The Way It Is


        The Way It Is

Peek a boo.—– I see you.

What the heck is a Pick-a-chew??

Poke-e-mon names for you and me.

Spelled wrong, no doubt, as you can see.

Whatever happened to kick the can.

Try and catch me if you can.

Hide and seek and guessing games?

Today they are only a name.

Kids are glued to video games.

To us it all seems pretty lame.

Yet, it keeps them occupied most of the time.

Is it a good way or is it a crime??

When you wish upon a star.

It does make a difference who you are.

Bring them up right & they will follow the Lord.

Not be a member of some angry hoard.

Video games can be good or bad.

It all depends on the upbringing you’ve had.

So get it down and get it right.

Raise them properly with all your might.

The rest will be up to the Lord.

Sit back & watch. You won’t be bored.——-R. W. Johnson—–(2014)



Too Tired

            Too Tired

I’m too tired to write a poem.

So I guess I will flip a coin.

Heads, I will try to knock one out.

Tails, I just kick back without a pout.

Well,—- here I am again.

You can guess what came up then.

Let’s see, something to write about.

I could say I am suffering with gout.

But, that would be a lie.

I’m just not that kind of guy.

I could write about the 50 year reunion.

Not mine, my wife’s recent conclusion.

It was fun but, it wasn’t mine.

I didn’t know many but, had a good time.

Maybe I could write about Mr. Jax.

An imaginary person with a battle axe.

That can get pretty gory though.

Wouldn’t want to ruin the show.

“What the hey?”, you’re thinking now.

My imagination runs wild somehow.

I don’t ‘think’ any of it on purpose.

Sometimes, I have to say “Curse it.”

If you’ve read many poems by me.

You’ll have no trouble trying to see.

To figure out  what is happening in my head.

Maybe that’s the wrong thing to say, instead.

I’ll just say “Hang on for the ride.”

“I’m spitting it out faster than the tide.”

I’m too tired to continue on with this.

I hope this one is a hit. Not a miss.————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)



Just ‘Babbling’ On

              Just ‘Babbling’ On

What the hey?

Have you heard the news?

Kids no longer wear button down shoes.

It’s o.k. to have long hair.

Be a guy or a girl. Be there or be square.

I didn’t know this but, it’s true.

Most people haven’t heard of “Little boy blue.”

Did you hear there is a new math?

Must be easier. A kid I know is daft.

To him 1 + 1 is three.

They pass him along anyway, don’t you see.

Someone said politics is dirty.

The mud slinging has gotten real nerdy.

Illegal aliens are everywhere.

Not talking space aliens, if you care.

Poetry is a way to express yourself.

it has to be this because I don’t have wealth.

What the heck am I trying to say?

I have no idea but, try anyway.

Kids today can’t live without their phone.

I tell them we didn’t have that. They just moan.

Facebook lets people look at you

and wonder who the hell you’re talking to?

I read a story once upon a time.

Yes, I can read. it’s not a crime.

It started out exactly like that.

A fairy tale, as a matter of fact.

Enough about that. How about sports?

Football, baseball, & games played on courts?

What? No interest there?

Well I’ll be——-No, I cannot swear.

After reading this piece of trash.

You are sure I am unabashed.

Not afraid to display my insanity.

It’s just the way it has to be——————–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)

The Ultimate Magician

           The Ultimate Magician

Today was the day of his opening show.

He was a magician, don’t you know.

He had an act you wouldn’t believe.

This guy could really deceive.

His total act was all new tricks.

Never done by other ‘big hits’.

His fame spread far and wide.

Soon, he was playing Vegas, doing shows live.

His fame grew so big that it exploded.

Other magicians came, it was noted.

None could explain how he did his illusions.

It was done smooth, with no protrusions.

Then he upped the ante by doing the impossible.

Other magicians said “It just isn’t possible.”

They began to talk among themselves.

Could this man do ‘real’ magic, do tell?

They devised a plan to catch him off guard.

They would find out just how dumb they are.

Because, just as they sprung their trap,

he disappeared,—-how about that!!

He never reappeared again.

For him it was the end.

Magicians still talk about him today.

They keep thinking ‘maybe there’s a way’.

But, what price did the young man have to pay?

I’ll let you figure it out in your own way.

————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)





The Insanity Of Man

              The Insanity Of Man

The desolation was unbelievable.

To look at a city hit by a  nuclear bomb.

Anything left standing was inconceivable.

Total annihilation before the calm.

Anything of value was unretrievable.

A coating of gray covered it all.

Death in the ultimate sense.

One of the most horrible things I saw

were human bones tangled in a fence.

Nothing moved. The dust slightly stirred.

Tossed about by the dry endless wind.

Then I swore there was moaning I heard.

Cries of the dead from this unspeakable sin.

Time has passed but, almost no change here.

A scar on the earth, a reminder for man.

This is something to always fear.

Never do this again to the land.

How did it ever happen before?

How could one country think that way?

Did they run in when Satan opened the door?

There is no justification that they could say.

Man is a slow learner in the school of hard knocks.

History should teach him to change his ways.

Instead they try to bluff, bully,  and out fox

their so called ‘enemy’ in every way.

I don’t want to see the day when it happens again.

Next time on a world wide scale, I say.

That will  be the end of man’s peaceful pretend.

Man will be a figment of the imagination

to those who look upon the ruined earth.

They will wonder with fascination.

If a race does this what were they really worth?

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)



And Life Goes On

             And Life Goes On

To the man who lost his mind.

Left his home for the last time.

They found him in the wintertime.

Looking for something he couldn’t find.


They shipped him way out West.

The distance put their minds at rest.

Napa State Hospital did their best.

Such a warm and cozy nest.


Back home they threw the key away.

For them, there was nothing left to say.

Thing is, he did get better one day.

Then he went back home to stay.


Then, there was the girl next door.

The one that he was searching for.

He loved her to his very core.

He wanted to get to know her more.


But, when he tries she starts to cry.

She locks the door & hopes to die.

Makes him wonder if he should even try.

Finally, he gives up with just a sigh.


His reputation follows him.

“He is nuts”, he hears again & again.

Everyone’s fear comes from within.

They worry he may flip out again.


There is no life here for him anymore.

He has to forget about the girl next door.

His life is becoming such a bore.

He just can’t take it anymore.


There he sits in a café in a new town.

There is no one else around.

He thinks back; his face makes a frown.

I guess there is no where he is bound.


A girl comes in &  takes a close seat.

She looks lonely and really beat.

They talk & she asks “Will you go with me?”

He says “Anywhere is a better place to be.”

—————————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2014)





Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right

  Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right

My girl and I were out in the woods.

Checking out nature as best we could.

“Watch out for that poison oak”

“O.k.” I said as I gave her a poke.

We wound up down by the lake.

The warm sun made us feel like we would bake.

We decided to take a swim.

The water was cool as we got in.

We swam out to the raft anchored there.

Climbed on board & wrung out our underwear.

We splashed around some just for fun.

Then we laid back to soak up the sun.

Before long we heard some noise.

We looked up and saw two boys.

They were filming us with a phone.

Then they took off heading for home.

We got out fast and got dressed.

We tried to catch them. We did our best.

They were gone but, they went to our school.

We had a feeling we would end up being the fool.

Sure enough, Monday when we went to school

people were snickering & acting real cool.

We found out later pictures of us on the raft

went out to half the students real fast.

Our reputations really suffered after that.

It made both of us feel like crap.

We ended up getting married after graduation.

Years later, we still recall that situation.

The moral is don’t go skinny dipping with your chick.

The aftermath will cause you a fit.

As for the two who filmed us there.

Later they went to jail for an x-rated affair.

They got what they deserved in the end.

Never film others and do not send

the pictures to others without permission.

It is a sin for which there is no omission.—–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)







Rainy Day Thoughts

       Rainy Day Thoughts

It is raining all around.

It really makes a pretty sound.

It hasn’t rained in a long time.

3 years of drought isn’t kind.

Things have gotten pretty dry.

Forrest fires have gone awry.

I decided to take a walk.

A walk in the rain. Time for thought.

There must be something we can do.

As a human race to defeat the flu.

Ebola is spreading by leaps and bounds.

No solution seems to be found.

Crime and violence is on the raise.

Financial institutions surmise

that a financial crash may happen.

What will that do to our faction?

Things will go to hell in a hand basket.

Robbery will become a daily habit.

Enough about depressing thoughts.

I look at the present I had bought.

A surprise for my wife’s soon birthday.

She celebrates it more than Earth Day.

We have a lot of happy things planned.

Yes, troubling things are at hand.

But, with the ones we love near,

one thing stands out very clear.

Praise the Lord for the rain for the parched land.

And praise the Lord for the loved ones at hand.

They can make a depressing day happy.

I love it when my kids call me Pappy.

———————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)




Vengeance Is Mine


Vengeance Is Mine

The day it happened I was young.

Not yet old enough to use a gun.

They came riding onto our ranch.

We weren’t ready. We had no chance.

Mama told me “Hide in the woodbox.”

I jumped in quick as a scared fox.

Mama barely closed the lid

before they saw where I was hid.

They drew guns & demanded money.

Papa said we had no money.

They looked over and shot him dead.

The bullet hit him in the head.

I peeked out from within the box.

The man was tall with golden locks.

He had a scar running down his face.

He threw my mama around the place.

He said “The money or your dead too.”

Mama said “I have no money for you.”

The man shot her in the face.

Then he & his men wrecked the place.

They found liquor and started to drink.

One took a leak right in the sink.

They laughed and cursed and finally left.

Took all they wanted in the theft.

I came out of my hiding place.

I cried when I saw my mama’s face.

I vowed vengeance, then I cried.

“Each one of them will have to die.”

I started practicing day and night.

Shooting  a gun till I got it right.

I had sold the ranch to get the cash.

Bought ammo & trained till I got fast.

I fired standing up and sitting down.

I fired running and from the ground.

I fired riding and over a wall.

I practiced till no one could beat my draw.

I practiced for many years.

Day and night between my tears.

So fast people could hardly see my draw.

I hit any target, no matter how small.

Finally the day came about

When I heard the killers were about.

After a month I picked up their trail.

“It won’t be long” I began to wail.

They were in a deserted rundown church.

Their horses were tied to an old birch.

After releasing their horses I snuck closer.

I checked that my gun was loose in the holster.

They were playing cards on the podium

at a table where the Bible should have been.

They were drinking, cussing, & carrying on.

Behavior of which they seemed real fond.

I crawled up between the pews.

Soon to give them deadly news.

I drew my gun.— Was this a sin?

Then I heard my mama’s voice again.

‘Treat others as you’d want them to treat you.’

‘It is wrong to kill though they be a fool.’

Suddenly, as the tears came down,

I tossed my gun up front on the ground.

The bandits jumped up and drew their guns.

They saw me and knew I was the one.

The one who had followed them for weeks.

They would finish me for keeps.

As they started to blow me away,

the ceiling fell in crushing their play.

I stood up and thanked the Lord above.

I asked for forgiveness & was given love.

Today he is the pastor of that very church.

It was rebuilt by townsfolk who knew his worth.

He is popular with his sermons.

Especially when he tells what turned him.

His mama’s voice,  (or was it God’s voice.)

That made him make a different choice.

Made him what he is today.

God’s servant in every way———————R. W. Johnson—-(2011)










What comes to mind when you hear the word colors?

Is it the stars and stripes and all the others?

Is it a bunch of crayons crammed into a box?

Or, maybe, a trumpet blowing at Fort Knox?

Is it the colors seen in every rainbow bright?

Maybe the colors seen in  fireworks at night?

How about all the colors seen in nature?

Or, the colors seen in Bay To Breakers?

Maybe it’s the color of your child’s eyes?

Or, a baby’s color when he cries?

The color of animals, humans too?

A sleepy blue ocean just for you?

Ours is a wonderful world of color.

Given to us by God and no other.

If you are blind and cannot see .

The day is coming when you will be

blessed with colors beyond imagination.

If your savior is the Lord of creation.

For us who see all the colors now.

We can sit and wonder how

through love he created this for us?

To show thanks for all we must

worship Him with all our heart & soul.

Let the colors make us whole.—————–R. W. Johnson—–(2013)