The Coffee House

The Coffee House

Feeling down and all strung out?
Wondering what it’s all about?
I was in The Coffee House again.
Feeling good on my favorite ‘gin.’
Not booze, just really good coffee.
Despite the fact I often had to pee.
When down and out, coffee helped.
I would toss it down like taking a belt.
Coffee would give me energy.
I felt like moving.—– I felt free.
Like a heavy weight was lifted off me.
Despite the fact, I often had to pee.
What does coffee do for you?
Is it a ‘pick me up’ for you too?
Coffees come from everywhere.
In certain places, coffee is better there.
Find your favorite and drink it down.
Before long, you will be all over town.
The best place is in The Coffee House.
Drink your coffee and use your mouse.
Free WiFi for all coffee drinkers.
Good for the dreamers and the thinkers.
There is often entertainment too.
Someone will play music for you.
Or, maybe, there will be a poetry reading.
Welcoming you with a friendly greeting.
So, if you’re a little down and out.
The Coffee House is what it is about.
Come on down and have a cup of brew.
‘Nectar Of The Gods’ brewed just for you.

————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

“Wonder World” Goes Broke

“Wonder World” Goes Broke

Hear about “Wonder World” today?
A theme park in a special way.
Similar to the “West World” movie.
Robot oriented, and just a screwy.
There was a ‘Future Park’ to start.
Also there was a ‘Western Park.’
One similar to ‘Jurassic Park’ too.
And a ‘Today’s Park’ just for you.
More could be added later.
These were the demonstrators.
All were controlled by ‘Central.’
A computer room in the entrails.
All robots, be they android or beast,
Were programmed, the very least.
One day the system was hacked.
Hackers took over the ‘Central’ tract.
They demanded a hefty amount.
Or they would forget to count.
They would let the ‘bots’ run amuck.
‘Bots’ could rip out someone’s gut.
Arrogant owners refused to pay.
I feel sorry for all visitors that day.
Gun fighter ‘bots’ shooting it up.
Dino ‘bots’ were running amuck.
Future ‘bots’ were zapping all they saw.
‘Today’s bots’ were the worst of all.
A bloody, gory, disgusting mess.
The cleanup was worse, you can guess.
As the lawsuits continued to pour in,
the theme park folded, not seen again.
The ‘hackers’ were never caught.
They bugged out, likely as not.
Let this be a lesson to all entrepreneurs.
Have it all insured or it will go in the sewer.

——————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

A Chaperone Through Life

A Chaperone Through Life

I went to a party on the back streets of L.A.
It was the same old thing I see every day.
A party without a chaperone is what it was.
Life without a chaperone is lousy because.
You have to learn things the hard way.
You can misinterpret what people say.
Life goes on, but the road gets rougher.
You grow up.——- You get tougher.
It seems it would be easier with a guide.
Someone who will take your hand with pride.
Guide you through the potholes of life.
Allow you to live with minimum strife.
What must such a person be?
Someone who will watch out for me.
An older brother or a street wise lover?
Maybe your father or your mother?
Whoever it is must be wise in their ways.
Be forgiving when I fail & say ‘it’s o.k.”
It could possibly be the Heavenly Father.
It wouldn’t be your son or daughter.
You should be such a person to them.
Let them learn from where you’ve been.
Life is not easy as we make our way.
Never be afraid of good advice, I say.

==================R. W. Johnson—–(2016)


The Ways Of The Night

The Ways Of The Night

I am a creature of the night.
Causing fear, I must stay out of sight.
I am a dreadful looking beast.
Born this way, it will never cease.
I only come out when it is dark.
Dark clothes & a hoodie. I am smart.
I cause fear, then a rage in others.
I must remain alone. Not my druthers.
When quite young my guard got lax.
Several punks jumped my back.
They got me down & poured gas on me.
They lit me up like a torch to see.
I screamed & ran, going insane from pain.
I tried to outrun the flames.
I blindly ran into the river.
The flames went out as I shivered.
I had started to go under fast.
I thought this would be my last.
Then one like me was pulling me in.
He pulled me out & took me with him.
He had a place way under the city.
Him & his father took care of me.
It was touch & go for a long time.
Only pain was on my mind.
Little by little I began to heal.
I was strong. I wanted to live & feel.
My scars were ugly, but I already was.
My hair grew back instead of fuzz.
The man who saved me was ugly too.
He had a good idea what I’d been through.
His father was also the same.
They stayed alive by playing my game.
They hated no one. They understood.
It was our looks that made us no good.
I lived with them many years.
There were many laughs & a few tears.
Then, the one I called grandfather, died.
Father was devastated. Be strong. He tried.
Later, my father was caught by hoods.
My father knew they were up to no good.
They killed him by beating him with clubs.
I dearly miss all of his hugs.
I am alone as I walk the night.
Any flame gives me a real fright.
I make sure no one ever sees me.
I want to stay alive & remain free.

—————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

Mystery Monster

Mystery Monster

I saw the thing and I almost wrecked.
It was driving a truck. It had no neck.
It looked like evolution gone amuck.
What was it doing driving a truck?
It was a throwback from all & no age.
Its vertically slitted eyes were filled with rage.
This thing was to be avoided at all cost.
Yet, the fascination with it was wroth.
I felt like I should stop it, but how??
This thing was a least as big as a cow.
It was doing 70 on a very slick road.
Its pickup wasn’t carrying a load.
Maybe, with luck, it would spin out.
Have a wreck and bust its snout.
It has to be an experiment gone bad.
For it to be free is not very rad.
Then, ahead, there was a roadblock.
Police stopping all in every lane stop.
The ‘thing’ tried to ram its way through.
The cops were after it, just like I knew.
I followed them all where they went.
They blew out its tires, quite a stint.
The truck flipped over & it flew out.
It started running. They were all about.
They filled it full of holes & down it went.
After awhile it was up, with a limp.
They burned it with a flame thrower.
It twitched & thrashed & became slower.
Finally, it was still, burned to a crisp.
What was the meaning of all this?
I am thinking I will never know.
Traffic was waved on, moving slow.
Whatever it was, I hope it’s the last.
I almost threw up on my dash.

——————————R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

School Of Hard Knocks

School Of Hard Knocks

Two little boys were huddled together.
They were in the alley, despite the weather.
They had something on the ground.
They were fascinated by what they found.
It was a little non-descript box.
The excitement could blow off their socks.
They were trying to get it open.
They thought maybe it was broken.
They had no key & there was no slot.
Yet, they knew they had to lift the top.
They twisted, pulled, pried, & cussed.
There had to be a way to make it bust.
They had no idea what was inside.
It didn’t rattle around, though they tried.
What in the world could it be?
It was a total mystery, they could see.
They decided to take the box home.
It was about the size of an old phone.
Not too heavy, but not really light.
Put in a backpack, it was just right.
At home, they went in the garage.
A big old hammer should do the job.
They beat the hell out of it.
Nothing happened. More cussing & spit.
They tried a drill, but the bit broke.
They took a brake & drank a Coke.
Then they tried to saw it open.
All they tried eventually got broken.
Looking close, they saw a little lip.
They put a pry tool under it.
After a lot of effort, the lid popped open.
Inside the box was a little token.
Stuck to the bottom to keep it still.
Was this worth all their stubborn will?
It said: I LIKE IKE in big letters.
That really fluffed up their feathers.
They threw the box in the trash.
Later they saw their dad with cash.
He said: “I found a box worth money.”
“It had an I LIKE IKE button in it worth plenty.”
Both the kids looked abashed.
Their big treasure had turned to ash.
Let this be a lesson well learned.
If you’re too greedy, you could get burned.

————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

The Best Laid Plans Danced Away

The Best Laid Plans Danced Away

The time was approaching for the weekly dance.
I had a date.—– I finally took a chance.
Soon, we were there, out on the floor.
We had the moves. Everyone yelling for more.
Moving in & moving out. Dancing toe to toe.
While everyone around was yelling ‘Go man go!!’.
The sweat was popping out of my head.
My feet were getting tired, feeling like lead.
Finally, we had the chance to dance slowly.
She snuggled right up to me, fully.
After a couple slow ones, it got fast again.
I would show her she was more than a friend.
I started with the ‘Dirty Dancing’ grind.
She was moving well. She didn’t seem to mind.
Belly to belly. Belly to back.
Better than making love in a Cadillac.
Everyone stopped just to watch us go.
It seems we were really stealing the show.
I said “It’s hot in here. Let’s go outside.”
She said “Keep on dancing. Right by my side.”
I said “Let’s stop and get a drink.”
She said “Drink, drink, drink, oh fiddly dink.”
“I can dance with a drink in my hand.”
She didn’t want to stop. Neither did the band.
Seems I started something I can’t stop.
I felt like stopping, right on the spot.
But, this girl was ‘hot’, in more ways than one.
Later, I wanted to have another type of fun.
I thought, maybe, I could fake a fall.
A ‘sprained ankle’ would end it all.
Then, I figured she would find another.
Nope, I had to keep on dancing. Help me mother.
We danced till I thought I couldn’t dance no more.
Finally, the time came to go out the door.
It turned out she was too tired for anything but bed.
So was I when all was done and said.

——————————————-R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

He Met His Waterloo

He Met His Waterloo

I have tried to put my arms around to many.
I tried to be like my brother, Lenny.
He is a first class playboy, always on a role.
But, never settling down has taken its toll.
He doesn’t love life as much as I do
I love life because I have you.
When I met you I met my Waterloo.
There was no more looking I needed to do.
You and I have been a perfect match.
I could never have made a better catch.
Now, I spend my whole life through
just spending all my time with you.
I see rainbows and all the colors.
I see little kids with their mothers.
I see clouds all white and puffy.
I see my sister’s prom dress, all white & fluffy.
But, all the beauty I see reminds me of you.
You are the star attraction in my zoo.
You are the only attraction that is there.
There isn’t room for anyone else, & I don’t care.
If you could read my heart, it would be clear.
Every page would be about you, dear.
You are my all, my everything.
Without you, there is nothing.
All beauty, sound, feeling, and emotion.
Rolled into one that has all my devotion.
The imagination of the greatest lovers
cannot come up with anyone that covers
my every desire and whim better than you.
I just pray you feel that way about me too.

———————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

The Way Back

The Way Back

You met me when my life was down.
You asked me why I wore a frown.
I guess I didn’t make my answer clear.
You said there was nothing for me to fear.

You hung around without being asked.
You started to ask me about my past.
I didn’t want to tell you a thing.
I didn’t know what such action could bring.

Little by little you wore me down.
Little by little I lost my frown.
You really seemed to care.
I was feeling better before I was aware.

I finally asked you: “Why waste your time?”
It wasn’t like you were really mine.
You said: “I care because I like you a lot.”
I felt my stomach tighten into a knot.

“No one has ever said that to me.”
“My life is a mess, as you can see.”
“But, it doesn’t have to stay that way.”
“Set your emotions aside for a rainy day.”

“I would need help to do such a thing.”
“There is no magical song to sing.”
“No way to turn my life around.”
“No pot of gold that I have found.”

“I can help you find the way.”
“I will help you every day.”
“Until the day your on the right track.”
“I will always have your back.”

“Why would you even offer such a thing?”
“Is there an ulterior motive that you bring?”
“Not long ago, I was just like you.”
“Someone told me what to do.”

“I found my way out of that black hole.”
“Thanks to help from a loving soul.”
“So I want to do the same for you.”
“When you’re back, you’ll know what to do.”

So began my rehabilitation, of sorts.
She was true to her word, I can report.
I remember she said I would know what to do.
I know exactly what. I am not a fool.

———————————–R. W. Johnson—–(2016)

What Is The Answer?

What Is The Answer?

Are you a person who lives in the past?
Are you interested in ‘old things’ that last?
Do you imitate the lifestyle back then?
Do you wish you could relive it again?

Or are you one who knows what future means?
Do you live with tomorrow’s dreams?
Do you wish you were born a little later?
Do you think tomorrow there will be no haters?

Or do you live and thrive in the here and now?
Do you manage to live a day at a time, somehow?
Yesterday is a goodbye, tomorrow isn’t here.
All is the here and now; that you make very clear.

Whichever way you tend to be.
Will it make a difference between you and me?
Can we still be, as one, together?
Can we cling to one another, whatever the weather?

Does time and place rule over all?
Is that the announcement before the fall?
Or is it ‘whatever will be will be?’
You are still you and I am me.

——————————————R. W. Johnson—–(2016)