Unlimited Power
The kid had incredible brain power.
He became more powerful every hour.
Soon, he was creating matter.
People began to fear and scatter.
He would think of it and it would appear.
Such power caused a lot of fear.
He would disappear and reappear again.
If they doubted, he would do it again.
He slipped a couple minutes forward in time.
Move, then return to this time.
To those watching, he would disappear.
Then, in another spot, reappear.
He could fly by the power of his mind.
Transfer great distances in a flick of time.
He could read anyone’s mind.
Control them and keep them in line.
He could look in the sky, predict the rain.
Yet, through it all, he was not vain.
He could heal the sick, raise the dead.
Make the girls talk out of their heads.
People feared him, some tried to kill him.
They should have known they couldn’t win.
He became invisible in a twinkle.
He never aged nor got a wrinkle.
He could turn water into wine.
Mostly, he did only what was fine.
Nothing was beyond him to do.
Peace on earth became his rule.
He solved problems for the scientists.
His mother would give him a giant kiss.
Diseases were eliminated.
Old age was decimated.
It was like Shangri-La here.
No crime or killing. No more fear.
Then the day came when he was gone.
He said we knew enough to get along.
We could do it on our own, you see.
He had somewhere he needed to be.
No one heard of nor saw him again.
Let’s hope this is the beginning, not the end.
—————————-R.W. Johnson—–(2017)