducks.

We differ in looks and color.

Yet, we are the same. What a rut.

They will shoot one, but not another?

When will they give up this silliness.

Stop shooting us all and live in peace.

All it would take is a little willingness.

We all share this planet. It’s the very least.

————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




The ‘American Dream’

      The ‘American Dream’

I am trapped inside an ‘American Dream’.

There is no end to this,— it seems.

Lead the good life the ‘American’ way.

A chicken in every pot. The freedom to pray.

It has all gone up in smoke.

Basically, a pipe dream. A real joke.

You can wish & pray & work till you’re blue.

There is no ‘free meal’ coming to you.

Only, if you are an illegal alien on welfare.

Then, there may be something there.

Provided to you by those who are working hard.

Still hoping their ‘American Dream’ isn’t marred.

Now, their Social Security is no longer a right.

It is a privilege, provided by a government of spite.

The ‘American Dream’ is dead and gone.

Where in the hell did we go wrong?

Was it no longer being a country ‘under God’?

Remember,—- He rules with an iron rod.

Maybe it was the new attitude of “let the rich pay for it.’

Wall Street marches to back their belief in this s—t.

If the world owes you a living, you must be a grasshopper.

The ant is the one who works hard , ain’t that a stopper.

If enough people miss the ‘American Dream’.

Maybe they will raise up as one and let off steam.

Let it be known they don’t like the way things are.

They should be taking the country back. Raising the bar.

Start proving that the ‘moral majority’ is NOT neither.

It is what most citizens will fight for without a breather.

Show that Democratic Yankee know how is not imperialism.

It is the way things should be, though it seems few will listen.

BRING BACK THE ‘AMERICAN DREAM’!!, is the marching song.

Hopefully, this country will be great again, before too long.

——————————————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2015)




A Different Point Of View


      Different Point Of View

So you ask,  why people want to harm me?

Why do they want to  form an army?

They want to kill all of us Americans.

It really doesn’t seem fair of them.

They say an American belittled Mohammed.

They want to cut off his coward head.

They want their American enemy’s to pay.

They are right and we have nothing to say.

Their religious beliefs run deep.

They say they are not a bunch of sheep.

Some say end it now and nuke them to hell.

Others say the Christian way is to wish them well.

We are stuck in the middle with nowhere to turn.

Makes you feel nothing more than a worm.

But, listen. The Bible says this will happen.

Does this mean we have to take such crap then?

No, we let our God handle it.

We follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

They may say or do as they want.

They will not decrease our faith with taunts.

In the end TRUTH will raise above.

Victorious, due to the shedding His blood.

Keep the faith I say to you.

Just let them act the fool.

Our God is bigger. Our God is stronger.

In the end we will fear no longer.

Eternal life will be ours to share

with other Christian believers everywhere.

——————————————————-R. W. Johnson—-(2012)


Back To Our Roots


      Back To Our Roots

Word on the street is something is coming down.

There is something brewing this side of town.

Maybe it’s a rumble between rival gangs.

Maybe it is only Friday night football signs.

It all depends on where you are located.

In the slums, where trash is accumulated.

Or, in the suburbs, or maybe, a rural town.

Or,  it might be someone clowning around?

Most likely, it is serious to those involved.

They will push it as far as they are allowed.

I turn on the TV and what do I see?

Occupy Wall Street  going on near me.

Is this what the fuss is all about?

Have not’s wanting the haves to feel the clout.

Do they think the world owes them a living?

Or maybe, they like taking instead of giving?

Capitalism is the American way.

Socialism is not. What else can I say.

Maybe things have tipped too far

In favor of those with money and cars.

When people can’t make a living

they will blame those who are not giving.

If everybody was working today

they would have a means to say:

“I can work my way to the top.”

“I will no longer have to push a mop.”

But, no work means no way to improve.

Which leads to rally’s and a lousy mood.

Our country did fine for 200 years.

Now, hard times has everyone’s ears.

Is there any way out of this terrible mess

that greedy leaders have caused, I’d guess?

Somehow, we have to get back to our roots.

Back when our nation produced the fruits

of  ambitious, hard working men.

Who put God first and fought to win

the right for all to have the choice

to go to the top and have a voice

in  all that is decided to be done.

Always knowing we all are the ones

that make this country what it is .

The greatest country that there is.———–R. W. Johnson—–(2011)





The Sounds Of Silence

      The Sounds Of Silence

When a city goes under does this mean the end?

Is it happening now to the city you’re in?

In this day and age changes happen fast.

One day you’re on top. The next you’re under the grass.

What do you do when congress runs amuck?

It seems every problem is just too tough.

They can’t seem to agree on anything at all.

It’s enough to make a grown man bawl.

Makes you think of the song: “Tobacco Road”.

The way they resolved the heavy load.

Tear it down & start all over again.

Can we start over with this nation again?

Seems unlikely. A good start; bring God back.

Let them read the Bible. Cut them some slack.

Put prayer in schools and give children a choice.

When they grow up maybe they’ll have a voice.

Put the 10 commandments on the courthouse wall.

For all to see, & let it be a guide to one and all.

Teach creationism along with evolution.

Let people have a choice & come up with a solution.

Reestablish the U.S. Constitution & amendments.

When in full effect it’s hard to condemn  it.

Strongly enforce freedom of religion.

Separate church and state. Make the decision.

Pray to God for guidance in all you do.

Do all to the glory of God. Don’t be a fool.

Try these things for a start.

Once under way don’t tear it apart.

It’s  our only chance to delay the end because

if we don’t there will be trouble like there never was.

So fight for the right to stand up and be heard.

You’re very life may depend on every word.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)



The Change

      The Change

When I was small I had a plan.

I would escape to Fairyland.

Get myself a bucket of fairy dust.

Then bring it back without a fuss.

Sprinkle a little here. Sprinkle a little there.

Make my wish without a care.

The fairy dust would do the trick.

Make a lollypop out of a stick.

Change whatever I wanted to.

Make a better place for me and you.


Now that I’m older I need that dust.

Things need changed. That’s a MUST!!

But, ‘change’ is now a dirty word.

Yup, it’s true. Or haven’t you heard.

A certain President is pushing for ‘change’.

To want his ‘change’ is really lame.

I’ll keep my guns, job, and money.

You can have his ‘change’ now, honey.

Only the blind and dumb couldn’t see the mess.

This wonderful ‘change’ has caused, I’d guess.

So pull your head out of the sand.

It’s time for us to make a stand.

Enough is enough is often said.

In this case there’s been too much said.

I’m not talking from the lunatic fringe.

I’m not saying ’this all depends’.

I’m saying it just may be too late.

This country will no longer be great.

Fairy dust might not even help.

They are hitting below the belt.

We need prayers, prayers, and more.

Taking the country back is a big chore.

Tighten your belt and make a stand.

With the help of God, maybe we can.

The final choice is up to you.

You’ll die if you don’t. might live if you do.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)


Even With This, Peace Can Be Found


Even With This, Peace Can Be Found

Another day of the same old crap!!

This certainly isn’t where it’s at.

Everything changes, but death & taxes.

Just more crap, but that’s what the fact is.

I think it is time for a real big change.

Chlorine in the human gene pool for names.

Fifty years of “0” reproduction.

Stick to this without interruption.

Then start over and do it right.

Stamp out stupidity with all your might.

Political mentality has got to go.

The same with perverts who steal the show.

Choose your child from a long black tube.

Make it smarter than a Rubik’s Cube.

I’m not talking about a paradise.

But, something that is, at least, nice.

But, ignore all this. I’m blowing off steam.

Don’t forget. Things are as bad as they seem.

This world sucks big time, you know.

Without radical changes, it has to go.

You’re damned if you do & damned if you don’t.

Many of them will. Most of them won’t.

God will play a part very soon.

He will end this world of buffoons

He has this knack of making things right.

He will have His hands full in the final fight.

Most of the world only knows how to fight dirty.

It will be their end. When God cleans, it’s worthy.

I can’t take much more of this world.

It is demoralizing, depressing, & —–worldly.

If God doesn’t intervene soon.

My perspective may get out of tune.

I am already feeling disgruntled.

I must give it to the Lord as once told.

It is my only peace in this cesspool of sin.

Escape from it all with the love from Him.—R. W. Johnson—–(2014)


It’s ‘Alien’ To The Aliens


         It’s ‘Alien’ To The Aliens

I was walking down a country road.

I was all alone, looking for a toad.

Then, I saw the thing coming out of the sky.

A UFO here?—– I wondered why?

It stopped over head 200 feet up.

The bottom looked like a paper cup.

It was metal, but, the shape, you see.

Looked like a paper cup to me.

All of a sudden a blue light came on.

I was thinking ‘color me gone.’

Next thing I know I was lifted away.

Scooped right up into its bay.

What I saw then was really weird.

Looked like overgrown veggies had appeared.

Big green lumps like broccoli heads.

Mushroom tops and carrot shreds.

All apparently made of metal.

There were even big things like a kettle.

I got to my feet and walked around.

There was nobody to be found.

Then I saw what could have been a door.

Except it was weird, coming out of the floor.

I got close and it opened up.

It led to a slide into a buttercup.

I slid down into something soft.

A spongy consistence set on a loft.

Down below were alien beings.

They were busy at whatever I was seeing.

Then a voice came to me within my head.

It was in English, not Martian instead.

It must have been mental telepathy.

I was alert with no lethargy.

It said “Welcome to the stellar ship Orion.”

I said “You kidnapped me. I ain’t lying.”

“Relax, we only have a few questions.”

“I hope this isn’t to teach me a lesson.”

“How does your race feel about alien beings?”

“It’s hard to say without first seeing.”

“Would they join a Space Federation?”

“You should ask the President” I said with elation.

“Do not you all have an equal say?”

“Hell no!! Not in this world of today.”

“It seems we have questioned the wrong person”

“Oh, I don’t know. At least I’m not cursing.”

Next I knew I awoke in a pile of leaves.

I was deep in a forest with many trees.

I walked till I came to a road.

Flagged down a truck with a heavy load.

I found out I was  about 30 miles from home.

I had lost a day in my ‘stellar’ roam.

I didn’t tell him of my situation.

I just said I was on vacation.

But, one thing I know as sure as bacon.

If they ask the President, he’ll make them

honorary citizens if they vote for him.

“Have some food stamps.” he’ll say with a grin.

But, he won’t have us join any Federation.

Only a Socialist society, then he’ll take them.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)