Wolf Rescue


      Wolf Rescue

I trotted through the snow. My eyes and ears alert.

The snow, after the storm, was soft. My paws didn’t hurt.

My yellow eyes can pick out any movement at night.

There was a flicker in them from the star light.

My pack just made a kill. we all ate till we were full.

The others went their way to sleep off the lull.

I had picked up a slight sent on the light wind.

I loped along, trying to pick it up again.

There it was. A little stronger now.

It was human. Not a horse or a cow.

As I grew closer I could smell exhaustion and fear.

It grew much stronger as I grew near.

There, on a deserted snow covered road.

A female human  crawling on all fours like a toad.

I listened intently for any other sound.

All was quiet so closer I bound.

Wolves know that humans are our most feared enemy.

But, my senses told me this girl was no threat to me.

She looked up and saw me and just froze.

Waves of fear poured off her in droves.

I slowly came closer sniffing all the way.

She knew I wasn’t there to play.

It became apparent to me she was lost and stranded.

She wouldn’t last long. She was empty handed.

Some maternal instinct took over my actions.

I grabbed her sleeve and helped her get traction.

Once she was on her feet I pulled her along.

To the road where humans drive, she was drawn.

I kept her going for a mile or more.

She was cold down to her core.

Then we saw the lights of passing vehicles.

She was so relieved she started to giggle.

I made sure she made it to the road.

She said “Thank You, ”  breath fogging in the cold.

I watched from the trees as someone gave her a ride.

Then I turned & trotted off. Shaking the snow off my hide.

I am a wolf. A wild animal. But, I have instincts

given by God. I don’t comprehend what He thinks.

I only know the way of the wolf. As a creator made me.

But, God knows the way of all. Thank Him that He made me free.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)



A Lesson Well Learned

      Lesson Well Learned

It was hot. Well over 110 degrees.

The air was hot. No trace of a breeze.

Sand as far as the eye could see.

This could well be the end of me.

So thought the miner as he walked.

Alone in the desert with his thoughts.

He came to the desert looking for gold.

Rumors said it was there, so, on he rode.

Till his horse stepped in a hole.

It staggered then went into a roll.

The miner was thrown free.

The horse had broken it’s leg, you see.

The poor horse had to be shot.

The minor didn’t know if he could or not.

In the end he pulled the trigger.

‘Now, how do I get out of here?’, he figured.

He started walking West.

Occasionally stopping to get rest.

After a day or so, his water was running low.

He rested under a small out cropping.

A breeze blew the sand off the topping.

He looked at it, but, he couldn’t believe.

The out cropping was gold., if he wasn’t deceived.

He checked it out much more closely.

It was quartz with veins of gold mostly.

He was ecstatic!! He would stake a claim.

But, he didn’t know which way he came.

He didn’t know where he was

The wind was blowing with a buzz.

Soon the out cropping might disappear

under the sand and not reappear.

He decided to carry out all he could.

He worked hard where the quartz stood.

Exhausted, he finally had a large pile.

He decided to sit and rest for awhile.

He stuffed all the quartz in his pack.

It was really heavy on his back.

Then he realized, as it was told.

He couldn’t walk out with that much gold.

He buried most of it in the sand.

Then left with a couple pieces like a man.

He would have died if he hadn’t been found

face down in the sand with no one around.

He still nearly died from dehydration.

His life was saved by the Indian Nation.

The quartz paid for another horse and supplies.

Then, for the next 20 years he tried

to find that out cropping in the desert sand.

He covered every inch of that land.

He still thinks back to his decision time.

Carry out a lot of gold or leave some behind.

Though he never found the gold again.

He knows he made the choice to win.

For he finally realized that life is worth

all the gold there is on earth.——————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)





Searching For Love

      Searching For Love

I’ve been searching high and low for love.

A friend said “Pull it from a hat, not a glove.”

So, off to Straw Hat Pizza I went.

Told them I was there cause I was sent.

I wanted love served in a hat.

“Are you nuts?” the guy said back.

“My friend said get love out of a hat.”

He said “Straw Hat is not where it is at.”

He said “Go down the road till you see the red light.”

I walked into the firehouse. I hoped he was right.

“I’m here for love”, I said with a grin.

The man looked like his temper was thin.

“Get out of here you little cock roach.”

I was appalled by his reproach.

I told him I was directed there.

He said “Someone was pulling your hair.”

He said “You need a house of ill repute.”

He sent me flying down the road with his boot.

I thought about what he had said.

Then a new thought came into my head.

I rushed across town as fast as I could go.

I knew then what he said was so.

I went to the state legislature & I walked in.

I thought ‘This is surly a house of sin.’

They asked me what I was doing there?

I said  “I have come  to get my share.”

They said “Do you have any idea where you are?”

I said “Not for sure, but I have come pretty far.”

I said “I am on a quest for love.”

They escorted me out with a shove.

I guess it’s right what they say.

Congress will ‘screw’ you—with NO love.  It’s their way.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2013)



Soapbox Love 101

      Soapbox Love 101

When a man truly loves, it is with his heart & soul.

When a woman loves, to be desirable is her goal.

It never means she loves less than a man.

The focus is different. That’s part of the plan.

The focus can change if the results aren’t right.

How the man responds may lead to a fight.

The man searches for the perfect mate.

His ideas of a mate may be out of date.

Women have always wanted to be desired.

Their efforts to be so can make one tired.

Some things seem to be true to both.

Like trust, faithfulness, & a devotional oath

Still, there is this game that must be played.

Like a girl being coy till the boy is enraged.

Or, the boy insisting he must ‘play the field’.

That can cause wounds that are slow to heal.

Many, many factors come into play.

These factors may change from day to day.

This all makes it hard to find that ‘soul mate.’

The highest rating a mate could ever rate.

When it happens all ‘games’ are put aside.

They are into each other with all love & pride.

They make for themselves a heaven on earth.

Every effort spent shows what it is worth.

No greater love can one show another.

Except when Christ is included as their brother.

—————————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2013)


The Falcon


The Falcon

The falcon flies

upward toward the sun.

The falcon dives

toward the rodent on the run.


His graceful wings

spread to reflect the sun.

The wind sings

as he swoops and dives for fun.


The falcon knows

as he’s soaring through the air.

Wherever he goes

he must avoid the snare.


To be free.

To fly on wings up high.

Able to see

forever in a cloudless sky.


This is all

a falcon lives to do.

Should he fall,

his earthly life is through.—————-R. W. Johnson—–(2002)

Self Mutilation

Self Mutilation

She was burning herself.

And her hair was filled with ashes.

She was burning herself.

Using a cigarette instead of matches.

What could make a person go that far?

To bring pain upon herself.

Not to mention it left a scar.

Was she punishing herself?


See the shiny blade cut into her arm.

Watch the blood flow freely.

Seems all she does is harm.

She was never greedy.

She had enough to be content.

Her life seemed to be going fine.

There was nothing to resent.

That’s what made it such a crime.

What would make one do it?


The pain of the knife cutting flesh.

Was she driven by demons to do it?

Was her desire for attention  at its best?

I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.


————————————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2013)



It’s Time

      It’s Time

Where are you? As the day draws on.

I need you but, you are gone.

I can’t face this day alone.

You being gone hurts to the bone.

If you loved me you would be here.

Don’t leave me alone to face this fear.

True love means more than kisses.

You know what a mess this is.

You need to be dependable.

A person who defends the whole.

Supports everything I do.

Especially when I do it for you.

Others may not understand.

But, I expect you to be the man.

Stand up & take the responsibility.

You need to have the will to see.

To see the result of your loving ways.

I had a part to. Each had a say.

We both need to face this truth.

We can’t ignore it & be uncouth.

There comes a time in people’s lives

when they can’t go on with telling lies.

We are in this position now.

We must face the truth somehow.

There you are now. It’s about time.

Let’s go in and pay the fine.——————–R. W. Johnson—–(2014)





Pacos Pete

      Pacos Pete

Pacos Pete was ornery old sot.

Lived in a shack & slept on a cot.

This old goat was a loner, it seems.

Most people he met was in his dreams.

Some say a hermit is what he was.

It was harsh, though he never had a love.

The desert was his home.

He liked living alone.

A small spring in the back of his place

was enough for Pete to wash his face.

It was enough for other little things.

A bath was rare, usually in the spring.

Pete didn’t like other people around.

Only once a month he went into town.

A feisty coot, even though he was old.

He would pay for his supplies in gold.

No one ever bothered old Pete.

Town folk made sure he got something to eat.

One day , some ’no gooders’  came to town.

They were out just roaming around.

Here came Pete on his way into town.

The bad boys looked at Pete with a frown.

Pete went into the general store.

Loaded up his truck & went back for more.

How can he afford that the baddies thought?

Look at how much stuff he has bought.

Pete went into the café for a bite.

Just as soon as he was out of sight

the baddies went into the general store.

They asked the clerk how the old guy scored.

“What?” said the clerk.  “Did he have cash?”

“No, he pays in gold.” said the clerk with a laugh.

The bad boys were shocked to hear this.

One of them said “Well, ain’t that a bitch.”

They planned to follow Pete when he left.

This would be their biggest theft.

Pete came out & drove away in his truck.

The bad boys followed crossing their fingers for luck.

Pete headed straight into the desert.

It was very hot that day in the desert.

Pete kept driving. He had a long way to go.

The bad boys car was starting to slow.

Pete made it home a little after dark.

Next morning he was awakened by a lark.

He went outside  & saw buzzards circling.

Pete knew that could only mean one thing.

He got in his truck to check it out.

It was  drier than usual due to the drought.

He found the bad boys car dead in the road.

The ‘owners were nowhere around,  it’s told.

Pete knew the buzzards meant they didn’t make it.

Just as well he thought. most people can’t take it.

Pete had no knowledge what almost happened to him.

But, Pete didn’t worry. It wasn’t in him.

So goes the tale of Pacos Pete.

If you pass his way bring him a treat.

Pete will be polite, but he won’t be a friend.

Pete will live alone till the very end.

—————————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2014)






A Shocking Change

      A Shocking Change

I opened the door, feeling modest,

to a beautiful woman in a red dress.

Tall, blonde, a Nordic goddess.

I couldn’t talk, I must confess.


She was there to see my sister.

I had not seen her in years.

An old friend, she called me ‘Mister’.

She didn’t recognize me either, I fear.


Finally I stammered out some words.

“Hey, I’m Amy’s brother”

She looked at me like she hadn’t heard.

Then she realized I was not some other.


“I haven’t seen you in years.” I said.

“You’ve really changed “

“I pictured you different in my head.”

She said “I still feel the same.”


“How were you expecting me to look?”

“Like that girl in pigtails with a snotty nose?”

I turned red as back & forth my head shook.

“It’s just that————Well,— you know.”


“Just that what?—-I’d like to know.”

“You’re a living walking dream”

“You’re much more lovely now.”

“You’re the best I’ve ever seen.”


‘Well,—-Thank you very much.”

“You look pretty darn good yourself.”

My sister came & they were off to lunch.

I sat down all by myself.


I never expected her to look like that.

What a radical change it was.

I remember we would fight & spat.

Now, all I can say is, I’m glad she’s not my cuz.

——————————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2014)





Another Mystery Of Life

      Another Mystery Of Life?

There’s something going on. Can’t you see.

It’s right behind most every tree.

Watch out!! It might be hallowed ground.

Yet, there’s a secret to be found.

An apple hanging from a tree

eventually leads to an equation, you see.

What goes up will come down.

Keep a watch out all around.

Gather your facts & put them is order.

Maybe it will be worth a quarter.

Open your mind & see the light.

You may behold an eerie sight.

Then again, you may find out

exactly what it is all about.

The answer is there disguised as another.

I am not talking about a brother.

Just disguised as something else.

Not really seen but, always felt.

It has no color. It has no smell.

You weren’t aware until it fell.

Does it have weight? I’m not sure.

I doubt if that would be the cure.

Without it things would really change.

Our lives would never be the same.

Just another mystery of life.

Have you got the answer or have you got strife?

——————————————————R.W. Johnson—–(2014)